Friendzone – Chapter One – This is The Day

Today is the fucking day.
I mean it this time. I’m done with this shit. I’m going to tell her. I’m going to tell her that I can’t be friends with her. I can’t be her shoulder to cry on. Her sounding board when she needs to vent. The body she needs to be close to when no one else is near. The person who’s there for her when she’s alone and vulnerable.
I mean it. I’m done with it.
I sigh. It’s not her fault that I fell for her. Maybe she has some fault. I don’t know. I just know I have to end this shit today.
Our first meeting was not as friends. It was me trying to hit on her at an age where hitting on a girl was pushing her to the ground and telling her she smelled. That’s guy code for we like you. Yes, I was twelve. I didn’t know any better and you know what? Neither did she and fuck it, we both still don’t know any better.
Jesus. Here I am standing in front of a mirror in my bathroom for the last twenty minutes and I haven’t introduced myself. Joe Logan. Yes, I know it sounds a lot like Joe Rogan. I get that a lot.
I don’t look like him by the way. I’m black and from London, he’s white, successful and I think from Boston. I’m not successful and my only association with Boston is that I love the film Good Will Hunting.
How do you like them apples? Maybe I should tell her that when I end whatever we have.
Fuck she has a name and I guess that you have to know her name.
Clarissa Jordan.
I stand still as I think about her name. The thought that once, not so far back I dreamed that she would take my last name. That she would see me the same way I saw her. Dreams, hopes and reality. All sting in their way.
I’ve just come out of the shower and wipe the mirror again after steam and it dawned on me. Looking at myself, I could see why she never fancied me. I look younger than my age, I’m not particularly fit and carry a partial belly, which after many months, and no years of work had seen a gradual decline. It was something to be proud of and Clarissa told me that she was often, which was good, but the words I wanted to hear never came from her lips.
Maybe it was my hair or lack of it. Thinning at the top, there’s this horrible thing in the black community if you don’t have a strong hairline, you should give up looking for someone, cause they’ll go quicker than your hairline. I hated that my hair started to thin due to being an adult. Most would say hereditary, but I think life had something to do with it. I continue to stare at myself.
‘You can do this?’ I ask myself. ‘Why the fuck was that question? You can do this Joe. You can fucking do this.’
They say, people who look at you, find you twenty per cent more attractive than you do yourself and all I can say to that, is where are those people? Can you find me, please?
‘Shit this is embarrassing.’ I say to myself. Wait you are fine with the quotes and stuff right? Fuck of course you are, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t right? Don’t answer. I already know.
Before I even realise it, I’ve left the bathroom, moisturised myself and now have the shitty task of picking clothes that is suitable for ending a relationship with someone who’s been in my life for nearly twenty-five years. That’s a lot of experience—a lot of memories. If I was Forrest Gump then Clarissa was my Jenny.
No, she wasn’t anything other than my friend. Even though I wanted more. You can’t have what you want all the time.
I picked a light grey top and simple black jeans. Nothing flash or ostentatious. I guess bland. Bland works.
Once I sprayed some deodorant and managed to put half of that shit in my mouth due to an unexpected yawn, I had some breakfast, which was a store brand Bran Flakes, strawberries and some coffee.
I slipped on some Asda George brand trainers grabbed my black leather bomber jacket, wallet, mobile phone and keys and headed to break a heart that wasn’t mine.

North West London did not look like how I remembered it. Old buildings were replaced by newer more gaudy, futuristic-looking apartments. All bright colours and equilateral edges. used buildings were around during the war, but those were long gone. I walked to Burnt Oak station and the station itself had seen better days. It looked like it had a facelift, new barriers, and signs. A nice paint job, but no one working at the ticket office.
Still, the oh-so-familiar smell of urine dominated the surrounding area. That of course would never change.
I pressed my card into the reader and the barriers opened. Soon I skipped the areas on the steps that looked pissed on and made it to platform two. The northern line that went to Tooting via Bank.
The plan was to meet Clarissa at Golders Green as she was house-sitting there and take her to a local cafe and end our friendship.
The train came along a minute after that thought. It stopped in front of me and I walked in as the doors opened.
As I sat down I guess you’re wondering why the fuck didn’t I tell her about how I felt before. I tried. I tried and got close a few times too, but usually, cowardice came in the way. I came in my way. Nerves, shitty thoughts and the clear conclusion of changing the relationship and thus ultimately ending the relationship was something then I didn’t want to end and yet here we are now in early May and I’m ready to let her go from my life.
The train startled to rattle along and in a few seconds, Burnt Oak was in the wind.

There were many ways that this was going to go down. The first way was the most probable. Clarissa would jokingly tell me to go fuck myself and pass it off as me being in my feelings and laugh about it and with swiftness change the conversation back to her. I wasn’t counting on this, but it was highly likely.
I get it. You’re thinking, Joe it’s all about the delivery of your words and how you maintain your composure. That you show her that you mean business. I would say that you don’t know Clarissa Jordan who still to this day never knows if I am serious or still joking. Yes, the only way for a long time with Clarissa was to make her laugh and that was my purpose, my role with her. To make her laugh without stripping naked.
So the other way is the total opposite and she takes it for what it is; The end and well knowing the woman, she like most would not take it well. I can’t lie, I wanted that. I didn’t want any histrionics or well as she put it “Bullshit Loud Behaviour”, but I wanted a pensive, truly emotional reaction. I wanted her to ask why and I’d tell her why. I wanted, no need to tell her that it was best to end this, leave her be. Find someone she liked, maybe just maybe have the unreal reality of finding someone that liked me more than just the funny attentive guy.
I hate to be crass here, but also not laugh at me when she sees me naked. Yeah well, I’ll tell you about that later.
A part of me was strangely excited about ending it. As North-West London passed Brent Cross went by. I felt that maybe this would be the making of me. That I could just be somebody. Maybe just maybe even be happy. I bet Clarissa would be happy. Maybe she would not need a crutch like me and work out her problems. Maybe she could be her authentic self without worrying about feelings being caught and boners being raised. I felt good for a moment. A short-term hit for long-term happiness. Then it hit me like it was always going to do. I was going to extricate Clarissa from my life. There hasn’t been anyone else other than her. She was it and it was the worst possible thing. My best mate Lando, Yes that was his actual name told me I was a fool for sliding all my chips on her.
“Losing bet bro.”
I swear I heard him say that in like five languages. Lando was married but still acted single. His mantra was this “The ring ain’t on my cock bro, my cock is like the film The Last of The Mohicans, it’s always looking for an adventure”
I wasn’t sure if the film wasn’t about that, but he compared that film to his cock so much I never bothered to watch it. I do not want to think about my best friend’s cock in any scenario, but especially in a film that I’ve been told that was good. So Lando robbed me of that.
Wait. Okay, look you’re going to have to get used to that. Let me apologise ahead of time. I’m not good at narrating, well I think I’m good, but I do go off on tangents and I always circle back to what I was trying to say. It is all worth it in the end. But I hope you understand.
Losing Clarissa did dawn on me. As good as I would hopefully feel on the other side of this, I was not there yet. I was still in her orbit and she was still in mine. We have known each other since we were twelve when liking girls was a foreign concept was washing your hands back then.
The thing I can look back fondly was that my first crush was still around. She would never be mine, but the fact after high school after college and after university, she had stuck around when she did not need to. That meant something, but it was not enough to save this.
I couldn’t be around her and feel the way I feel. The words “it wasn’t fair” would come to mind, but the actual feeling is why punish myself and why punish her? Because I loved her and she didn’t love me, I grew to hate her and she did not deserve that, but I also know that I didn’t deserve it either and I tried. I tried to let it go or shove those feelings deep down and for a while the illusion and it was an illusion did not last long. Now because I did not have someone else in my life to give my love to, I had to conjure all the worst aspects of Clarissa’s personality, just to cope and fuck it, it worked and fuck it, it was awful. What that represented was a true definition of a false person. A false friendship and I was lying to myself. Putting the bad, never truly replaced the feelings I have and even ending it today, I know deep down I’m going to hate myself and all of it was deserved.
All I hope which part from the obvious to be missed and I hope she does find someone to make her happy. That’s not my job anymore. I need to find someone who can MAKE ME HAPPY.
“The next stop is Golders Green” the automated voice announces and I take a deep breath.
This is it.

Once upon a time, there was a certain aloofness to Golders Green. There was a peace. Modernity and tradition. Then some years ago a madman created havoc here and when I stepped off the train and left the station, the area felt on edge. No one should be surprised though. This is London and London as a whole has the issue of every big city. Wherever you like it or not, trouble can come your way. The rules were not in people’s favour. Too many people, too many mavericks and mavericks had a certain attraction to danger and danger in London could lead to violence.
I did my best to stay away from that shit. Just like everyone else. I stayed away from Carnival because I saw a guy who got bottled while getting a blowjob. So you’re wondering why I was looking at a guy getting a blowjob? Easy answer because it was daytime and the couple weren’t exactly hiding it. The little alleyway where the act took place was just that little and in a mass of the large crowds, someone was going to be bothered. It turned out that the guy who did the bottling was the boyfriend of the girl who was making the one happy guy in the carnival that wasn’t listening to music. Now he had a right to be angry, but bottling was somewhat fucking excessive. I always wondered if he knew the man his girl was blowing. Cause if he and his boys beat a perfect stranger within
They beat that man to a bloody pulp. His face lost all shape and looked like a splattered failed mess of an art project whose creator just gave up halfway and thought “This I’ll do”. It was a horrible sight. A man was unconscious in a pool of blood. This seared into my memory and I hadn’t been back since.
This always proved to me, that if you can’t be safe getting a blowjob at three in the afternoon, then you’re not safe anywhere.
I crossed the busy road and went to a cafe opposite the station. The little bell rang as I entered and only two other people who were sat on opposite sides of the floor gave me a passing glance before resuming whatever they were doing on their phones. I went to the counter and stood patiently.
A woman whose back was turned says I know you’re there. Just give me one minute.’
‘Cool.’ I reply.
It looked like she was jotting something down. She turned and well she looked a little flustered, but she was okay. Fine as someone full of sweat and possibly grease could look. She had light skin, with some freckles. Her hair was tied back and covered by a mat of long black curls. She wore a white shirt and what looked like black jeans which were covered by a navy blue apron. Luckily she wore a name tag.
‘How can I help?’ Lauren asked.
‘Eh,’ I say trying to sound cool. ‘Just a coffee please.’
‘How do you like it?’
‘A fair bit of milk, do you have sweeteners instead of sugar?’
Lauren smiled and nodded ‘We do.’
‘Then like two and half of that please.’ That’s good Joe. Don’t say anything to mess this up. ‘You know what? Make it three. Live life dangerously eh?’
Lauren looked fundamentally unimpressed by that. ‘Cool. Anything else?’
I was feeling embarrassed at this point so I shook my head.
‘Okay. That will be three-fifty.’
For what? ‘For what? The coffee?’ I ask.
‘Yeah.’ Lauren says looking concerned with my tone.
‘Fuck. I remember the days when a cuppa was like a pound, a pound fifty max.’
Lauren sighs and says ‘I remember those days. By now we have the cost of living crises going on so we gotta blame Putin for the rise of coffee.’
‘You believe that?’ I ask.
‘You don’t?’ Lauren asks me back.
‘I used to. Now I just think the government used that and kept the prices high cause they know we’ll pay whatever to survive. What we were used to is over and it ain’t coming back.’ I say as I take out my card and pay on the card reader.
‘Oh, you’re one of those people.’ Lauren says. ‘Conspiracy nuts.’
I laugh. ‘I’ ’m not.’
‘Please tell me you think the world is flat ‘cause if you got time I can prove why it’s round.’
I shake my head. ‘I know the world is round.’
‘Yeah, how?’
‘The universal logo. That’s how. I mean Hollywood wouldn’t lie.’
Lauren laughs and I feel good again. ‘So you’re looking for chaos?’
‘I don’t like the government, well our present government, but chaos does all of us no good.’
‘You want things fair and free?’
‘Fair. Fair’s all we can hope for. Nothing’s free in our world.’
Lauren nods and smiles at me. She keeps her eyes on me.
Fuck. What the fuck did I say? I can’t judge this look. I don’t know if she’s confused, interested or annoyed.
‘You’re one of those people.’ Lauren says.
‘I was thinking thoughtful.’ Lauren replies.
‘Off that?’
‘I speak to a lot of people each day. No one has come up with answers like that.’
I laugh to myself and shake my head. ‘You sound like you’re interested.’ NO! I MEANT TO SAY IT TO YOU NOT TO HER. SHIT!
‘Maybe.’ Lauren smiles.
‘Or maybe you’re just bored.’ WHAT THE FUCK? That’s it I’m out of here. I’m going to come back when this part of me shuts the fuck up when he needs to shut the fuck up.
Lauren’s face is a perfect portrait of confusion. I have to salvage whatever this is before it goes to shit.
‘I should tell you my job is a stand-up comic. A particularly bad one. So yeah, career and personal going hand in hand.’
Lauren smiles again and I sigh in relief. ‘At least you’re honest. Sit down. I’ll bring your coffee.’
‘Thanks.’ I say and nod. I walk to a table to the left close to the window and sit down. I shake my head.
As you can see, this is why I am single.
‘Smooth bruv.’ The man nearest to me says.
I yearn to tell him to go fuck himself, but that brings trouble and trouble is not what I want. I take out my phone and scroll my notes. Yes, I made notes. Coming from the heart is not going to work. It’s messy and nerves come into play when you’re searching for the right words. Ending it with Clarissa had to be organised.
Here is what I have written so far.
Clarissa. I’ve been thinking about things. My life. What does it all mean and what do I want? You may not know this, maybe you do, I think you do, but for a long time what I wanted most in the world was you. I can try to articulate it, but you were the reason I got up in the morning and had hope, you were the reason for my smile. You were the reason the future wasn’t some fucked up loaded word. It was always about you. I know what I’m saying is a lot and I know what I’m going to say next is not your fault. It’s mine. I fell for you. I changed the relationship. I fucked it up. The feelings I couldn’t help and because of these feelings, I have to end this. End our friendship. I’m tired of lying to you. I’m tired of lying to myself. I tried to get over you, but there’s no getting over you. I tried to feel something towards others, but even when I got close, they just didn’t measure up to who you are and what you mean to me. I don’t blame you. I blame myself, but I can’t do this without wanting you. It’s my loss and when you do eventually meet someone who will get you, that man will be lucky. The reason I have to leave you is cause I know I will be happy for you and that you, being happy is important. I just know deep down I won’t be and I just….can’t take the pain of….
‘Shit, that’s deep.’
I look up and Lauren is over my shoulder. Looks like she was reading what I wrote as well. ‘What the fuck.’
‘Sorry! Jesus, I didn’t mean to I just saw how concentrated you were and then I couldn’t help it I started and I couldn’t.’
‘Nah that’s bullshit. What the fuck? Literally what in the fuck were you,’
She quickly sits down in front of me and impressively doesn’t spill a drop of the coffee. ‘I’m sorry ok. Please fuck I’m sorry. I’m a shitty person, but please low your voice. I’m a piece of shit. I know that. I just couldn’t help.’
‘What?’ I say with a raised voice.
‘How sad that was. What you wrote. You planning to break her heart?’ Lauren asks.
‘She won’t.’
‘You’re confident. How do you know?’
I sigh. ‘I know her. This,’ I point to the same screen she read, ‘will fuck her up for a bit, but she’ll be fine.’
‘And how do you know that?’
‘Cause I’ve known her most of my life. She’s tough. She’s a survivor.’
‘Why end it?’ Lauren asks, ‘You love her? You try telling her?’
‘Plenty of times.’
‘And what happened?’
‘I’m doing this. That’s what happened.’ I say.
‘You pussied out.’ Lauren sat back with a big grin.
‘Fuck you.’
‘You did.’ Lauren says with an even bigger smile.
‘Shit, you didn’t hear the first time. Fuck you.’
‘This your plan?’ Lauren says then pauses, ‘guilt tripping her to love you? Cause that’s a real guy thing to do you know?’
‘Who the fuck do you think you are?’ I rage. ‘You don’t fucking know me or my Fucking situation. Are you some clairvoyant? Or just dumb? I’m liable to think you are dumb. Like prodigiously stupid.’
Lauren stands up ‘I’M SORRY OK! I’M SORRY!’
I can see the guilt on her face. It doesn’t matter. I am still mad. ‘Go back to work for fucks sake and dispense your shitty interrogation to someone else who doesn’t need it alright?’
She bows her head and nods. ‘You’re right and I’m sorry to have bothered you.’ She turns and walks back to the counter.
I just shake my head. ‘Women, are they all crazy or do I just get the fucking crazy ones? Like what the fuck.’ I mutter to myself.
I’m not prepared for what I had planned to do as my phone rings. Everyone looks at me. The ringtone is the Back to the Future theme. I look around and say ‘What?’ It’s Clarissa. I take a deep breath and press the green phone on my screen. ‘Hey.’ I say with very little conviction.
‘Where are you we need to go?’ Clarissa says.
‘Go where?’ I ask back.
‘Where are you? I’m at the station.’ Clarissa asks.
‘I’m across the road at a cafe. One sec lemme finish my coffee and I’ll be with you like,’
‘Joe. I need you to come now.’
As now left her lips, I drank half my cup and was already out of the door. I look around and see Clarissa with her blue jeans, black leather handbag, and white trainers. She sees me, flashes that smile that dominated my soul for most of my life and starts to run over when a black jeep pulls in front of her. I can’t see her anymore, but what I do hear is a scream. That was a scream from Clarissa. People around that part of the road look shocked, I move around to see if I can get a better angle.
One man screams ‘Hey! Let her go!’
A tall, well-built man clad in all black, including a face covering, smashes the butt of a gun into the face of the same man. He falls to the ground, and his nose is spilling with blood.
‘CLARISSA.’ I scream from across the road, and I try to run over when I feel a hand clasp my left shoulder.
‘JOE!! HELP!!! HELP ME!!!’
‘Joe Logan?’ says a voice from that side.
The big man gets back in the jeep, and I can hear more screams as the jeep pulls into traffic and narrowly avoids traffic, it swerves in and out of oncoming vehicles.
‘HEY!!!’ I got to run again, and the hand that I didn’t acknowledge the first time gripped me harder.
‘Joe Logan?’
‘What?’ I say, and before I turn, I feel something being prodded into my back.
‘That’s a fucking gun, Joe. Make a move, make a fucking sound and I’m killing you here.’
It feels like a gun.
‘Confirm your fucking name.’ The voice says.
‘I’m Joe.’
‘Good, then come the fuck with me or Ms Jordan’s gonna get her head chopped off in front of you.’

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapter 15 – Giovanni Pinkman


Royce pulled up to the Belladonna motel and saw that Daniel and Erica were already outside their rooms. 

He parked in front of them, and they entered the car and sat in their usual seats, Erica at the passenger side and Daniel at the back.

Royce reversed out of the spot and drove out of the motel’s car park. Royce was passed a hot cup of coffee from Ralph’s, which he placed on the car’s cup holder. They talked about the previous night trip to Engrave Corporation.

‘You’re planning to get me fired.’

‘You weren’t there.’ Erica said.

‘I’m there by association. Why didn’t you get me?’ Royce asked.

‘To be honest, it looked like you were gonna get your cock wet, so I thought for once maybe you just have a good night and enjoy your time.’ Daniel said.

‘You have such a way with words.’ Erica said.

‘I’m a wordsmith with real elegance.’

‘So, you actually think that Oliver Harris is involved?’

‘He got magic around that place, something that affects me. Magic killed Mrs Lange. Maybe it was in his best interest to kill her.’

‘Why?’ Royce asked.

‘Maybe she knew something that she didn’t divulge. Something about him or this man in black. We had what ten minutes with her. We didn’t have long, and she was killed before we could get more from her.’

‘Harris is a lot of things, but a killer slash wizard. I’ve known that fucker for many years and I don’t think he has anything magic other than what is in his bank account.’

‘He maybe linked to the man in black.’ Erica said.

‘That seems more realistic, but why would he kill his best friend? Someone who he’s been close with for years.’

‘Maybe a power play, silent partner now wants to become main player?’ Erica put forward that hypothesis.

‘Taylor wanted the white house. Being involved with this, would make it profitable, but he wouldn’t be the man of the people.’ Royce said.

‘Maybe it was that’ Daniel mused, ‘that he was asked to more for Engrave and see his path to the white house and Engrave was part of that plan. Harris got mad.’

‘It’s all speculation. It’s some fascinating theories and maybe one of them will stick, but right now. We are shooting arrows in the air and not hitting anything vital.’

‘Now he has a way with words.’ Erica said.

‘I don’t appreciate you taking my wordsmith status Royce.’

‘Fuck it. I’m good.’ Royce smiled.

They pulled in and parked in his usual spot.

As they walked in everyone kept their gaze at Daniel.

Russo, the man who back met the wall with pain and nothing else did not even blink as they three walked past the main floor towards Royce’s office. Russo could not hide his rage. Sampson could not stop his stares at him and Kathy who mouthed him to stop looking or she’ll get Daniel to mess up his arm again.

Royce looked at Daniels and Roberts as they walked past. ‘You on it?’

They both nodded and Daniels, put the thumbs up. Both were on the phone.

Sampson swiftly looked away.

Erica entered after Royce and Daniel shut the door behind him.

‘I felt like a rock star just now.’ Daniel said.

‘One that has no fans.’ Erica said.

‘I’m alt rock.’

Royce checked outside as he took off his jacket and hung it at the back of his chair. Rain had started to come down. The first shower in days. The rain fell thick onto the ground.

‘Royce,’ Daniel said as he looked at Erica who nodded at him, ‘We have to ask you something.’

‘We?’ Royce said as he turned around. ‘She finally burned through your psyche, eh?’

‘Ah no, we’ve just had a question or two to ask you.’

‘Why are you nervous Bridgewater?’

‘You’re not good with the questions we normally ask.’

‘Cause they’re invasive, trite and are so way off the mark, that I struggle to wonder why they exist in your minds in the first place.’ Royce said as he placed both his hands on his desk and leaned forward in an aggressive, dominant position.

‘They are necessary questions.’ Erica said.

‘To you two.’ Royce said. ‘Go on, let’s see where this goes.’ Royce said.

‘Well, the actual reason we went to Engrave was,’

The door knocked then opened without Royce’s permission. A youthful looking, white man who had more a passing resemblance to Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen came through the door. He looked excitable. He was one of the department’s three crime scene investigators. His name was incredibly Barry as well. Barry Davidson.

‘Barry? You know you should wait for me to say come in.’ Royce said.

‘I know and I’m sorry, I’m sorry for two things. One for that and two for what I’m about to tell you.’ Barry said in a fast, no- taking a breath type flow.

‘And what is that?’

‘We found a fingerprint, a new print at the crime scene at the warehouse. Like hidden in amongst all the others, we found a new one.’

‘What?’ Royce said in shock. ‘Wait, are you saying,’

‘Yeah, it could be our guy.’ Barry said.

They all looked at each other.

‘You wanna know his name?’ Barry asked.


The four walked down the hallway that was leading out of the station.

Barry kept on talking.

‘Giovanni Pinkman, aged twenty-seven, born and bred in Preston. Worked at Engrave for several years.’

Royce stopped Barry, ‘Engrave? He worked at Engrave?’ Royce then took out his phone. ‘Yeah, I need to check on an address.’ Royce looked at Barry. ‘What was his name again?’

‘Giovanni Pinkman and yes, for like ten years.’

‘Giovanni Pinkman.’ Royce said on the phone.

‘Is he?’ Daniel asked.

‘Dead? No. He’s alive, shit I should have led with that.’

Erica asked Barry. ‘So, he’s not a victim?’

‘If he was, he made it out alive and well. A day ago, outside a convenience store. Security footage.’

‘Got an address.’ Royce said as he was now the excitable one, ‘He in the east side of town like fifteen minutes away. Let’s go.’ He looked at Barry. ‘Good work Barry.’

As they left the station, Barry beamed a big smile.

The three got into the Camaro and Royce pulled out the station at great speed.

‘You excited Royce?’ Erica said as she held on tight to the door.

‘Yeah, ain’t you?’ Royce said as the car went down the street, taking as sharp as you could possibly get left then right turns. He didn’t even put the ringer on as he passed red light and cars had to break hard as the Camaro flew through to the road.   

‘I’m looking forward to getting there alive Royce. That achievable?’ Erica said nervous for her own safety.

‘Of course, it is achievable,’ Royce said as he had another near miss and that car beeped their horn, ‘Ah fuck you, it’s a police officer here!’ he yelled with righteous rage and mixed in with undeniable excitement.

Daniel liked the drive. Crazy Royce he liked a lot. It was high on the entertainment factor for him.

They arrived at Danson Street, which was a place with high apartments that looked at least thirty years old, all brick and no flash or cladding that could be seen from the outside, flea markets, dry cleaners and all other stores.  It was a place that had a lot of alleyways.

The rain fell thicker and harsher at this part of town and the rain hit the roof of the car like it had a problem with it.

They were parked in front of the apartment that above a row of stores below. It looked older than the other apartments and had at each side of the roof a stone gargoyle that looked over ominously at their side of town.

Royce looked at Erica and Daniel. ‘You ready?’

Erica nodded and checked her weapon was loaded. She looked calm and focused.

‘I’ve been ready Royce.’ Daniel said at his most animated at this period. He may have remained a truly placid figure once Barry burst in and changed the course of the investigation, but he was excited too. If this was the man in black, he would take him down with pleasure for the various attempts to kill Daniel, but also as this case ended, he could go back to the place he really wanted to be…

Nepal and a one to one with Wallace.

Daniel out his weapon and checked if it loaded and ready.

‘Let’s go.’ Royce said as they stepped out of the car.

They walked out into the thick rain and walked quickly towards the doors. They entered the building and into the lobby, that looked unspectacular, with light grey walls and white ceiling. The floors had some carpet but were mainly white and grey marble.

To the left were post-boxes. Straight ahead was the stairs. The lifts were under repair and were taped shut with signage.

‘Looks like we are walking.’ Royce said.

‘What floor is he on?’

Daniel looked at the post boxes and saw G. Pinkman 45 ‘Fourth.’

‘I was going to say that Bridgewater. Number forty-five.’

‘I got ahead of you. Unlucky.’ Daniel walked with Erica towards the stairs.

‘I’ll tell you what’s unlucky, me meeting you. That’s unlucky.’

‘You don’t mean that Royce.’ Erica said.

‘Ok not a hundred percent, but my luck since I met you, I mean I lost my car.’ Royce said as they stared the walk up.


The three had gone past the second floor.

The stairs were made of thick wood that creaked at nearly every third or forth step as they went up. The first and second floors, sounded silent, but some arguments came through the walls, as well as some music, some sounded eastern European, others had a Latin flavour or Hip-Hop.

‘What were you going to ask me?’ Royce asked. ‘Before Barry came in?’

‘You wanna talk about this now?’ Erica said.

‘Yeah well, I may as well know, just in case it is our guy and things get a little hairy.’

‘We were going to ask you about magic and the fact that I felt the same way coming towards your house, as I did at Engrave.’

Royce stopped as did the others. ‘Like woozy and shit.’

‘Yeah, that’s why he almost broke off your door. Something in front or around your house affected him.’ Erica said.

‘And I, no we, think it is magic.’

‘You don’t think it’s something else?’ Royce asked curiously.

‘It’s been a while, but magic has been in my life for a long time. I have this habit of just sensing it in things and I felt it at your home.’

‘Shit.’ Royce said and he couldn’t look at the stares that came from Daniel and Erica. ‘You don’t think I; I could do any of that shit?’

‘I don’t think so.’ Daniel said.

‘Neither do I.’ Erica said.

‘Then, wait you’re thinking of my,’

‘How well do you know your wife?’ Daniel asked.   

‘As well as a Husband can, she’s no witch.’

‘How can you be sure Royce? How do you know?’ Erica asked.

Royce nodded. ‘I can’t be sure.’ He looked a little lost within himself.

Daniel and Erica both noticed that. Erica ushered Daniel with her head to do something, anything.

Daniel put his hand on Royce’s shoulder. ‘Look, what is it that you yanks say? Get your head in the game Royce. We gotta interview Mr. Pinkman. That shit we can leave until later. Park it and we move on alright?’

‘Yeah.’ Royce nodded to himself again, but this time there was more positivity this time in the action.

‘Let’s meet Mr Pinkman.’ Erica said as they went up and past the third floor.

There was more music and more shouting from behind the floor entrance door and all felt little bit of something as they went up that final flight of stairs.

There was a little bit of nervous tension in Royce and Erica but felt it with each step taken. Daniel had to keep a hold of himself. He would normally run up the steps, take a feel of the area and then burst through the door, but that was the normal scenario when he was alone. Now he had to keep an eye on two other people and with his gifts, he had to protect them. Plus, they had families to answer to and he was pretty sure that they would have questions for him.

They reached the fourth floor and went through the green coloured entrance door that had a brass four on just in case people got confused where they were.

There were three or four different hallways and at the end of those hallways were large windows that led out to fire escapes. The floor was carpeted in crimson red. The walls were in a weird mix of Greyish Blue.  Every six feet across the ceiling was soft lighting.

‘Should we split up?’ Erica asked.

‘No,’ Daniel said, ‘stay together.’

Royce and Erica both nodded in agreement and picked the hallway straight ahead.

They went past the first five doors, and they numbered the same, the reached the end of that hallway which split to left and a right with apartment on opposite walls and windows. This was the wing sections of the floor. 

‘This was too big for a place.’ Royce said.

They decided to take a right.

The door numbers were considerably higher. Thirty-one, thirty-two and they walked down tp the end of the hallway the third to the last door was number forty-five.

‘Here we are.’ Erica said.

Royce stepped forward and knocked on the door. No answer. Royce looked at Daniel and Erica who looked at him not a lot of emotion, but they eyes said clearly knock again and knock harder.

Well, that is how Royce interpreted it and he did just that, he knocked again, but the raps on the door had a lot more forward thrust and fist.

‘Police.’ Royce said. ‘We need to speak to Giovanni Pinkman.’

No answer.

‘Is anyone in?’ Erica said and she looked at Daniel straight away.

Daniel nodded and his irises turned grey. He investigated the apartment.

Royce looked stunned. ‘What in the fuck?

Erica shushed Royce as Daniel scanned the apartment, the radar sense waves that dominated his vision saw someone who was just standing there in the middle of the room. It was a man, but for some reason that he could not explain, his face was indecipherable to him.

‘Someone is there.’ Daniel said.

Royce did not have to wait to do what he did next. He took out his smith and Wesson out his holster and yelled ‘WE KNOW YOU ARE IN THERE! NOW IF YOU DON’T OPEN THE DOOR, I WILL HAVE TO KICK IT AND YOU WILL,’

The door opened.  A black man with a white, vest and black jeans and boots stood in front of them. He was well built with zero fat. Deep brown eyes. He had short cut sides, but his hair was grown at the top with curls. He kept the door to right into his side so the three could not see what was behind him.

‘Giovanni Pinkman?’ Royce said as surprise was the dominant emotion.


‘Why the fuck didn’t answer the door the first few times?’ Royce said.

‘First of all,’ Giovanni said, ‘I was cleaning up and I had my headphones on so I couldn’t hear and secondly,’ he looked at the gun that was slowly being put back into Royce’s holster, ‘secondly, that real excessive if you’re pulling out a gun just to, I assume to talk to someone.’

‘Gun away.’ Royce said as showed that it was indeed not out for the world to see. ‘Let’s start again. Mr Pinkman, I am detective Drysdale of the Preston PD, and this is out state agents Chandler and Bridgewater. Now if you don’t mind, we would like to come in and have a chat about your whereabouts last Friday night at the warehouse west of Preston.’

‘I’m about to head out.’ Giovanni said.

‘I thought you were cleaning?’ Daniel immediately asked.

‘I was. But I’m heading out.’

‘Is it urgent? As we do have to ask some questions,’ Erica asked.

‘I spent months waiting for this doctor’s appointment that I must pay for and I’m not going to miss it. Surely, surely, I can come to the station, later, to answer your questions.’

‘Mr Pinkman. What were you doing that night?’

‘I was there helping Mr Harris with a shipment that came in late.’

‘How do you know Mr Oliver Harris?’

‘I worked with him.’

‘Worked?’ Royce said, ‘meaning you no longer work for Engrave.’


‘And what happened when you got there?’ Daniel asked.

‘We were waiting around for a shipment and then this guy came in, walls shook, this rumbling happened and then it was carnage.’

‘Go on.’ Daniel said.

‘The People there were armed, and I was like what the fuck? Cause I wasn’t and this man covered in black, they were shooting him, but none of the bullets hit the man and then he started taking them out.’  Giovanni said and he looked off into his own memory.

‘How did you escape?’ Royce asked.

‘I ran out the back. The man fucking came out and was killing everyone and I ran. I ran for my life.’

‘How come you didn’t come to the police after it happened?’ Erica asked.

‘To be honest. I was scared. Like that was the most haunting destructive thing I had ever seen.’ Giovanni paused. ‘I didn’t know who to trust if I’d come out would he find me, know I was alive. I wasn’t thinking.’

‘What did you do at Engrave?’ Daniel asked.


‘Meaning?’ Daniel asked.

‘I helped with the planning and execution of deliveries to each of our warehouses, domestic and international. I also helped with the day to day running of offices when Oliver wasn’t available.’

‘Big role,’ Daniel asked, ‘Why are you living here?’

Giovanni looked at Daniel confused. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean it’s a big role, I’d thought you live somewhere more befitting of your role.’ Daniel looked around. ‘Here doesn’t seem like a real fit.’ 

‘I was born and bred here agent, what was your name again?’


‘Yes, that’s it. Agent Bridgewater, I love where I live, I’m near the town, close to my stores, my markets and the people here are good to each other.’

Daniel nodded.

‘Look I really have to go, are we good or do I,’

‘We are good Mr Pinkman for now, but we will have to speak to you down in the station as soon as you are free, to get this officially noted for records. I must ask; did you see what the man in black looked like?’ Royce asked.

Giovanni shook his head. ‘A hood covered his head.’

‘You know what he sounded like?’ Erica asked.

‘Yeah, I did. His voice was deep, powerful. A commanding voice. He sounded like a man with a purpose. Like he’s not going to be stopped in whatever he’s gonna do.’ Giovanni said with a mix of fear and almost pride.

‘You got that from his voice?’ Erica asked.

‘You don’t forget a voice like that. It’s the voice of death. He knew it sounded like that and for goddamn sure those men knew it too.’ Giovanni said.

‘Well, it’s good you are alive, in fact it is a goddamn miracle.’ Royce said as his right hand searched in his left hand inside pocket and took out a card and passed it to Giovanni who took it and studied it. ‘Contact me anytime, my details are there. You got a number so I can contact you for a proper interview?’

‘You know I barely know my cell phone number cause it’s my fucking cell phone number, so off the top of my head I’m clutching at straws but, I got your number so I will contact you when I’m free to arrange this. Is that okay?’

Royce smiled. ‘That’s fine Mr Pinkman. I expect something very soon.’

‘Of course. Soon as I’m free. I’ll be there. You have a good day detective and you too agents. Thank you for the card, Detective.’ Giovanni said and he shut the door.

‘Well, that is not our guy.’ Royce said as he turned to Daniel and Erica.

‘You sure?’ Daniel asked.

‘You’re not? I saw him describe our guy with the same fear of God, I expect from anyone who survived that attack.’

‘Did you think it was plausible?’ Erica asked. ‘Not going to the police?’

‘Everyone’s different. Not everyone sees us as the way forward. They see us as that the thing to avoid.’ Royce said as they walked away from the door and went back from when they came.

‘Maybe, but something just felt funny.’ Daniel said.

‘Something always feels funny with you Bridgewater.’ Royce said, ‘and don’t say it’s just the job or whatever you were going to say. Look more than anyone I wish that the guy there was our guy, but right now until we get to delve into his timeline and connect the dots, he just a guy who was there and survived a miracle and that’s what he is for now.’

As they walked, Erica saw a woman peek around the corner. The woman who saw that Erica saw her, turned and walked off. Erica walked with speed around that corner. As she got around the corner, a door down the hallway shut.

Erica remembered that door.

They were about to exit when, Erica stopped.

‘I’m going to stay.’ She spoke.

‘Why?’ Daniel asked confused.

‘I might want to poke around, ask some questions, not to Pinkman, but neighbors. I mean the man survived being killed by some god,’

‘He’s no god.’ Daniel stressed.

‘Ok, but I want to ask around.’

Royce got a text message. ‘Yeah, we’re on something, so if you want to stay because we must check on this hunch. Back at the station.’

‘Yeah, I’ll get a portal in.’

‘During the day?’ Royce said.

‘It will be hidden.’ Erica said ‘and I’ll call you if necessary. Let me do this.’ She looked directly at Daniel who nodded. ‘Thank you.’

‘Ok. We gotta go, we’ll see you later.’ 

‘Be careful.’ Daniel said with actual care behind his voice. ‘I know you can…’ He stopped himself. He just looked at Erica and nodded at her.

Swiftly, Royce and Daniel left the floor.

Erica took a deep breath and went back to the hallway. She remembered where she saw the door and went up to it. She knocked it. Once. Then twice. The door opened and a female arm and hand came out, grabbed her and pulled her in. The door shut.


Royce drove back to the police station with less aggression than before. The rain continued to come down hard.

Daniel this time sat in the passenger seat. Both were surprised this happened.

‘Can I ask you a question?’ Daniel asked.


‘Don’t tempt me.’

Royce smiled. ‘Was that the question?’

‘No, no,’ Daniel said, ‘I did have an actual question to ask you. What made you love American Football?’


‘Ain’t football from where I’m from.’

‘Oh, you’re talking about soccer?’

Daniel said, ‘Soccer here. Football everywhere else. I blame us for that. We backed down because we wanted the sport to have chance here.’

‘It has a chance here, but it the lowest of the low. Nothing beats football, not round here or any of these great United States.’  Royce said with unfettered pride.

‘So what made you love it?’

‘You know about it?’

‘I know of the sport.’

‘You got a team?’

Daniel smiled, ‘I’m partial to the Eagles.’

‘Why?’ Royce laughed with a smile.

‘Because I love Rocky.’ Daniel said with all seriousness.

‘Well, it is a Penn State team so I can be fine.’ Royce said, ‘We’re more Steelers here.’

‘I can tell.’

Royce paused as he took a right-hand turn. ‘Nothing beats being on the field. It’s a mythical place. One-hundred- yards of fate, destiny. You win, you win here you become immortal. You lose it’s the same fucking thing. Plus, the game makes you play with time, once the ball snaps and you get it hold of it, spot your read, or make a play yourself. It’s the closest I ever felt being invincible. If you love the game, hell if you love anything, that’s living.’

‘And if it’s taken away from you?’

Royce sighed. ‘Then you’re just existing.’

‘You exist for someone Royce. She’s out there, thinking of you. That is a good thing. No many get that.’

They stop at a light as the rain continued to hammer down on the hood.

‘That might be the nicest thing you ever said to me.’ Royce said.

‘Well I’m full of surprises.’

‘Lemme ask you a question Bridgewater and you actually have to fucking answer.’

‘I ain’t making any promises.’

Royce shook his head as the lights went green and he drove on. ‘You said this girl, woman, the one you said you loved, hates you, you even attempt to try and make it work, like say you’re sorry or do some grand gesture?’

‘She’s not the type.’ Daniel said.

‘Trust me brother. They are all the type.’

Daniel laughed. ‘Then you don’t know Larissa.’

‘Oh, she’s a true original?’

‘Yeah.’ Daniel said and his smile faded.

‘Larissa, eh? Nice name. What does she do?’

‘Same agency.’ Daniel said.

‘Oh, shit that must make it awkward then?’

Daniel shook his head. ‘No, she’s based in Asia, Japan. Tokyo. Part of the Pacific Division.’

‘Pacific Division? I thought you guys went everywhere?’

‘No, we look after The Americas, Europe, Western side of Africa.’ Daniel paused. ‘Agents can’t be everywhere at once and the world is split into divisions. Plus, I’m not allowed anywhere in the Pacific Ocean.’

‘Why?’ Royce asked.

‘They call it the Pacific Incident. I fucked up when I was younger and well, I’m not allowed there.’

‘Even on holiday?’

‘Even then.’ Daniel said as he looked away.

Royce noticed this and decided not to pursue. ‘So, she’s doing well in Tokyo?’

‘As far as I know, yeah she is.’

‘When was the last time you spoke to her?’ 

Daniel sighed. ‘Long time ago, before she left for Tokyo. So, like close to a decade, I guess.’

‘She married or with anyone?’

Daniel shrugged. ‘She’ll only be married to her work. That I know.’

‘No chance of a reconciliation?’ Royce asked.



‘Because we have a past Royce. Larissa and I have…we have too much fucking history. We know each other too well. That’s not a good thing. She knows how to piss me off like no other and I know how to do the same thing to her. She’s weakness to me and I am to her. Us being apart was the best decision we ever made together.’

‘And you say you love her?’


‘But can’t be near her?’

Daniel sighed. ‘What are you getting at Royce?’

‘What I’m getting at is you can’t love someone, something that you can’t be near.’

‘What? Are you protective of the word love and what is means to you?’

Royce laughed. ‘Maybe I’m old fashioned. But love for me is being around something, someone as much as you can, even with distance, it makes you miss them. That you can’t function without them, not truly or operate at you optimum.’

‘We were born alone Royce.’

‘Yeah, but I ain’t dying alone Bridgewater. I got that love.’ Royce said.

‘Not many get as lucky as you got Royce. I mean you live in the country with one of the highest divorce rates.’

‘Yeah, cause people see, most people see love as this conditional, all about the wedding and everything else is you’re just following the contract you signed.’ Royce said as he took a left. ‘It’s unconditional. You sign not your wealth, but your health, your heart and your soul. You make sure she feels the same and you’re good to go. In fact, it’s the only way to go.’

‘Well, you’re better than me Royce.’ Daniel said.

‘You think about her? Now I’m not asking about every day, maybe you do, but do you ever think about her?’


‘And what do you see or where does your mind go when you do?’ Royce asked.

Daniel thought about this. ‘I think about the last time we saw each other. Outside her parents’ house in one evening in August. How she told me she was going to leave and not come back. I told her I was happy for her, and she was doing the right thing for herself. I told her that staying with me would kill her spirit, kill her soul. The very best thing about her. So, I was glad she thought about herself and left me.’ 

‘You know that’s not what she wanted to hear right?’

‘Yeah, I know, but it was what she needed to hear.’

Royce smiled. ‘Maybe you do love her.’ He paused. ‘If you could go back, the way you’re feeling now, would you let it play out the same or would you do it differently?’

‘It would be the same.’

‘How do you know Bridgewater?’

‘Cause in the end Royce, I’d bring her down to my level and I didn’t want that for her. I never wanted that for her. I’d rather die than take away what was so good about her and if she stuck around me long enough, she would be. I’d rather her hate me then or now, then spend her life really hating me and then regret her life.’

‘You thought about changing. Being new for her.’

‘I wasn’t going to change for her.’ Daniel said.


‘Because Larissa is not my focus, Larissa herself won’t make me happy. Where I’m going and what I’m doing is my focus.’

‘And where are you going Bridgewater?’

‘Hopefully to see the ones I love again. Hopefully I see them in Valhalla.’

Royce looked at Daniel. ‘So, your life’s purpose is to die?’ 

Daniel stayed silent for a moment. ‘Not till I get vengeance. Then I’ll be happy to go.’

‘Vengeance against who?’

‘A man who I want answers, then once I get those answers and I’m satisfied with them. I’ll be happy to go.’

Royce pulls over to the side and stops the car. ‘I don’t believe that. I believe what you say, but to be honest I don’t see you dying any time soon and whatever you’re chasing, won’t give you the peace you’re looking for either.’

‘I’m not looking for peace Royce.’

‘Yeah, but you’re not looking for this either.’

‘You know me now?’

‘No. In fact, I don’t really know a goddamn thing about you.’ Royce said, ‘but despite everything I’ve seen you do, I do see a human being and I do not believe human beings, could have that to live by.’

‘You know of suicide bombers Royce?’

‘Yeah, but those motherfuckers had something to live for before they turned into the evil fuckers they became, and I look at you Bridgewater and I just don’t see some guy who main purpose in life is to just die.’

‘Yeah, ok, who do you see?’

‘I see someone who got fucked over, fucked over real fucking bad and this pain you’re carrying has eat at you and this sadness that is over you, is all on you and dominates you, but you were something before this. I see by the way you talk to people, how you joke with people, Bridgewater, why you probably do this job. You love people. You love em so much you put your life on the life for them.’ Royce said.

‘You’re talking about yourself there, bro.’

‘No, I’m talking about you.’

‘I do this job cause if I don’t find the man I’m looking for, at least with the danger this job has, I’m highly likely to die and I’ll see the ones I love again.’

Royce shook his head. ‘You believe that, and I know you do, but you are not Mr lonely, Mr distant. I do not believe that is you. This hurt you got, I know it isn’t easy to let it go, maybe you can’t, maybe you can’t let it go, but fuck it man we all got scars that people can’t see, but you cannot let this shit dominate your life.’

‘There’s some things you can’t get over Royce, There’s no peace. There’s no Elysium. Not for me. Not in this world.  I know, I know you are trying to say something to me, something that matters, something vital, but that only applies to you, but the only peace I made was long ago, when I committed to this path. Nothing’s going to shake me off it.’ Daniel said. ‘I know you care about…I’m fine with where I’m going Royce. I’ve been fine about it, and I don’t need you or anyone else to be fine about it neither. My path is the only true path and when it happens, whenever it happens, I’m going to embrace it, because I’m going to see the ones I love again, and I’ll have them for fucking eternity. No one can take them away for me again.’ Daniel paused. ‘I think there is something immeasurably beautiful about that.’

Royce gave a deep sigh. He looked immensely emotional about this whole conversation ‘Bridgewater. I wish you could see that this life, the one you are living right now is one that is worth living. Just,’ Royce paused, ‘don’t waste it, this life now for something that you will get later.’

Daniel looked like he took some of that onboard.

The police radio came on. ‘Royce? Royce?’

Royce picked up the receiver. ‘Yeah, I’m here, over.’

‘Yeah, we got a call from your wife, she said she couldn’t get your cell. You need to get over to your place as it is an emergency over.’

‘I’m on my way. Over.’ Royce put down the receiver and started the car. ‘Goddamn phone network, goddamn area!’

Royce’s car pulled out and almost hit a car that was going along the lane. Royce put the ringer on his roof and the sirens rang out as he sped across the lanes in the rain.


‘Maybe, just maybe you don’t think to grab someone and pull them into your apartment.’ Erica said as the woman who pulled her in passed her a can of diet coke.

‘Sorry.’ The woman who was mixed race, with long black, curly hair in an afro and had some freckles on her cheeks. She wore a loose white vest with a black bra underneath and light brown jeans that went down just above her ankles, white socks and brown trainers.

‘Thank you. So, it is Lia, right?’

‘Yeah Lia Braithwaite.’ Lia said as she sat down.

‘Why did you grab me?’ Erica asked.

‘Well, there’s a lot of crazy shit that’s going on here.’

Erica looked at Lia’s apartment. The living area had loads of old French film posters in frames dotted around the walls. The place was spacious, replete with coffee tables, three settees, candles, bookshelves with books that included David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest. Unfinished coffee mugs on said tables and a few flowers in pots that was also spread around the apartment.  

‘What crazy shit are we talking about?’ Erica asked.

‘Stuff that’s been happening around town. All these deaths, this god guy walking around town.’

‘They think he is a god?’

‘He moves around like one. Heard them men who died at the warehouse, unloaded full clips at him and they didn’t even touch him. He sent some of them back to those men too, with interest.’ Lia said.

‘Who told you that? Local people.’

‘No, I was told that by one person who made that out night alive. The person whose door you knocked.’

‘Giovanni Pinkman.’ 

Lia nodded.

‘When did he tell you that?’

‘On that night, I was coming back from a shift, and I saw him run and up them stairs. He was pale as a ghost and looked like he’d seen one, he looked shook enough that he didn’t even notice that he ran past me.’ Lia said.

‘So, you chased after him?’

‘I had some shopping on me and I weren’t gonna catch Gio when he was moving that fast, so I went up quickly, put all the stuff I had down here and went up to him.’

‘He answered the door?’

‘Eventually. That in itself took like nearly ten minutes before he did, and he only did because I started screaming and banging at the door as I was getting really worried, he might do something to himself and said I would call the police if he didn’t open.’

‘Why would you be worried?’ Erica asked.

‘Gio’s been going through a lot lately. He was going through a costly divorce, and he was going to lose most his shit, so he moved down here. Her lived with them rich folk up at Englewood. Sad thing as his wife, well ex-wife was the one that cheated and then filed for divorce, but they were both you know playing away.’

Erica smiled. ‘How would you know he was playing away?’

Lia smiled. ‘I was the one he was playing with. That’s why he is here. Because he needed a place, and I told him the place down the hall was free. I mean he could have lived here, and I would be okay with that, but for the divorce he thought it would look better if he stayed in his own place alone.’

Erica did think that Giovanni did not think that one through. That it would not look the best if he was living a few minutes from the woman he cheated on his wife with. The only balance that would be seen is if she moved the man she cheated with in, but that would be all kinds of messy. ‘So, he opened the door?’

‘And he pulled me in like I did you and Gio was frantic. Like just, out there, speaking in fucking riddles, speaking quickly and none of it was making sense you know? Like it was all scatter logical or something. He was scared for his life. Said the first he called was not the police, but Oliver Harris.’

‘Oliver Harris?’

Lia nodded. ‘Yeah, said if anything had gone down, that was to call him.’

‘Did he say why he was given that instruction?’

‘Yeah, I asked him and Gio said, if any of the subjects came then, call him.’


Lia shrugged. ‘That’s all I know. When I questioned him, that’s all he told me.’

‘What else did he say?’

‘He told me that he was going to lay low, that he was advised not to leave town, but keep his phone close by.’

Erica sat back. Oliver knew there was more than twelve there. ‘Did he say why Taylor Lambert was there?’

‘He said that Lambert was there for his own protection. That some of them knew he was there for it, that they knew he was being hunted.’

‘By this guy?’

Lia nodded.

‘Did Gio know why?’

‘I think he did, but he didn’t tell me.’ Lia said. ‘Said that some crazy things were going down, low down in Engrave.’

‘What did he mean by that?’

‘Fuck knows, I just know that one time as I was coming over for our rendezvous, Oliver Harris was there and he handed Gio something, something that I never saw and that Gio didn’t want me to see.’ Lia said, ‘That Harris scurried off and Gio was funny throughout most that night.’

‘You know Gio well?’

‘In a physically intimate sense, yeah, but I think I was starting to figure him out, like who he is as a person. Kinda geeky, slim, but sweet. Packing. He was packing and you wouldn’t think he was packing like that.’ Lia said excitedly.

Once Erica got over that visual in her mind, something that was just said stuck out at her. ‘Slim, you said slim right? That Gio was slim.’

‘Slim like Chris Rock yes.’

‘Not built like an Olympian.’

‘No. Slim Jim. Though he did tell me that he was going to buy some weights and work on himself.’

Erica kept on thinking to herself. That must mean something.

‘How was he, you saw him just now? Was he ok?’

‘Yeah, he was ok in a rush. Do you have a picture of him that I can see?’ Erica asked.

‘Yeah of course.’ Lia reached for her cell phone and started to flick through some of the photos. ‘Here he is.’ She passed the phone to Erica who looked at the photo.

Her eyebrows raised up.


Royce opened his front door, frantic. ‘Honey?’

No answer.

He looked at Daniel and said, ‘I’ll check upstairs, you check down here.’

Daniel nodded and carried on downstairs; he took out his handgun as he carried on.

Royce walked up his stairs and took out his weapon. He looked up and made sure that every angle was aimed by his gun. ‘Honey, you here?’

Again, no reply.

He reached the top of the stairs, gun aimed, he crept around the corner, and slowly opened the nearest door to him. It was one of the spare rooms. He charged in with his gun aimed, but the room was clear.

‘Shit.’ Royce said to himself and walked out into the hallway. Went to the two rooms behind him, one of two bathrooms on this floor and Royce’s man den. No one.

Royce figured he should just go to him and Alyssa’s bedroom. Why save the suspense, even if his heart were beating too fast, he needed to do it. The steps towards the room on his carpet were more considered and quiet. Royce’s aim arm and hand started to shake out of sheer nervousness, and he couldn’t power through it like he always did.

He was not the quarterback on the five-yard line with ten seconds left in the game. He did not have control of what was going to happen.

He took deep considered breaths as he reached the door.


Royce span and aimed his gun, at Daniel who stood just behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Downstairs is clear.’ Daniel said.

‘You that fucking fast?’ Royce whispered with urgency.

Daniel just nodded. ‘Go on, open the door.’

Royce gave a look that indicated that he did not want to. Daniel recognised that look and went to open the door himself when Royce stopped him. ‘My house, my door, my wife.’

Daniel nodded and stepped back.

Royce gulped and nodded to himself. He turned to the door and his hand slowly moved to the door handle. He caressed the handle for a moment, the possibly last good moment of his life and then opened the door, came in gun first and Alyssa sat on their bed with a bathrobe with headphones on.

She sprung up and scurried and flew off her bed. ‘Royce what the fuck?’ She took off and flung her headphones at Royce who caught him them with ease almost plucking them out of the air like a wide receiver.

Daniel noticed the excellent hand to eye co-ordination.

‘Fuck, honey. What the fuck did I say about wearing your fucking headphones in the house when your alone?’

‘No to wear them.’ Alyssa said with point blankness that Daniel wished he did with Royce ten minutes earlier.

‘Yet, you fucking are and I get a call from the station saying you had an emergency?’ Royce said as he holstered his gun.

Daniel did likewise.

‘I did, but I couldn’t get through your phone.’ Alyssa said as she climbed back on her bed.

‘What’s the emergency hun?’ Royce asked as he sat on the bed in front of her.

Daniel moved to the side, stood between the couple.

‘This.’ Alyssa pressed the play button on the answering machine on Royce’s said of the bed.

“Message one, sent today at ten-fifteen.”

‘Alyssa Drysdale.’ Came the cold chilling voice that Daniel recognised immediately. ‘I know what you’ve done. The most important thing is you know what you done. Come clean or the truth will set your blood in your body free. Come clean to your husband. Don’t let him find out in the bloody way, that others across town have done.’

‘That’s our guy?’ Royce asked Daniel.

‘Yeah.’ Daniel said.

Royce turned to his wife. ‘Why did he call you? What do you know about him?’

‘Royce, I can’t.’ Alyssa could not muster anymore words.

‘You can’t what? What aren’t you telling me?’ Royce said. ‘Alyssa this whole marriage thing is pretty contingent on you and I not having secrets.’

‘So, what are you not telling me?’ Royce said as he stood up. His position was not one of support, but one of unfiltered rage and underlying disappointment.

Alyssa looked away.

‘No, you need to look at me.’ Royce with a detachment that was impactful across the three people in the room.

Alyssa did look at him and wiped a tear.

‘What the fuck aren’t you telling me? Why is that fucker calling you and threatening you?’  Royce said.

‘Royce there’s things going on round here.’ Alyssa said, ‘Things that I don’t even understand, but played a part of when I wanted no part of it.’

‘Is there Magic in our home? In our fucking home, Alyssa, is there Magic?’

Alyssa nodded.

‘What the fuck? You some witch?’ Royce asked.

‘It was not me. That was Oliver Harris, it is a spell of protection in our home, on my car, even at my place of work.’ Alyssa said.

‘Protection from who?’ Daniel asked. He thought it was the best time for him to jump in.

‘From people like this man.’ Alyssa said.

Royce looked at his wife and moved closer. ‘Alyssa, do you know who he is? Do you know his name?’

Alyssa goes to answer but stopped herself. That was all that Royce needed.

‘WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK, ALYSSA? WHAT THE,’ He calmed himself down.

‘Oliver said he would handle it.’ Alyssa said.

‘How?’ Daniel said.

‘He never told me the how. He just told me he would.’ Alyssa said.

‘You knew this whole fucking time; you know his name? The man we’ve been hunting, you knew, and you didn’t say a thing? Why?’

‘Because there’s things at play, that are bigger than us, bigger than even you, Agent Bridgewater.’

‘Mrs Drysdale. You need to tell us his name. Now.’ Daniel said.

A buzz came from Royce’s walkie talkie that was clipped to Royce’s belt. ‘Royce?’

‘Alyssa, you heard the man. You need to tell us this fucker’s name now!’

Another buzz ‘Royce.’

‘For fuck’s sake.’ He picked up the walkie talkie. ‘Yes, Royce here, over.’

‘You need to get to Brandbourne park, east side of town immediately over.’

‘Why? Over.’

‘Fresh body looks like he’s struck again. Over.’

‘Shit.’ Royce said to himself. ‘We’re on our way over.’ He clipped the walkie talkie back to his belt.

‘How far?’ Daniel asked.

‘Not far.’ Royce said. ‘Driveable, like ten minutes the way I drive.’ He looked at his wife. ‘You’re protected here?’

‘We’re protected here.’ Alyssa said.

‘The whole we’re thing is up for fucking debate.’ Royce said, ‘Don’t you fucking leave this house Alyssa, not while we got some major talking to do. You understand?’

‘I don’t intend to leave. I know what I’ve done. Now he’s coming for me.’ Alyssa said tearful. ‘Maybe it what I deserve.’

‘Maybe,’ Royce said, ‘but no one and I mean no one, is going to harm you, while I’m still breathing. I signed up to that shit when I married you. That has meaning for,’ Royce stopped himself. He looked at Daniel. ‘Let’s go.’

Daniel nodded and started to leave the room when Alyssa stood up.

‘Don’t hate me, Royce. Please.’ Alyssa pleaded.

‘I’ve hated you. But now, I’m just…disappointed in you.’ Royce said as he walked out.

Alyssa then sat down as Daniel left after Royce. She cried long salty tears.


A canopy protected the body as rain continued to hit the earth with reckless abandonment. The police line was around the body, fifty yards from every side. People had gathered around all either under umbrellas or under hoods and hats.

Brandbourne park was a large green expanse, with basketball courts to the side off to the right. Nearby was the children’s play area an assortment of swings and mini assault course designed to tire out every child who went on them. The goal worked, but also tired out the parents, who often had to deal with precociously energetic children who just wanted to go again and again.

The rest of the park was long paths through woodland and grassy plains for picnics or well anything.

Daniel and Royce came through the crowd and the nearest police officer, lifted the line to let them in. They walked up to canopy as the body was covered.

An officer named Brody who wore a police hat under his hood, came up and stood next to them.

‘How long has the vic been here?’ Royce asked Brody.

‘A few hours, a female runner found him.’ Brody said.

‘It’s a man?’

Brody nodded.

‘Been here long?’ Daniel asked. ‘The body?’

‘Not too long, but I don’t think he was killed here.’

‘You think he was dumped here?’ Royce asked.

‘I do detective. There is no signs of any struggle, virtually no footmarks of aggressive or staggered. The vic was placed here.’

‘How did he die?’ Daniel asked.

‘Broken neck.’ Brody said. ‘The thing is there is not one sign of injury from a physical altercation. No prints either.’

‘We got a name?’ Royce asked.

‘Even better.’ Brody said as he pulled out an evidence bag from his pocket. ‘We have ID.’ He passed it over to Royce who looked at it and his eyebrows rose.

‘Bridgewater.’ Royce passed over the evidence bag to Daniel. ‘Look.’

Daniel did and he did look. ‘Shit.’

The victim was named Giovanni Pinkman.

Daniel said cold with fear, ‘Erica.’

‘We need to get to her now.’

‘That means portal.’

‘Yeah, I’m fine with that.’

‘I know you will be, but your body won’t be.’ Daniel said with caution.

‘I’m willing to take the risk. Come on Bridgewater.’


Erica watched Lia Braithwaite pack anything she had into a duffle bag.

‘Agent Chandler, are you sure about this?’ Lia asked startled in frenzy at what she was just told.

‘Yes, you need to leave town. Don’t tell anyone where you are going. Even me.’ Erica said.


‘Because you know too much Lia!’ Erica screamed. She immediately calmed and passed on a card. ‘Look contact my office on this. Just to let us know you’re safe, but no one else.’

‘And you’ll get this?’ Lia asked.

Erica smiled. ‘I will.’ The smile didn’t last long. ‘Pack.’

Erica watched Lia pack, then watched Lia take one last look at her apartment. She escorted her down the hallway and to the exit door. ‘Whatever you hear or see you don’t stop. You keep on moving Lia. You understand me? You keep on moving.’

‘Okay,’ Lia said, ‘and you don’t die. You understand?’

‘I don’t plan to. Go and when you’re safe. Call that number.’

Lia nodded and took one last look at Erica. ‘What’s your first name?’


Lia smiled and then nodded. She left through the door.

There was no goodbye. That was how it should be Erica thought.

Erica took out her gun and walked towards the front of door of Giovanni Pinkman. Slow steps, every step her arms rose slowly. The door grew ever closer, and it faced her. She took a deep breath. She knocked on the door. No answer. She rapped on the door and yelled ‘This Agent Erica Chandler of ADSC, I know you are not Giovanni Pinkman, I need you to come out with your hands up, NOW!’


Erica stepped back a few paces and went to kick the door, but the door flew open and smashed into Erica causing her to fly into the door behind her and it broke through into the apartment. She smashed through two walls before she landed hard into a kitchen table. The doors broke the window behind.

Erica woozy as blood poured down her forehead, saw the man in black through the erica shaped holes of the apartment. He was stood in the hallway and tucked something in his pocket. ‘Freeze.’ She screamed and gargled blood in her mouth. She spat out some blood and reached for her gun that was to her right. She got up as quickly as she could as she felt her side, that screamed of pain. She was sure the adrenaline that was pumping through her veins would get her through.

She ran through the various rooms she collided through as the family that was there screamed.

‘Stay down!’ She screamed at the family as she ran and she got out to the hallway, but as soon as both feet hit the hallway carpet, she was lifted off and by the man in black who was several yards away.

Erica was flung into another wall into a room and her back smashed into a thick brick wall and she landed hard onto a table.

The man in black started to run.

‘FREEZE!!!’ Daniel screamed as he careered around the corner.

The man in black lifted Daniel up and he slammed into the ceilings of the fourth, fifth and sixth floor. He almost hit the seventh floor but bounced off the ceiling this time.

He got up immediately and screamed ‘SHIT’ He pressed her earlobe. ‘Royce. He’s coming down to you.’

Daniel’s irises went grey, and he looked down and saw that the man was sprinting down the stairs, he followed. Then he rant high into a spot and leapt high into the air blasting through the ceiling, but then he dropped down going through the ceilings Sixth, Fifth, Fourth, Third, second.

He landed and punched through the wall and grabbed the man in black entered that level. Daniel flung him through the wall and into the hallway. The man in black rolled to his feet and sprung up.

‘Got you motherfucker.’ Daniel said as he ran towards him and threw fast, but heavy-handed punches at the man in black, but as the man in black swerved and blocked, none of the punches got through as they were being blocked but what Daniel felt was some invisible shield.

The man in black moved out of the way with great speed as Daniel punched into a ripped off a part of that wall and that gave the man in black all the time he needed as he lifted Daniel again off the ground and flung him through the hallway, into the big window. Daniel smashed through the glass and was out into the world, airborne before he slammed into the walls of nearest building just next to the street and he hit a few walls before landing hard on near the window at the end of that hallway.

‘Fucker.’ He said as got up and his irises remained grey as he tracked the man. He also tracked someone else running down the stairwell. ‘Erica.’ He said to himself. He ran felt pelt through the holes, he just made and leapt through the air over the street, through the broken the window, but the momentum kept him going past where he wanted to land and flew into another wall, then another and smashed through a window, glass was everywhere, but he held on to the frame and hung off the ground.

‘Bridgewater.’ A bloodied Erica screamed as she stopped her run.

Daniel pulled himself up ‘I’m good, go! Go!’

Erica nodded and gave chase, and she gained on the man in black. She got to the ground floor as there was screams and then she heard Royce scream ‘GET DOWN NOW!!! NOW!!’

She also heard the man’s response.


Gunfire came and rattled across the room. Erica did not need to think, and she ran into the lobby. Royce near enough emptied a full clip at the man in black, hood remained covered as people who were there ducked and his as the bullets, either bounced off something that was protecting man or the deflected and hit walls or anything that was nearby.

Erica fired at the man in black and one bullet grazed his shoulder, he turned and deflected the rest of her clip and lifted her up off the ground and slammed Erica hard not once, not twice, but three times into the wall. Each time the thrust more violent than the last. She dropped hard to the ground and groined.

Royce ran up and slammed a punch into the man in black stomach, that connected, the man doubled back, Royce threw another punch, clear and clean left hook, that connected on the jaw of the man, then he threw a right hook that equally caught a good connection.


‘Yes.’ The man in black said, ‘I can.’

Royce threw another punch, but his hand was caught and held mid movement and he could not move himself.  Royce was grimacing as he was literally frozen as it looked like the man in black debated internally as to what to do with him.

‘MOTHERFUCKER!!!’ came the familiar bellow from Daniel who ran in, a man who was filled with so much rage that he could not conceive at that moment the opportunity that could have had of a sneak attack on the man in Black.

He looked at Royce and flung him through the glass doors. Royce slammed into the hood of a nearby parked car, he rolled off the roof and into the road where a car broke just before it could hit him, but skidded in the rain and hit Royce, not at full speed, but enough to knock him sideways.

This caused the car behind the one that hit Royce to smash into the back which subsequently caused a multiple car pile-up. Carnage on the main street.

Daniel ran up on the man in black and who lifted him off his feet and flung up to the through ceiling on the first floor. He landed hard on the floor. ‘Ah you fucker. I’m gonna really.’ He then looked outside and saw the man in black come out and into the street. He also saw Erica get up and sprint after him from the lobby.

The mam in Black saw Royce and slowly got up and grabbed his gun.  He started to run into oncoming traffic, moving cars with the quick swipe of his hands, causing them to hit into the parked cars, the sidewalks, and into other cars coming from the other direction.

Daniel saw this and ran through the hallway, leapt into the big window, across the street and into another building as he slammed through the wall. He kept his run up and sprinted through a stockroom and leapt through another window across the air and street, but landed onto a roof, he looked to his right and saw the man as he ran and moved cars out of his way, or they swerved out of his way in the rain. People screamed and ran into stores, alleyways, and any place they can get safe.

A car swerved and smashed into a bus stop as people dived out of the way. Royce and Erica kept chase, Royce did well just to keep up with Erica, who moved with such speed and agility it looked like that the cars were just hurdles in the way as she leapt above or rolled over the bonnets of those cars, and she carried on her momentum.

Daniel ran across that roof leapt off it to the next roof.

Erica climbed up and ran across the roofs of the cars that had crashed into one another and had started to gain another ground to get a clear shot at the man in black who span and flipped up an entire truck in the air flung it towards Erica who dived to the ground as the truck smashed into the car that she was on.

She got up and was immediately faced with an oncoming car that was flung toward her and then she saw the full body frame of Daniel Bridgewater come from her left and slam into the car that had flew towards her, his momentum smashed the car and him into a nearby store. The car went partly inside the store, Daniel rolled off and groaned.

He looked at Erica and weakly ‘Go.’

Erica did not need to be told twice she leapt up onto the roofs of cars again as main around her were being lifted high into the air and flung in different directions. Erica saw that one family was still one of the cars, a family station wagon. Her eyes rose and she fired at the men in black while she ran to the family.

Cars were being lifted in the air around the car and Erica found a clear line of cars she could leap onto the roof and get to in half the time, so she did and landed on the roof of the station wagon, but it was too late as once she landed, Erica, the family and the station wagon were in the air and headed towards the brick wall of a building.

Erica closed her eyes closed eyes and gripped the roof of the car with all the strength she could muster. Everything occurred in slow motion, and she heard her heartbeat which pumped hard and fast, it was the only fast thing as the wagon was about to fly into the wall.

Daniel got up and Royce got up to him as they saw Erica and the wagon in the air as it hurtled towards the building and then suddenly, it disappeared into thin air. The building was not hit. The station wagon and Erica was nowhere to be seen.

‘What the fuck?’ Royce said. ‘What the fuck happened there?’

Daniel had no time to react as the man in black himself looked at what just happened and stood there. That gave Daniel some time to run through towards him.  

The man in black raised two cars and flung both at Daniel who blocked car with his arms but the other smashed into the car he blocked, and he was flung back and slammed into a parked bus. He went into the bus and burst out of the back window and landed hard onto the ground. He got up immediately, a little gingerly, picked up a nearby car and flung in the air at the man in black, who stopped it levitated in and was about to fling it back at Daniel, but did not see the second car that Daniel kicked towards him, and it hit the man in black who was thrown into the air.

Everything moved in slow motion for him as he span, straightened himself and flexed his back. He stood straight and realised, he felt no ground beneath his feet and that he looked down at Daniel and Royce. He floated in the air.

They both stopped.

‘Fuck!’ Royce said, ‘He can fucking fly now?’

‘Seems so.’ Daniel said as he ran towards the man in black.

Royce snapped out and fired at the man in black again.

The bullets flew towards the man in black, but they slowed down and they stopped in front of him.

Daniel stopped his run. They could feel his smile from here.

The man in black said. ‘They made me into a god.’ He flung the bullets towards Royce and Daniel ran towards Royce and leapt in the way of each bullet.

Daniel dropped in front of Royce who looked at him and then looked at the man in black who looked at him. Daniel rolled over and looked up and the rain hit his face. He looked at the man in black as well.

The man in black shook his head and then moved to his left. Then to his right. He then slowly went up high in the air and disappeared into the thick clouds.

‘I don’t, I,’ Royce said as it looked like he could finally breathe as his body finally screamed in pain. He dropped to his knees, unable to stand as the adrenaline that coursed through his system finally subsided. ‘You, ok?’

‘I’ll live.’ Daniel said and grimaced. ‘I’ll be sore, but I’ll live.’

They looked around the sheer carnage and damage left in the wake of that chase. Buildings smashed, cars smashed, overturned or on their sides. People on the ground or coming out of buildings.

‘Thank you.’ Royce said. ‘Thank you for saving my life.’

‘No problem, but we got you boss to think about now.’ Daniel said.

‘Fuck him. I’m thanking you. That’s the most important thing right now.’ Royce said as he exhaled a great big breath.

Daniel then realised. ‘Erica. Where the fuck is Erica?’

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapter 14 – We’re Going to Get Hurt in This Game


Russo and Sampson could not have timed their entrance any better. Everyone on the main Police station floor looked at the shut door of Royce’s office.

Sampson leaned in close to Kathy, a woman in her forties, tough as nails, who looked similar to Dolly Parton at the same age. He slyly looked at her chest before he asked. ‘What’s happening here?’

‘Hey,’ Kathy said, ‘Look up at my face when you ask.’

‘You can’t have them in front of me and for me not to look.’ Sampson said with a grin.

‘You are two fucking seconds away from a disciplinary. You want me to press that button married man?’ Kathy said and kept her eyes on the floundered face of Sampson.

‘No sorry.’

‘Ask again and look up.’

‘Shut the fuck up Kathy and answer the question. What’s happening?’ Russo said, fed up with what he just heard between the pair.

Kathy did not have the energy for Russo. ‘Police Chief is ripping Royce and the two agents a new one.’

‘Why?’ Sampson asked.

‘I heard they went up to Patterson,’

‘And fucked with Oliver Harris.’ Russo smiled.

Kathy nodded. As the loud voices stopped and got considerably lower.

The door opened and Larry walked through and shut the door behind him. He looked at the main floor. ‘You are all doing an excellent job. Keep it up.’ He said and he swiftly walked out.

Russo sat back and just smiled. ‘Let’s put a nail in this coffin.’

‘After you good sir.’ Sampson said as Russo stood up and walked towards Royce’s office. He was followed by Sampson who kept close. Russo knocked the glass twice.

‘Come in.’ said Royce.

Russo opened the door faced the three.

Royce looked at Russo quizzically. ‘Officer Russo. How can we help?’

‘By letting us know, when these freaks will be on their way and take their bad luck with them.’ Russo said.

Daniel with his back turned. ‘Fuck off, what’s your name? Russo. Leave.’

‘How about I don’t and you say I did?’ Russo said with smarm.

‘Nah that’s no fun.’ Daniel turned to face Russo. ‘It’s more fun this way. I can make you fuck off. But by choosing that option, you are choosing the painful option and that Russo is on you.’ 

‘Please try. You been getting your ass whipped all over town.’

‘I gotta get a win someday.’

‘That win ain’t today.’ Russo said. ‘So, try motherfucker.’

‘Ok.’ Daniel walked up to Russo who ran forward and slammed a punch on Daniel’s jaw. It caught him clean, but  the punch barely moved his head.

Russo grabbed his hand and screamed out in pain.

Daniel lifted his right hand and flicked Russo in the forehead. Russo flew out of the room, over the head of Sampson and everyone else on the main floor and hit the wall with such force he made a little crack.

Russo landed on the floor hard.

‘DONNIE!!!’’ Sampson screamed and he threw a punch at Daniel, but before the punch motion was complete Daniel caught up and slide his hand down and started to crush Sampson’s wrist. ‘ARRGH.’

‘I didn’t come here for this.’ Daniel said as Sampson dropped to one knee and then the other.

‘Daniel.’ Erica said as she moved forward with caution.

‘I ain’t fucking around with you lot.’ Daniel said. ‘Leave me the fuck alone to do my fucking job.’

‘Daniel.’ Erica raised her voice as he looked to the main floor and everyone raised their weapon at Daniel who let go of Sampson’s wrist.

Daniel turned and faced the weapons pointed at him and he stood strong.

‘Daniel, don’t you.’ Erica said.

‘What are they going to do?’

‘Arrest you Bridgewater. They are going to arrest you.’ Royce said.

Russo said as he stood up. He smiled despite being in great pain. ‘You took the words right out of my mouth.’

Erica walked next to Daniel and leaned in close. ‘Don’t do anything stupid.’

‘Too late.’ He sighed. As someone shouted out to raise his hands. Daniel complied.


The walls in the holding cell were granite grey. The iron bars were painted black and blue.

Daniel laid down on the single bed was just about long enough for his long frame.

He was the only one in the cell.

His jacket was not with him, they took that away. He only wore his grey long-sleeved top, black trousers, and boots. Other men and women in other cells looked at him with envy was they were grouped together. They muttered among themselves, small conversations laced with profanity and threats of violence.

The way Daniel felt at that moment he wouldn’t have minded someone to come in and antagonise him. He couldn’t do much to whoever came in, if he flicked at someone again, it would be even more painful as the walls here were thicker.

He thought about the first time he was in a cell. He was fourteen and was far more scared than he was now. It was Colindale police station and he thought he did the right thing at the wrong time and he got arrested for it. This was the mid nineties and a few years after Stephen Lawrence and his mother…

Daniel gulped at the thought of his mother, how fearsome she was to him then. His mother was the only person he truly feared. He feared her because he loved her more then anyone else. He was fearful of being labelled and her disappointment. Daniel sat up. As he sat there, it was the first time he thought about his mother for a long time and not thought about what happened to her and the sadness, the dominance of that sadness. Past tense was always attributed to pain when he thought about her.

More than anything he would love to fear her again. She would be alive to give said punishment.

It was the night back in nineteen-ninety-six that changed his life. It was the night he met a far younger Alexander Bolton for the first time. They had been in their lives ever since.

He heard a heavy lock being opened. It was from the far side from the hallway. The only door in and out of this holding area. A police officer came through first, he was tall, well built and looked a little mad, this was shown in his stride that was forceful and direct. Erica followed behind him and she was dwarfed by the man.

They walked past the various cells. Whistles went past as she walked along, she was catcalled by both the men and the women in the cells.

Daniel kept his eyes on her. He watched how composed she was even as both sexes said they wanted to do things that would probably be illegal in several states to her. She kept her eyes on him and how he stood up when she entered. They got to his cell and the officer whose name on his badge was called Jenkins opened the cell door. Erica walked in.

‘Thank you.’ She spoke.

‘Ma’am.’ Jenkins said with a gruff, yet oddly friendly tone.

She stood in front of Daniel and smiled. ‘You, okay?’

‘I’m fine. Ain’t my first cell.’

‘Said with such care.’ Erica carried on the smile.’ You’re free to go and carry on.’


‘Of course. He had that Larry eating out of his hands. You ready?’

‘You know, I could have got out of here any time.’ Daniel said.

‘Bullshit.’ Jenkins said. ‘You ain’t that strong.’

‘I am Linebacker.’ Daniel got up and stood in front of Jenkins. He with effortless bent the iron bars like they were plastic and stepped through. He then bent them back.

Jenkins nodded to himself. He kept nodding and then fainted and landed hard on his back.

Erica looked at Daniel who looked at Erica. ‘I didn’t do that. That was all him, you saw that right.’

Erica just nodded. She looked at the unconscious frame of Jenkins and she thought. Please let me be able to do that.


Daniel collected his gun, clips, his identification and his jacket, which was the thing he embraced the most out of all the things that were given back to him from release desk near the front of the ground floor.

Erica stood next to him. ‘How strong are you?’ Cause I swear you flicked a man across a room like he was a bug.’

‘Very strong.’

‘Like compare yourself to a superhero. In terms of your strength.’

Daniel thought about that question and really gave it some consideration. ‘Superman.’

‘That strong?’

‘For me to hit my hardest punch, I have to destroy some mountains and even then that’s like seventy percent power.’

‘You’ve destroyed a mountain?’

‘A few, but they were in Norway, and they have plenty more.’ Daniel said.

‘Fuck.’ Erica said and then she remembered to let Daniel know something. ‘We’ve been invited to dinner.’

‘By whom? Russo?’

‘No,’ laughed Erica, ‘Royce.’

‘Him?’ Daniel said surprised.

‘His wife want to meet us.’

Daniel nodded and could not hide his smile. ‘I can’t wait to meet her.’

They walked down the hallway that led out to the car park. As they walked other officers kept their gaze at the pair of them. Both could see the stares, but ignored them blissfully and carried on their conversation.

‘He’s already off home. I think he was excited to get there, finish early for once.’ Erica said.

‘So, we’re portalling it there? You know where he lives?’

Erica nodded, ‘Yep, he told me where he lived before he left and I called it in.’

‘I’m really looking forward to this.’

‘I know, so please don’t do anything embarrassing please.’ Erica said as they stepped out of the police station and they went around the corner. They walked on to an alleyway just behind the police station.

‘I don’t want to make promises I know I ca,’

‘You can’t keep. I know.’ Erica said as they both looked around as a portal opened up in front of them. ‘But try you know? Actually try just once.’

Daniel nodded to Erica and to himself as well. ‘I’ll try.’

‘Thank you.’

‘I do promise to acknowledge and apologise when I fuck up though.’ Daniel said.

‘I know.’ Erica smiled.

‘They both stepped through the portal which closed behind them.


Daniel and Erica stepped out of the portal into a quiet suburban street. There were the high oak trees and wide roses.

It was night-time and streetlights ran for miles, but it was so quiet. It was eerily peaceful. Each home had either a four by four or some new version of Sedan parked on the street or on their drive. Some houses had their lights on and some were in complete darkness.

Erica said to Daniel, ‘This way.’

He followed her to the house in front of them to their left. A nice house, looked like a four bed, with the male friendly Camaro and there was a Toyota Avensis. This was Mrs. Drysdale’s car.

The veranda had was lined with wooden panels that gave it a older cabin like feel, but the rest of the property was made of brick, mortar and a tiled sloped roof. Around the veranda were nice nightlights,  and in  front was a nice, newly cut lawn and a picket fence around the house. The Garage was to the right and every light on the ground floor looked on.

As Daniel walked to the house he felt the same way as he did at Engrave. He stumbled a little. Erica grabbed his left arm so he would not topple over.

‘You, ok? That’s happened again,’

‘Yeah, I must be hungry or something.’ Daniel said.

It did not look like that Erica believed Daniel as her left eyebrow rose in question, but she moved on from it as soon as he did.

Daniel steadied himself and looked fine, so Erica let him go.

They walked up to the door and Daniel knocked the door and almost broke off the hinges.

‘Whoa.’ Both Daniel and Erica said as they heard hurried footsteps, and the door was flung open as Royce pointed at his weapon at Daniel and Erica.

‘What the fuck?’ Royce said as he realised who was in front of him. ‘What was that?’

‘I knocked the door, I guess my strength got the best of me.’

‘Man, I know you do some weird shit in England, but that don’t fly her in Penn you understand?’ Royce said as he put his weapon back in holster.

‘I just knocked the door, Royce.’ Daniel said frustrated.

‘There is a doorbell right here.’ Royce pointed to his left right by the door. There was clearly a bell on the brick wall near the door frame.  ‘Maybe you should have stayed a couple more hours in the cell.’

Both Daniel and Erica did not look amused.

‘That was a bad joke. You should know Bridgewater.’ Royce said with a sigh.

They both stayed silent, as they maintained that look of bewilderment.

‘Ah fuck off that was funny.’ Royce said. ‘You two dummies gonna come in or what?’

Erica smiles and passed him a bottle of wine.

‘Where the fuck did you get this from?’ Royce studied the bottle.

‘Walmart.’ Erica said. ‘It was a last-minute stop, couldn’t come empty handed to dinner.’

‘Thank Ms Chandler. Come in, well you go in and wanna speak to inmate number thirty-five here for a minute.’

Daniel smiled. He laughed a little. ‘That was funny.’

Royce smiled. ‘I know.’ He laughed,

Erica shook her head. ‘Men.’ She walked and Royce waited for her to enter and slowly closed the door.

Royce faced Daniel. ‘Look I wanted to explain why I did nothing.’

‘Ain’t your fight. Russo stepped to me.’

‘I have to keep my allegiance with my team, the force, but I didn’t like what he did, Russo is kinda intense, he wants to be outta uniform and being on these big cases.’ Royce said.

‘His career trajectory stalled?’

‘Complaints of aggression towards our citizens, it’s fucked that most of those complaints, which have been brushed under the rug are citizens,’

‘Who look like me?’

Royce nodded. ‘I think he has a bias or well not or, he’s got prejudice, but I don’t think,’

‘If you’re going to say what I think you’re going to say, you better commit to it or don’t say it at all cause if you’re wrong and you know you’re wrong, but trying to convince me otherwise, then what does that say about you?’ Daniel said and he just looked at Royce with total seriousness.

Royce went to say something but stopped himself. He nodded. ‘I didn’t want you to think I didn’t have your back, because I do and I know you have mine. But with certain things,’

‘Self-preservation is key I get it. I get it.’

‘Don’t let this lower your admiration of me.’

‘It was already low. But that and joke has earned you some points back.’

Royce smiled. ‘Good. Let’s go in I’m hungry.’

‘Me too.’

They both entered in the house.


It was warm. This was the first thing that Daniel noticed. The hallway looked like every other hallway seen on the countless American shows Daniel had seen. High staircase.

Wood flooring, but with a long rug along the floor. There was a coatrack to the right and right next to it was a key rack.

The living area was warm, with easy to the eye colours, tope walls and ceiling a nice thick  circled rug at the centre of the room. The big screen television was around fifty or so inches. There were a lot of photos of the Drysdales. They spanned several decades from high school to college to adulthood.

Royce walked in with his wife who was dressed in a thick cream coloured wool jumper and black, loose fitted trousers. ‘Agents Chandler, Bridgewater, I’d like to introduce you to my wife. Alyssa.’

‘Hi.’ Alyssa said a little sheepishly and she walked over and shook both of their hands. ‘I have heard a lot about both of you.’ She looked at Daniel in particular.

‘I bet you have.’ Daniel said.

‘Well dinner is ready.’ Alyssa said.

‘I wondered what that great smell was.’ Erica said as she walked in with Alyssa, they were already friends it seemed. As she walked away she passed her jacket to Daniel who took it and stood there. 

Royce stood there. ‘You’ve been marked my friend.’

‘Nope.’ Daniel through her jacket on the nearby settee and walked into the dining room.

Royce shook his head and without hesitation picked up the jacket and walked into the room and he helped dish out the food onto the plates.

There were roast potatoes, rice, macaroni pie, roast chicken, sage and onion stuffing with gravy to garnish the food.

It looked splendid and smelled even better.

‘Royce told me how horrible your eating habits have been since you got here. So I thought it would be nice for you both to have a decent meal while you are here.’ Alyssa said.

Daniel’s belly rumbled. At that moment he decided to relax.

‘Dig in.’ Alyssa said with a big smile.


As they finished the food, Daniel wanted to give himself credit for not eating like a barbarian. He had realised it had been many, many years since he had a home cooked meal, and not just that, but a good home cooked meal. He sat back and had to stop himself rubbing his stomach. He, like everyone had satisfied air. Plates were clean of food, trays little left and only thing full other than each of the four stomach’s were the glasses of wine in front of each time.

‘I work for Dennison’s, a property developer. Now made partner after fifteen years of working my butt off, taking shit from ignoramuses, fuckers and getting the company money.’

‘She also has an in.’ Royce said as he nudged her elbow.

‘I am also part of the north-eastern Pennsylvania land commission board for Preston and Patterson.’ Alyssa said with not as much bluster as her previous statement.

‘Isn’t there a conflict of interest?’ Erica asked. ‘You being part of a board that people have to apply to your broad I presume?’

‘I’ll tell you something,’ Alyssa took a sip, ‘All the board members have an outside interests that are you know beneficial them. It’s the game Agent Chandler. It’s the game and it is all rigged.’

‘You just have to know how to play it.’ Royce said.

‘Never has a truer word been said.’ Erica agreed as she took a sip.

‘Can I ask you two a personal question?’ Erica asked.

‘Shoot.’ Royce said.

‘What’s it like to be together for that long?’ Erica asked. ‘Like over twenty years.’

Royce and Erica looked to each other and just laughed.

‘I don’t know,’ Alyssa said and she looked deep into her husband’s eyes, ‘learning about each other still. I don’t know him fully, but that’s fine. It’s good. It keeps it interesting and you need to keep it interesting. Without that,’

‘It is a losing game.’ Royce added.

‘And it is a game you can’t afford to lose.’ Alyssa said as she stroked his hand. ‘Not when you put everything on the line.’

‘Is it supposed to be that hard?’ Erica asked.

‘Anything good is…it should be easy, but the things of value, there’s always a journey. Royce and I have been on this wonderful,’



‘Loving.’ Royce said as he stroked her hand.

‘It’s been a lifetime and I hope and know we plenty more years together.’ Alyssa said. ‘Not everything is easy and there’s time’s hope can feel like it is lost, but you have to decide if you want to fight for this person and that person means to you and then you mean to yourself.’

‘I used to think that whole put that other person first thing was bullshit, but then you have really do that to understand what love is, sacrifice and appreciation of one another.’  Royce said. ‘You have that shit on lock, you’ll be fine.’

‘He has such a way with words, right?’ Alyssa said proudly with love in her eyes.

‘Fuck you do love him.’ Erica said, before burped loud. She looked profoundly mortified, while everyone else stifled their laughter. ‘Oh my god. Excuse me.’ She covered her face with her hand out of embarrassment.

‘Not just a pretty face.’ Royce nodded and looked proud he came up with that.

‘What about you?’ Alyssa asked Erica.

‘Me? Love? I’ll have more chance playing the lottery and winning a Powerball than finding someone I could tolerate, let alone, you know not be crazy.’ Erica said as she wiped her mouth. ‘I don’t know what I do deserve it, but my fucking spotter has been out of wack since high school.’ Erica paused. ‘My Mom’s been alone since I was born and had a few guys here and there walk in and try to fuck up her life, but she’s got too much about herself to let them to do that, so her tolerance factor for bullshitness and tomfoolery is real low and god bless her for that.’ She paused again. ‘I have, shitty fucking luck when it comes to men, so I stopped looking.’

‘You got time.’ Royce said.

‘Time, I got. Patience, I don’t. Not looking to get fucked around again. I have this career now and I’m going to focus on that. If someone comes my way and appeals and don’t try to fuck up my life and adds to it, great. If not, I keep it moving.’ Erica said and she almost punched the table. It was almost like she said that to motivate herself into believing it.

Alyssa looked at Daniel. ‘What about you Mr. Bridgewater?’

‘Nice try honey. You’re going to get more luck getting blood from a stone than him giving you any real information about his life.’

‘I’ve been in love twice.’ Daniel said without thinking. He looked around at the table. The only person who did not look surprised was Alyssa. There was no going back at this point, but how to answer without giving too much was something that Daniel did so well. He knew he could do it at this point. ‘One is no longer here. She passed away. The other is halfway across the world and hates my guts.’

Shit. I said too much Daniel thought.

‘Why?’ Alyssa asked.

‘We both lost someone, we have a long history of doing what we do and…part of me has always felt like we got together because we both lost people.’ Daniel paused. ‘A lot of things got in the way between us, something things are hard to reconcile.’

‘You still love her?’ Alyssa asked and she leaned a little forward.

‘I don’t know.’ Daniel said. ‘I know I don’t hate her. That I know.’

‘Why does she hate you?’ Erica asked.

‘Because she knows me. She knows me as good as anyone. I spent a long time putting it, my pain which was our pain on her. She has a right to hate me and she did the right thing in leaving.’

Royce sat forward. ‘Where she at now?’

‘As far as I know, she’s in Tokyo.’

‘You thought about,’

‘It’s done.’

Alyssa tried to ask again. ‘I mean you could give her a call.’

‘It’s done.’ Daniel said with curtness.

Alyssa nodded and stopped her line of questioning.

Daniel realised he made it awkward and excused himself at the table. ‘Where’s the bathroom?’

‘We got a downstairs one,’ Royce said, come out this room and take a right, then next left and the door is there.’

Daniel thanked Royce and followed the instructions that he gave. The bathroom was on the left. He entered the room and shut the door. He splashed water across his face and looked at himself. He gave himself a look of disgust.

You idiot he thought. What were you thinking? Why did you say all that? Why did you bring them up? What do you want to do Bridgewater? Care about these people when the first fucking chance you get you’re going to leave them? To the mission of your life to see the people you lost again. You planning to jeopardise that for these people?

You let Bolton fuck you up again. You let him play with your life again. Inviting Erica Chandler into my life and for what to open you up? To be weaker?

You really are an idiot. FOCUS. DON’T CARE. JUST FOCUS.

He splashed more water on himself. The look of disgust was replaced by a steely gaze. He fortified himself again.

No fucking emotional shit Bridgewater, they can ask you about the case and about the agency, but no past shit and no emotional shit.

He turned the light off and left the room and went back to the dining room. He entered when the three of them laughed.

‘What’s so funny?’

‘I was telling Alyssa how you flicked Russo across the room at the station. Like flick a fly, this motherfucker, flicked a whole grown man across a room.’ Royce said within his laughter.

Daniel smiled. ‘He was asking for it.’

‘That he was.’ Erica said. ‘And he got it too.’

Alyssa looked at Daniel. ‘How long have you been an agent?’

‘Too long.’ Came Daniel’s reply.

‘How long is too long?’

‘Over twenty years. Close to twenty-five. I lost track.’

‘Dedication.’ Alyssa nodded.

‘It used to be, now it is the only thing I know how to do well. Get the bad guy or stop them.’

‘This guy, is he the worst?’

‘The man in black? Right now, no.’

‘Then who was worst?’ Royce asked.

‘There was once a person, let’s say he was mage, a being of immense magical power. He wanted to hold the world to ransom, said he could consume the world oxygen and kill billions if didn’t get the economies of the five richest countries to pay them all their wealth. They thought this man was joking, until he spun his globe and picked a small town in Belgium, took out the oxygen from that town with some spell, that only effected that part of the world, those people, those poor people, all a hundred and fifty in that little town died.’ Daniel paused. ‘Then they knew that man was serious, deadly serious. Then they sent me in.’

‘And what happened?’ Alyssa asked.

‘I ended his existence. That’s what happened to him. I mean he tried to end mine, so it was only fair.’

‘How did you beat him?’ Erica asked.

‘I pretended I was dead and got him at his most arrogant.’ Daniel said. ‘I enjoyed killing him. I knew the world would be better without him in it.’

For a few moments everyone took stock in what Daniel just said.

‘Fuck all these stories, experiences you have.’ Alyssa marvelled. ‘What I don’t get is how all this crazy shit hasn’t been on the news, any press or videos about what’s been happening.’

‘We have a team.’

Erica asked, ‘What team?’

‘A team who keep all this down to a bare minimum. No one outside of Preston will truly know what is happening here and the people here, won’t question it.’

‘How?’ Royce asked. ‘Like if I drove to the next town past Patterson and went to the square and started screaming all of this,’

‘They would stop you and you’d wake up in a your bed like nothing happened and you wouldn’t remember doing it either.’ Daniel answered.

‘Who’s this team?’ Erica asked.

‘They are call Faders. Clues in the name. They come in wipe memories or change memories to fit the narrative as the agency and the country’s government sees fit.’

‘I ask again, how?’ Royce said.

‘They mainly come at night, they are invisible, so they can’t be seen. There’s like a thousand of them and they can phase through solid objects and change the memory narrative even if you are awake. You could be driving and yeah, your mind will have those memories siphoned out and replaced.’ Daniel said.

‘And you don’t feel anything?’ Alyssa asked.

Daniel shook his head.

‘So, at the end of the case once over?’ Royce said.

‘They will come, and you all won’t remember us. It will be like the case solved itself and you move on with your lives.’ 

‘And this happens every time?’ Royce asked.

‘Yeah, without fail. Loose lips, high liability. It’s for your protection.’

‘Fuck.’ Royce sat back, as he looked shocked at what he had just heard. ‘I don’t know how to feel about that.’

‘Feeling don’t matter. It’s just the way it is.’ Daniel said. ‘That’s how it is supposed to end.’

‘So, you have no friends by the end?’

Daniel nodded.

‘You don’t feel bad that all these people you helped or got to know, won’t remember you, but you remember them.’ Alyssa asked.

‘I don’t.’ Daniel said.

‘Shit.’ Alyssa said.

‘What?’ Royce asked confused.

‘I believe you when you said that. You really don’t care.’

Daniel sighed. ‘It is the only way to survive this job.’

‘Then you Mr Bridgewater may be in the wrong job.’ Alyssa s

Daniel sat back and smiled. He said nothing in return for a few moments and then he asked, ‘Can I ask you a question, Alyssa?’

‘Shoot.’ Alyssa said with a warm smile.

‘We visited, Oliver Harris earlier today. He’s a prick no doubt, but he said some unsavoury things about you to us. Why would he say those things?’

Alyssa for the first time, looked a little shaken, frustrated and uncomfortable.

‘Honey,’ Royce said, ‘you don’t have to answer.’

‘What did he say to you?’ Alyssa asked.

‘He’s a fucker. That’s it.’ Royce said to his wife. He then looked at Daniel. ‘Drop it.’

Daniel raised his arms up in mock surrender.

Alyssa looked at Daniel. ‘What did he say?’

‘That you hurt your husband and Oliver kept on asking Royce why he was with you.’

‘Oliver said that because he was jealous of Royce, because was loved because of who Royce is and people that love him. Oliver was only loved because of his money. Jealously turned his soul dark and his mind fucking stupid.’

‘Did you hurt him?’ Daniel asked.

‘Fucker.’ Royce said with underlying rage. ‘Leave it.’

‘No what do you want to know? Do I feel bad that Royce’s football career ended because he looked at me when I screamed his name? Yeah,’ Alyssa said, ‘yeah.’ The second yeah came across as more subdued and mournful. ‘I think about that every day.’

‘It wasn’t about you. I didn’t see the push rusher coming towards me, I didn’t react. I didn’t do the move, hell any move to protect myself.’  Royce said.

‘I see how you look at your trophies. How you watch the games on TV. I feel your loss baby and you can’t articulate it. The pain you feel and I can’t help,’

‘But I keep saying,’

‘I see it baby. It was taken from you and you are doing something wonderful now, serving your community, protecting your community…but it is hard to replace something you loved since you were seven years old.’ Alyssa said and she was close to tears as her lips trembled. ;I wish I could give that you. I really do.’

Daniel was not sure if this was genuine emotion or the drink coming through. He figured it was a combination of both factors.

‘You give me enough baby. You give me more than enough. If someone asked me, like fucking put it down on a table, two tangible choices in front of me; You or football. I’m fucking picking you every time and I ain’t saying that because you are here in front of me, or because you two are here in front of me. I’m saying that because a man if they are lucky get a good ten years in the league. That’s no injuries, consistent games and all that.’ Royce paused almost for dramatic effect. ‘That’s ten years. I got a whole fucking lifetime with you. A whole fucking lifetime with you babe and you need to fucking remember, I wanted you in my life when I was fourteen, so football only had seven years on you.’

Daniel could certainly decipher that Royce was a little inebriated, but he also swore like a sailor who came off the dock from a long tour early on a weekday and carried on that profanity for the rest of the day, so he could have been sober too.

Alyssa kissed her husband. She stroked his face with both hands. ‘Oliver Harris thinks he could hurt me husband. He is not a factor to mine or Royce’s life. He has a shitty soul. That’s it. He has one and I, we knew him long ago and he was good, but once Royce got the starting position ahead of Oliver and because he is a fucker, he couldn’t take it so there.’

That seemed to end that as the couple kissed again and it became apparently and awkwardly that coitus could be in the air.

Daniel and Erica said their swift goodbyes and left quicker than a person could say Bugs Bunny.


Erica closed the door behind Daniel concerned that he would actually rip out the door. He stumbled down the steps and shook his head.

Erica ran over and grabbed his arm again. She steadied him again. ‘What is up with you?’

‘You ever hear of the notion that I don’t fucking know what’s wrong?’ Daniel said.

‘Whoa. What was that about?’

‘Don’t ask me consistently silly question like that. I clearly don’t know why here or at Engrave…’ he trailed off and stopped his walk.

‘Look I get that, that whole thing in there was kinda of intense and you said more about your life in there, then you ever said to me or Royce.’

‘Why did I feel the exact same way at both places?’ Daniel said out loud. ‘I felt really light-headed there, but same shit different place.’

‘So, what are you thinking?’

‘I’m thinking we call a portal and get the fuck to Engrave.’

‘Wait a minute,’ Erica let go of his arm and looked surprised, ‘a late-night investigation from Mr. Nocturnal Hunter over here and he’s inviting me?’ She pointed at herself and looked dainty. Daniel was aware of the sarcasm that dripped from her. ‘You want to include me?’

‘Well it saves you saying anything stupid or annoying after I do it.’

‘Hey!’ Erica looked genuinely annoyed herself.

Daniel ignored that last thing she said as he tapped his ear. ‘Yeah we need a portal to Engrave Corp in Patterson, PA, please.’


Royce landed on the bed as Alyssa pushed him. He spread his arms and flexed his fingers at her. Alyssa leapt on him and missed where she was supposed to, and both her knees landed square on Royce’s crotch with her full weight.

There was not any amount or sexual exhilaration and adrenaline that could cover the pain as Royce shouted a loud ‘FUCK!’ and rolled to his side, and clutched his crotch. ‘Fuck.’

Alyssa looked mortified. That was as close to a passion killer as you could get by accident. ‘Babe. I’m sorry. So sorry. Shit.’

‘It was an accident. Accidents happen.’ Royce said, back turned to his wife and his clutched his crotch for protection. The tears due to the sheer pain and had stopped falling.

‘Well, I ended that.’

‘I just need some ice, some prayer and some time to get the feeling of none pain to my balls and sack honey. That’s all.’

Alyssa sighed and said ‘Fuck.’ to herself. ‘I didn’t mean to.’

‘I know.’ Royce said.

‘I finally, finally get a night with you and I do that.’ Alyssa said with anger towards herself.

‘Yeah, I can’t lie there Hun. You screwed the pooch on this one.’

‘And I’m not going to be the pooch.’

‘Sad but true.’ Royce said. ‘You wanna talk? Talk about Oliver.’

‘I don’t want to ruin the night anymore by talking about him.’ Alyssa said.


‘I do want to talk about Taylor though.’

‘Of course.’ Royce sounded resigned. He knew that this was a conversation that he was going to have with wife eventually. This right here was unavoidable.

‘People have been talking about him and… You know?’

‘Oh I know.’ Royce said. ‘What did I tell you about people talking.’

‘Not to listen, but you, you know and I know, there’s a part of you, that’s, that’s.’

Royce’s eyes opened and he slowly, though still in pain, sat up and faced his wife. ‘What Alyssa? Say what you got to say.’

‘That some time you wanted him dead for… is a part of you happy he’s gone?’

‘For fuck’s,’ Royce stood up slowly and got up, ‘I can’t believe you had the audacity, the gall, the motherfucking front to ask me that? Why would you think it would be okay to ask me that?’


‘What are you trying to justify it to me? That stupid fucking question after what you did? You trying something here.’

‘I’m not trying something here and I thought you had in your own words put that shit in the rear view?’

‘WELL OBVIOUSLY I FUCKING HAVEN’T ALYSSA!’ Royce said, ‘How can any fucking guy do that? Would you?’

Alyssa went to answer, but thought best not to, so she stayed silent.

‘Baby girl. Out of the two of us, it is clear, it’s real fucking clear that for most things, you got the brains. You are smarter than me. You always had em. Ever since I met you, but sometimes,’ Royce laughed to himself, but the laughter was laced with anger, ‘you say something or do something that is so staggeringly inane and vastly, no expansively stupid, and gigantically idiotic that I fucking wonder if I’m talking or am with the same fucking woman I married.’

Alyssa shook her head. ‘I should’ve known it was a lie. You said what you knew I wanted to hear so I would come back. What else have you lied about Royce?’

‘Don’t play this game Alyssa. Don’t play it cause for damn fucking sure the whole who’s lied more, yes, it’s probably me, but who did the worst lie, the most destructive and most heart-breaking lie? That as we both know was unquestionably, unmistakeably you, so if you wanna rehash the same ol’ game where you fucked around and found out, so be it, but you’re not going to ask me that fucking question and think you, you are the innocent party here. No way, no fucking way Alyssa.’ 

Alyssa looked at his husband as tears fell, but no sobs came. ‘You finished?’

Royce nodded. ‘Yeah.’

‘You going to storm off now?’

‘Yes and don’t give me fucking directions like I’m a stage actor or some shit.’

‘Go Royce. GO!’

‘With pleasure.’ Royce said and he left the room.

Alyssa put her hand in her hands. ‘Fucker.’ She said to herself. That was directed to Royce, but also to herself.


A portal opened just down the road from the business park that led on the main office if Engrave Corporation on the outskirts of Patterson.

Daniel and Erica walked out of the portal that quickly shut. It was another quiet part of town. The hustle and bustle of earlier was not replaced nothing, other the sounds of vehicles far away going along the highway.

They walked to the building, and they passed many others, that you looked closed or just had security, but Engrave had several floors with lights that were still on and as they entered the car park.  There were at least fifty parked cars that were there and none of the vehicles looked cheap.

‘So, what’s the plan? I mean you do have a plan or we going on one of your world-famous hunches that have got you so much success so far?’

‘Hush. Puppy.’ Daniel said and he put his hand in front of her face and Erica swatted it away.

‘No, you’re not going to just do that to me, Bridgewater.’

‘Shush for fucks sake.’ Daniel said. ‘I’m trying to concentrate.’

‘On what?’

‘On ignoring you which you are making it fucking hard right now.’ Daniel said.

Erica was flabbergasted, but kept her mouth closed. That’s how shocked she was.

His iris turned grey, and this was the first time, Erica had seen it up close.

‘What in the fuck?’ She said with her mouth wide open. ‘What are you?’

‘What am I?’ Daniel said as he looked through the entire building, going through each room, seeing who was in or out through pulsating images, like radar, each wave formed a perfect picture and Daniel could see who anyone was, height, weight and what they were doing as he saw them. ‘I’m the man who’s just seen Oliver Harris who is still there.’

‘And what does that have to do with?’

‘I’m going to question him again.’

Erica sighed. ‘Because that went so well the first time.’

‘Try, try, try again till you get it right.’ Daniel smiled.

‘If you keep that up and live by that philosophy Daniel, then you will be veering really close to the definition of madness.’

‘Well, there’ nothing wrong with having a little edge in one’s personality.’

‘Something could be wrong if it gets you or me or worse Royce in the shits again because you wanna be the big guy in this scenario.’

Daniel smiled. ‘I am the big guy in this scenario.’

‘You know what I mean.’ Erica said. ‘The blowback.’

‘Will land on me and no one else.’

Erica sighed. ‘Not just you, by yourself big man,’ She brushed past Daniel, ‘but me too. I’m here too. I’m here with you and fuck I’m gonna be here with you. Despite my best judgement. I’m here with you.’ She walked on. ‘So let’s do what the great John Lewis said and start some good trouble.’

Daniel caught up to Erica and looked at her. He smiled at her. She smiled at him. They walked on.

They got to the glass door and Daniel stumbled, but not only stumble, he dropped to his knees.

‘You… You ok,’

‘Fuck,’ said a woozy and disorientated Daniel, ‘I ain’t felt that.’

She picked him up. ‘I got you.’

‘I know.’ He looked at her. ‘I know. Let’s keep going.’

‘Okay.’ She reached for the door and a big and bright light hit them and both left the ground, flew high into the air, right over the entirety of the car park and they landed on the grassy plain several yards away from the nearest parking spot.

They landed hard and they laid down and stayed down. They were both unconscious before the hit the ground.  


Royce sat with a beer on the swing seat. He took a few sips and looked at the street in front of him.

He loved the quiet.

He assumed that other families, other couples had similar arguments, like the one he had earlier with his wife, but you wouldn’t hear it. Not round here. This was kept between the walls.

Royce and his wife lived on this street for the last decade. They had good neighbours. The ones who had barbecues on a warm day for this part of the world, that helped out a electrical or automotive query, that always wanted a chat when they were at the same spot in their respective driveways or backyards at the same time. These were not brief chats by the way. These were stories that had three acts, a clear yet sometimes, unwieldly beginning, middle and ends.

These men were serving, or former cops and every cop has a story. Now it all depended on if, said story was any good. Many were bad parables that set up bad punchlines to even worst jokes. Other had a real blue movie feel to them and felt like someone from Boogie Nights wrote it and wrote it badly. On purpose. The last set were ones of the serious variety. The ones you could not ignore. True parables. A true summation of what was seen to be evil. The worst of humanity. The things that either preserved your career as a cop or ended it.

No matter that those stories stuck with Royce.

It was a close-knit community here, far, far away from the communities they were served to protect, but every cop needed a safe haven, that was the internal nickname for here, for the outsiders, who felt underserved by their police force, round here was called Cop Land like the film, but to the cops this was Safe Haven.

Royce sat in peace. So of course the front door swung open and Alyssa came out covered in a thick duvet and sat next to Royce.

They sat in silence for what felt like minutes. Minutes that stretched, uncomfortably between husband and wife. The talking it out part of a fight where you both parties came to a reasonable solution and some compromise was always hard.

‘I didn’t ask.’ Alyssa said. ‘Is anyone sitting here?’

Royce shook his head and sat forward. ‘It’s your seat.’

Alyssa nodded. ‘I told you why I did it.’

Royce nodded.

‘I was lonely. I was shitty and I just, didn’t think. I want to blame you because you were not there, but I would only be pushing past what I done. I was the catalyst for it. I made it happen and I wouldn’t,’ she paused, ‘I wouldn’t know what to do, if you, if the roles were reversed. There could be a limitless amount of times that I could apologise, that if I could go back, build a fucking time machine, I would stop myself, but all these things, pale to the fact, I’ve lost something in you. Maybe it is the way you look at me, maybe it’s the way you touch me. It is certainly times of trust and I feel this anvil over my head Royce and it’s hard to handle.’ Alyssa brushed a few strands of her hair that slipped across her eyes away. ‘Do you, can you move past it Royce? What I did, can this be overcome or are you going to wake up and just one day think fuck it, this and her and leave?’

Royce stayed silent for a few moments, took some deep sips from his beer.

‘I ain’t gonna lie Allie. That thought had crossed my mind a fair few times. Times when, when you did what you did and I still was processing it, I thought I could handle it, I thought about doing it myself, so you could feel the pain, understand how it feels to be…I couldn’t look at you the same. Cause you weren’t the same girl from ninth grade that made me like girls in the first place. It changed, cause I had you on a pedestal. I had this perfect fucking framework of innocence, of virtue because of you, but that brought it down to earth. It reminded me you weren’t an angel. You were a mortal like the rest of us.’ Royce sat back. ‘I once was coming home from work and I felt like not coming home. I felt like disappearing, not telling you a thing. Leave to some other part of the state or leave the state in general. Find a new place. Find a new woman.’

‘But you didn’t.’


‘You came home.’

‘I did.’

‘Why?’ Alyssa asked.

‘Cause when I weighed it up, all of it, all the options, I couldn’t live without you. Despite all the pain you cause, and I felt and all the shit in-between. I couldn’t see a path, a life without you Alyssa and I tried, I fucking tried, but I couldn’t. My heart was yours since ninety-four and it remained yours.’ Royce looked at her. ‘That despite everything isn’t going to change so to answer your question, I will overcome this. I will. I just need time and don’t say stupid shit to me like that. It’s gonna make me react and I don’t want to act like that with you. I never do.’

She touched, then stroked and lastly held his free hand. He held her hand too.

‘I love you, Royce.’

‘I love you, Alyssa.’

There was another moment of silence between them, but this was the rewarding type of silence. Between their souls there was peace. Between their souls there was love.

‘I,’ Royce said, ‘I did want him dead and there was a part of me. The husband part of me, not the cop that wanted to punch the air when I heard he was gone. I felt happy and horrible in equal measure. I got close once to being able to do it, getting him myself, spent days looking for him and when I finally found him and I had the gun in my lap and was just watching him ..I just…I couldn’t. Cause killing him would get me into prison and would get me no peace. So, when I found out he was dead and internally rejoiced, I then felt horrible because for a long time he was my best friend. He was like a brother. Then he got closer with Oliver Harris, and it was the end of our friendship. It just brought it back.’

‘How do you feel about him now?’

‘Nothing. I don’t feel anything. Well, I want to catch the guy that killed and bring that man to justice. That’s what I want to do. So, I guess I do feel something about him.’ 

Alyssa snugged up to her husband, who gladly held her under the cover. ‘You’re going to get him baby. I know it.’

They kissed.

‘What do you think of my two partners on this?’ Royce asked.

‘I do love Erica. She’s great. Daniel on the other hand is…Intense.’

‘Ain’t that the truth.’

‘He’s holding a lot in or keeping himself withdrawn.’

‘All right Doctor Philomena.’

‘You can see it. He’s this deep reservoir of repressed emotions.’ Alyssa said. ‘You don’t see it.’

Royce shrugged. ‘It’s who he is.’

‘Who he is now, but his sense of humour shows that he was someone else a long, long time ago.’

Royce thought about that.

‘It also means he is on the edge, so I would be careful.’

Royce held her close. ‘I can handle him honey.’ Royce sounded confident, but his face looked unsure as if he even believed what he said.


As Erica eyes opened slowly and all the world went back into focus. There was no avoiding that the sleek Smith and Wesson 45 aimed her head was mighty close.

She looked to her right and Daniel opened his eyes and saw the same thing. Two men stood above and in front of the pair, guns drawn and looked trigger happy.

‘Move and make me happy.’ The one who was closest to Daniel said. They both wore, black combat pants, a grey top and a black bulletproof vest.

‘You practise that in the mirror? Like to say to someone, anyone or did you save that gem just for me?’

‘Fuck you.’ The man replied.

‘We’ve gone from let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt to a simple fuck you in a thousand years. Talk about evolution.’ Daniel said.

‘Ah you mouthy punk. Give me a reason.’

‘I’m giving you plenty bro. I just wonder if you’re quick enough to do it before I take out your partner here and grab you and throw you over this car park and onto the roof.’ Daniel said. ‘Because I think I am fast enough, but I don’t think you are.’

‘You ain’t faster than a bullet fucker.’ The man said.

‘Let’s find out, shall we?’ Daniel said.

‘Bruno. Calm down.’ Came the familiar voice of Oliver Harris who emerged from the car park and came between the two-armed men and parted them in the middle. ‘Agents? Back so soon?’

‘I realised that I didn’t get to shake your other hand.’

‘That’s not going to happen.’

‘Seriously, ah well then we would like to come inside and have a snoop around, maybe see what was delivered to you the night the twelve died.’

‘And I would like my two men here to shoot you and your partner to death. But we don’t always get what we want in life don’t we?’ Oliver smiled.

‘You ain’t shooting no one tonight, especially her.’

‘I know Agent Bridgewater. I just told you that. You have this habit of not listening or choosing what to listen to.’

‘I don’t listen to self-absorbed pricks who ain’t got a lot to say.’

‘Then you mustn’t listen to yourself at all.’ Oliver said.

Daniel clapped. ‘Ah well done, Harris. That was quick. Funny and effective. It won’t be funny when I make you eat those weapons your men are pointing us for dinner. You’ll be shitting lead for weeks.’

Oliver shook his head. ‘You always got something to say.’

‘That’s quite an effective security system you got there.’ Erica said.

‘Cutting edge technology.’ Oliver said.

‘That was magic.’ Daniel said. ‘And you know that is.’

‘Is it so unbelievable that we could develop the world’s first force field?’ Oliver said, ‘instead of what did say, magic, some spell? What kind of fantasy world do you live in?’

‘The one where you put salt, pepper and whatever sauce you like on those guns, I’m about to feed you.’ Daniel said.

‘Fantasy,’ Erica said, ‘You just said out loud that you have a force field.’

‘We prepare for the future and this new world that is coming into our lives.’ Oliver said.

‘I hope your future includes gun eating for Oliver Harris.’ Daniel said.


Daniel smiled. There he is.

‘You both need to leave, or I will call the local police and that will then get,’

‘Yes, Larry will be on us. We’ll be on our way Mr Harris.’ Erica said as she got up with Daniel. ‘But we will be back.’

‘Of course, you will, and we will be waiting.’ Oliver said. He looked at the two men. ‘Escort them off our land.’

Both men nodded as Oliver began to walk off.

‘Oliver.’ Erica said and Harris stopped but didn’t turn around. ‘He could make you eat those guns. I’ve seen him do it to someone else. Plus, Agent Bridgewater only makes promises he aims to keep.’

‘I do love that I live in a world where I can tell a woman to fuck off and she knows it’s what she said or did. Fuck off.’ Oliver said. ‘Get ready for the new world that’s coming.’

‘That was weak. He’s better then that.’ Erica said.

‘He is.’ Daniel said.

‘Men.’ Oliver walked on as the two men ushered them to walk out. ‘Have a terrible night.’

The men followed behind Daniel and Erica guns drawn right until they reached the end of the street and turned back.

Daniel turned around as saw that the men had grey hoods on their backs. Grey hoods?  The tops looked tucked in.

‘What do you see?’ Erica asked.

‘Grey hoods. It is like what I was told at the diner by one of the patrons.’

‘The grey cloaks. I mean if Taylor was involved, why wouldn’t Oliver Harris?’

‘Good question Chandler. Good fucking question.’ Daniel said as they walked on.

‘So we are talking about Magic and not Force Fields here.’

‘That wasn’t tech. That was powerful magic, A shield spell.’

‘Do they have name, these spells?’ Erica asked.

‘Some do, but old magic, you don’t need to say a word. The magic just comes through the being who conjures it.’

‘And that being is, Oliver Harris?’

‘It could be or it could be our guy. The man in black.’

‘But why would Harris do that, work with him.’

‘He may not be, but we must consider all scenarios. All I know is that guy, is hiding something and we got two people we need to get.’

‘Nail.’ Erica said as she tapped her ear. ‘The Belladonna motel please.’

‘That too. That is going to happen. We are going to untangle this mess.’

We need to before it is too late. ‘Erica said as they walked towards the portal. ‘Wait.’ Erica stopped which caused Daniel to stop. ‘We have just forgot one thing. You felt the same way here at Royce’s. meaning,’

‘That there’s magic at Royce’s house.’ Daniel finished that thought.

‘Does Royce look like a wizard to you?’

‘Anyone could look like one. But I would have thought it would have been used when we got attacked outside the Lange’s.’

Erica nodded. ‘We do have to ask him.’

‘Yes, we do. He’s going to love that.’

‘Erica said as a portal appeared in front of the pair, and they stepped through it.

Link to next chapter – https://troyj81.w

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapter 13 – Power is not Magnanimous


Office Roberts handed the phone enclosed in an evidence bag to Royce. He looked around Royce’s office. He too looked stunned at how clean it was. ‘You did this?’

‘Yeah, why?’ Royce said puzzled.

‘Not like you.’ Roberts said and he himself surprised that those words came out of his mouth. ‘Ok.’ Royce dismissed that conversation and continued. ‘Which Vic did this belong to?’

‘Michael Bridges, Lived near the Allentown district.’ 

‘Prints?’ Erica asked.

‘His and only his.’ Roberts said.

‘And the only call was made to Oliver Harris?’

‘Yes, at around ten forty-five.’

‘And it was estimated that the attack happened around that time.’ Royce said. ‘Did he get through to Harris?’

‘Looks like it did not. Noticeably short connections. He may have left a voicemail.’  Roberts said as he shook his head.

‘The only way we are getting that information is from the source.’ Erica said as she stood up.

Daniel looked at Royce who looked at him.

‘Looks like we’re going to Patterson.’ Royce said.


‘Do you think she’ll have sex with me?’ Sampson asked Russo who walked onto the street from a Bagel store. He had two bags and two coffees on him and passed a bag and a cup to his partner who was busy and obviously ogling at a woman in tight leotard and sports vest covered by a hoodie walked into a gym across the street.

‘You’re married.’ Russo said with a laugh.

‘I still got a dick. Not like you ain’t dipped your wick elsewhere Russo.’

‘Yeah, but the difference between you and me is I’m attractive and my girl loves me.’

‘And mine don’t?’ Sampson spat.

‘Your wife lost a bet in high school and has been with you ever since.’

‘That’s love.’

Russo shook his head ae he entered their police cruiser. ‘It’s better fucking be because I don’t know what else to call it.’

Sampson entered as well. ‘Been together for fifteen years, you been with your since,’

‘Long enough to know what I can get away with.’

‘So not long then?’ Sampson joked as he eats his bagel. He looked over that gym. ‘Women in there are the promised land.’

‘Trust me they are not. They are just women. There are no promises anywhere.’ Russo said. ‘Why do you think I cheat?’

Cause you look like you and you’re a cop. Ladies love the badge.’ Sampson said.

‘You ain’t wrong, but the real reason I don’t give a fuck about them, and they try and want me to give a fuck. So, it is the sexual cycle that only benefits both parties because it always ends in sex.’

The police radio goes off. “Looking for available units for ten-twenty-six.”

Russo picked up the receiver. ‘This is nine –four-seven-two how can we help?’

‘Ten-twenty-six at Fourth and Jemson in Allentown. House number two-five-six-eight.’

‘We are on it. Over.’ Russo said.

‘Thanks Russo. Over.’

Russo started the engine and flicked the switch to turn on the sirens.

‘You’re favourite part of town Russo.’ Sampson smiled.

Russo smiled back at him and drove off in great speed.


Royce drove along the interstate. It was a forty-minute drive to Patterson from Preston. Erica was next to him as she looked at the cargo manifest records, her eyes taking in every detail. Daniel looked at the open road. The lack of houses. The many green fields, which looked endless in this part of the road.

Royce looked at him. ‘Bridgewater.’

‘Yeah.’ Daniel kept his gaze on the outside.

‘I just realised through all this, you confirmed that there’s magic in our world and we just skipped past it. Like can you explain it, is like uttering a spell?’

‘It is different for everyone. Some scream their spells. Other you could barely hear them. Really powerful wizards and witches and mages do not have to say a thing.’ Daniel said. ‘Being able to do magic makes you dangerous. It is like a metaphysical thing, beyond just matter, it must be inherent in the deepest part of your soul.’ He paused. ‘Spells can be conjured, written, but the real stuff comes from instruments bonded to your soul it could be a watch or bracelet or well anything, long as the part of your soul bonds with it. It will make the magic happen.’ 

‘Can you do magic?’ Erica asked as her attention moved from manifests to magic.

‘I can, but not for a while.’ Daniel said. ‘Rusty is not even the word. I used to be able to sense it, but that is shaky.’

‘When you did magic, you say, or did it just occur?’

‘Occur. I had an instrument, a staff, old school magic. Where I studied, we all had one.’

‘Like wands?’ Royce asked.

Daniel smiled. ‘Like wands.’

‘Where your cane?’ Erica asked.

‘Long gone.’ Daniel said. He realised he got too comfortable and said too much again. This was becoming a worry. ‘Before you ask, it was lost.’

‘Isn’t it drawn to you? Like if it bonded,’

‘Someone stole it, Royce. Someone took it from me and I’m looking forward to seeing that man again.’ Daniel said. Fuck. Too much again. Stop this shit.

‘How powerful is magic in this world?’ Erica asked.

‘Very powerful. Could turn the entire world upside down or dark or into complete water with no land and we all die.’

‘Is that why you can portal anywhere?’ Royce asked.

‘That is magic, and science bonded together. One of the few times it just works without sending the entire world into a fucking loop.’ Daniel said.

‘Can magic, hurt you?’ Erica asked.

‘Yes.’ Daniel nodded.

‘Can it kill you?’ Erica asked with a little more concern. It was like she knew the answer before she asked.

‘I don’t know.’ Daniel said. He had to be honest with her.

‘So, if we were to face a mage?’ Royce asked.

‘Then we are fucked. That is the kind answer.’ Daniel said.

‘What type of magic could you do?’ Erica asked.

‘Advanced stuff, old world was, is difficult, but binding spells, firelights, summoning spectres from time old, Angel,’ he stopped himself. ‘There were other people who were much better than me. I had the gifts. The things I was blessed with, born with, so I have been fine doing my job and not needing it for all these years. I can do my job without it.’ Daniel continued. ‘I have seen the danger of magic and I think you both will too.’ He sighed. ‘Br prepared to see some freaky shit.’

‘Is our guy, this man in Black a mage or Wizard?’ Royce questioned.

‘I don’t think so.’ Daniel pondered. ‘I think that fucker is man-made.’

‘Born with it, like you.’ Erica said.

‘And you, but him, no I think something nefarious happened to him.’ Daniel said. ‘I think someone made him that fucking way.’

The car became silent.

Daniel certainly became hushed and did not want to disclose anything else. These two got him too comfortable. Got his nature of taking and got him to bypass his aversion of commentary of his own life.

I almost said her name he thought. That was too close. I do not want to open that door. There is no coming back from that.

They drove past a sign that said



Daniel was quite sure that the last the last section of the sign was a prank, but Patterson did have a six percent increase in its population over the last two years, so maybe it was true.

On the right they could see a large business park and the sign noted ENGRAVE CORP.

I will be looking forward to talking to you Mr Harris Daniel thought and smiled.


Allentown was home to most of the black population in Preston. Some houses looked empty, and others looked resplendent and full of life.

The roads went from being well kept to the further you got down, the potholes got deeper. There were wired fencing instead of picket. Under-growth in some of the pavements.

The local government clearly did not give any checks to this part of town, but as Russo and Sampson sped along the streets. No one seemed unmoved by this. A little look here and there, but most went on with their day.

There were schools with football fields and athletic tracks, Basketball courts dotted around the area. There were kids playing hockey and made makeshift goals out of their jackets and broken football posts left by the former school in that area. Other kids played baseball and knocked fast knuckleball past their version of the diamond.

Churches of varied sizes in every corner of this part of the world and not one gun store in sight. But there were a few liquor stores and one big grocery store near the centre.

Russo and Sampson pulled up to 4th and Jemson and outside house number two-five-six-eight. As they came out, they could hear the yelling coming from inside the house. There was a lot of profanity mixed with digs about manhood and a woman’s weight.

‘Happy couple.’ Sampson said.

‘Let’s go.’ Russo said as he noticed that several residents had looked at the pair from the windows. They kept their eyes on them. Russo kept his peripheral vision on them too.

They walked up the four steps into the veranda.

Russo knocked the door.  No answer. Still the loud voice of the argument dominated. He knocked again, harder, and louder. ‘Police.’ Russo said.

‘Fuck.’ said the male voice from behind the door which opened. It was a black man who opened, and he wore a white vest and black cargo shorts, long in length just going past his knees. He also wore white tennis socks and flip flops. He was well built and looked to be in his early thirties. ‘You fucking called the cops?’ He said but looked to his right.

‘No.’  came a female voice yet to be seen by the two officers. ‘How can I when I’ve been arguing with you, you dumbass.’

‘Bitch, you call me that again, and I swear.’

‘Calm down.’ Sampson said. ‘One of your neighbours made the call. They were concerned with the language being used and the noise. They said they heard some glass, a plate break.’

‘Oh yeah? My neighbour?’ The man said and his stuck his head out of his door. ‘ONE OF YOU REALLY? WELL FUCK OF ALL Y’ALL!’

‘You could bring down the profanity.’

‘And you can suck my dick. How the fuck about that?’

‘You’re not my type.’ Russo said with a cold detachment that chilled his partner.

‘You cops. What the fuck do you want?’ The man said.

‘May we come in? Just need to check on I guess your wife or girlfriend. The place.’

‘How about you fuck off and leave my house and let me handle my fucking business.’ The man said. ‘How the fuck about that?’

‘I am sorry sir. What was that? I did not catch that. You said what?’

‘How about you fuck off and leave my house and let me handle,’

Russo slammed a punch into the man chest, and he hit the spot because the man buckled to his knees and wheezed heavily. ‘What was that? What did you say? I mean after you reached for my gun, I had to protect myself, right?’

‘That how I saw it.’ Sampson said with a smile.

A woman ran to the door, black, small in stature, wearing a blue top and white tracksuit bottom. Her hair was tied back. Her cheeks were dried, full of past streaks of tears. ‘Victor!! What did you fucking do?’ she said as she saw Victor on the ground.

Sampson pulled his gun out and pointed at her startled. ‘GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND NOW! NOW!’

The woman did what she was told with quickness.

‘Put your hands behind your back. Now.’

‘What the fuck did you do to him?’ The woman cried as Sampson pointed at her with his gun and was just above her.

She put her hands behind her back.

Russo picked up Victor who looked winded. His eyes were red with tears of pain. ‘You shouldn’t have reached for my weapon Victor.’

‘F… Fuck you. I didn’t reach for your weapon, you fucking,’

Russo slammed another punch and Victor dropped to the veranda floor again. He spat out some blood. The punch was harder and more vicious the second time round. ‘Again, he tried it.’ Russo said, ‘Again he went for my weapon. I mean county court is going to love this.’  

‘They do love them easy cases.’ Sampson said.

‘By the time you paid bail Victor, this house of yours will be lost. Bail’s expensive these days.’

‘What do you want?’ The woman screamed.

‘I know your name,’ Russo said to Victor, ‘what is your name?’ He asked the woman.

‘If I tell you, will you let us be.’

‘There isn’t any bargaining here Sweetheart. My partner asked you a question and you would do well to answer it and answer with respect.’ Sampson said.

‘Shaniqua.’ she said as she had to swallow the tears.

‘What a terribly predictable name. I expected something more…special.’ Russo said.

‘What have we done? We were just arguing, couples argue. We’ll stop officers. We’ll stop.’ Shaniqua pleaded with the officers.

Russo kneeled. ‘What if I didn’t?’ he smiled. ‘What if I wanted to punish both of you? What would you say to that?’

‘We have done nothing wrong. WE HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?’ Victor screamed after he gained a little bit of strength.

‘I want to hurt you, Victor. I want to hurt you real bad. I did not wake up wanting to hurt you, but you got me in the mood for hurting and just not protecting and serving. Now I am going to open this,’ Russo unclips the clasp over his handgun, ‘you’re going to reach for it, reach for my gun and my partner is going to shoot you.’

‘What? What the fuck?’ Victor said and he was slapped by Russo.

‘No, you are not listening, you really are not listening, and you need to follow instruction. Did you need me to repeat? Because if you did, I will slap you repeatedly and I will slap you like a cheap whore from the broadside of town.’

‘That’s degrading.’ Sampson said.

‘It is.’ Russo said with menace. ‘Now grab the gun.’

‘No don’t do it.’ Shaniqua said.

‘I ain’t planning to baby. I ain’t planning to.’ Victor said to Shaniqua. He looked at Russo. ‘I ain’t doing it and you ain’t gonna shoot me here.’ 

‘I know I won’t.’ Russo said. ‘He will.’ He pointed at Sampson.

‘I ain’t grabbing your gun, OFFICER.’

Russo looked surprised. He gave a mocking gaze of disrespect. ‘Look at that, some respect. Though I did not like the tone of when he said officer.’

‘Plus, he needs to say sir.’ Sampson said.

‘You are right. He does need to say sir.’ Russo stood up. ‘Say sir.’

‘Sir.’ Victor said defeated.

‘Say you are sorry sir.’ Russo said.

Victor looked at Shaniqua and shook his head. ‘I am sorry. SIR.’

‘Sorry for?’

‘For my disrespect and use of profanity.’

Russo looked confused and ushered him to say one more word.

‘Sir.’ Victor said.

‘And do you plan again to fight again?’

‘No sir.’

Russo looked at Shanquia.

‘No officer.’ She spoke.

Russo shook his head and said, ‘You know what to say Sweetheart.’

‘No sir.’ She said and she swallowed more tears.

Russo kneeled again and lifted Victor’s head. ‘You learned a life lesson here you fuck. It does not matter if it is in front of your house or tv, you will speak to me with fucking respect, do you understand me? I do not a flying fuck who you are or what you do. You will talk to me with respect, and I know you will cause I could set a change of real fucking shitty events for you. I could take this all away. You know that right? I can bleed you dry before you actually bleed and you wanna know why? Cause I am better than you. I have always been better than you. I woke up better than you. I fucking peed better than you are earlier. Hell, I think I can handle your girl better than you.’

Victor scowled.

‘I can break you and not break a sweat and still be given a key to this city.’ Russo smiled. ‘I hope you learned today and take heart. Do not fuck up and you will not see me again. But if you do, oh we are going to have some fun. None of this soft day time shit. We are talking dark. Please commit another crime, Victor. Please.’

Russo got up and looked at Sampson as clipped his gun back.

‘We done?’ Sampson said.

‘Yeah, we are done.’

Sampson holstered back his weapon and moved away from Shaniqua. ‘You have a good day now.’ Sampson said in a kind of sing-song way that even made Russo confused.

Sampson walked back the car. Russo just watched the couple.

‘You have a good day. Do not forget my words cause within them is a promise to be back here Victor. Shaniqua. Be good and do not be bad or I really will be back.’ Russo tipped his hat, turned, and walked away top the cruiser.

Victor and Shaniqua looked at police cruiser as it started its engine, it moved forward, then reversed and drove off on the way they came.

Once the car was gone. They held each other. Tears fell from both their eyes.


Royce parked at the large car park. One the second row, the first had all spaces taken. They got of the car and walked towards the headquarters of Engrave Corporation. Their insignia was right by the front entrance at the middle of a fountain. The letters E, N, G and C were fit onto a cube at a forty-degree angle. It moved like a Rubik’s cube, so a person could see all the letters. They got to the front door which was made of thick glass.

Royce went to open the door. As they got to the door, Daniel stumbled a little. He felt a little woozy. Erica held him up.

‘You, okay?’ She asked Daniel.

‘Yeah, just got a little light-headed. I’m good.’ Daniel regained his composure and stood firm.

Erica nodded but kept her eye on him. Royce tugged at the door, but it was locked. He locked at the button near the door handle. He pressed it. They heard a buzz and the door opened.

They entered the reception area which was expansive with lift doors on the far side of the room.  There were several chairs and tables spread out in threes in the right side of the room. The fire exits to left of the seating area. The reception was close to the fire exits and the receptionist, a young brunette whose hair was tied back and wore thin rimmed glasses looked up at them as she typed and smiled.

‘Good day. Welcome to Engrave. How can I help you?’

‘Yes, hi,’ Flashed the grin of Royce, ‘I’m detective Royce Drysdale, that is Special Agent Erica Chandler and Special Agent Daniel Bridgewater and we are here to speak to Oliver Harris.’

‘Mr Harris is extremely busy.’ The receptionist said. ‘Perhaps tomorrow, I can fit you in?’

‘No, we would like to see Mr Harris, tell him to cancel his plans for the next hour or maybe less. That we need to see him as soon as possible and if we won’t I’ll have to get a subpoena.’

The receptionist looked confused. ‘For what?’

‘None of you damn business, unless you want to be interviewed?’

The receptionist looked even more confused and a little startled. ‘For what?’ She said a whole lot louder due to that fear.

‘Nothing,’ Royce realised he went a little too far there, ‘nothing, you have done nothing as far as we know, but you need to call up to Oliver Harris now and tell him we are here to see him. Now.’

‘Okay.’ The receptionist said and Royce smiled again. She picked up the phone and pressed two buttons. ‘Yes Mr Harris, yes I know you are in a meeting, but uh, the police are here? Yes. Yes. To see you.’

‘Tell him now.’ Royce said with a quiet volume.

‘Now. They want to see you see now. Yes. Yes.’ She put down the phone. ‘Yes, he will see you now. I will take you to his office.’


After being led by the receptionist up the lift to the top floor, then through a few tight and long hallways with light brown carpet and plain white walls. Doors that were painted green were kept closed and had little to no noise coming out of them. It felt like there was nobody here.

As they closer to Oliver Harris’s office, the hallways grew in width. Walls were now glass and there was a little bit life with hustle and bustle as the three actually saw other people, sat on desks, on the phone, typing or gossiping. Typical office behaviour.

Oliver’s office had thick glass walls that could not be seen from the outside. The receptionist opened the door to his office.

‘Mr Harris will be along shortly. Did you need a drink? Some water?’

‘We are good.’ Royce said as he spoke for all of them.

Daniel looked a little shaky again all of a sudden. Erica again caught him.

‘You are sure you’re alright Bridgewater?’ Erica said with a lot more concern than before.

Daniel nodded. ‘Yeah, I am good. Just feel a little bit light-headed. Let’s get something to eat when we leave yeah?’

‘Okay.’ The receptionist left and shut the door.

Daniel and Erica sat down, but Royce stayed up and looked at the office. Looked at the view outside. The view of hills and the teeming forests and farms around them.

‘So this is what success is like?’ Royce said. ‘All this quiet.’

‘That you Royce?’ Erica said. ‘You’d want this?’

‘Me couped up in a room and hearing the money roll in?’ Royce said as he kept his gaze as birds flew high above the ground. ‘Not me. I need to be out, moving, doing something. I am not a stationary kinda guy. Shit like this would be boring to me.’

‘That’s why you are you and I am I.’

They all turned around and saw Oliver Harris enter the room. He wore a thin cut grey suit with a blue tie and brown, polished shoes. His hair looked even more slicked back and that smile expanded its wattage. Oliver was shaved clean to the skin.

‘Royce, not like you to just show up like that. I thought a phone call would be you know respectful.’ Oliver said as he walked past the three and went behind his desk to sit down.

‘That is the thing about police work, it doesn’t have a schedule. Your leads dictate what you are going to do that day.’

‘Leads huh? What leads?’ Oliver asked.

‘Don’t jump the gun. We’ve only just got started. Plus, I wouldn’t just show up here to be a nuisance.’ Royce said as he sat down in between Daniel and Erica.

‘Did my receptionist offer you all a drink?’

‘Yes, we’re good.’ Erica said.

‘You sure about that?’ Oliver looked at Daniel whose face was full of sweat. ‘Agent Bridgewater, you really sweaty. I can turn the AC down if you are feeling hot?’

‘I’m fine.’ Daniel said unconvincingly.

‘You got a call from Michael Bridges the night of his death. Did you get those calls?’ Royce asked.

‘My phone was on silent. I was out.’

‘Where?’ Erica asked.

‘At a charity function in North Harbour. I mean there’s witnesses.’

‘Did, Bridges, leave you a voicemail?’ Daniel asked.

‘No just two missed calls.’ Oliver said calmly.

‘You never thought to call him back?’ Royce asked.

‘By the time, I thought to do so I heard he had, passed.’ Oliver asked.

‘What was his association to you?’ Erica asked.

‘He was a friend.’

‘You friends with people from near Allentown, I thought that was a little too east for you?’ Royce asked.

‘I’m friends with everyone in this district. Preston, Englewood, Allentown, North Harbour, everyone.’

‘Oh, that felt like a politician’s answer.’ Daniel said.

‘Everyone has a future Agent Bridgewater. You sure you don’t need a Beveridge or something?’

‘I’m fine.’

‘Whose Elgin Marine?’ Erica asked.

‘It’s one of our partner companies. We exclusively ship with them. Why is that pertinent information Agent?’

‘They had a delivery due that night that was collected at the port, but never met it to the warehouse. That night.’ Erica said.

Daniel smiled. You get him Erica he thought.

‘Just thinking that would be something that would be flagged, as missing.’ Erica said.

‘Well, you can check the logs of our warehouse, east Glendon. They arrived there and were then taken here.’

‘Why not come straight here.’ Daniel asked. ‘Why take it to that warehouse?’

‘This line of questioning is quite intrusive. Have you come down here to imply that I’m linked to the murder of those twelve men?’ Oliver said with a little of that confidence weaker than before.

‘It’s just that things aren’t right in my eyes and my friends’ eyes here. Your behaviour with the loss of friends all these twelve men at the time were friends of yours I presume?’ Royce ushered him to answer.

‘Most were, they all were. Some are work colleagues.’

‘So why where they and especially Taylor Lambert, the fucking prince of Preston in a warehouse waiting for a delivery that according to you was never going to come and before you say you need to call your rich law firm in Philly, make no fucking mistake, that won’t look good for you, it means you’re looking to hide something from us when you can answer right now and clear it all up. Why were they there that night?’ Royce said as he sat forward.

Oliver in turn sat back and smiled. ‘Jesus. I ain’t seen that Royce in many a fucking year.’ He looked at Daniel and Erica. ‘That Royce, the one you saw there, well he’s been in hibernation for so many fucking years ain’t ya Royce? That man there was the all pro, all state Quarterback Royce Drysdale, the man who could throw the ball for five hundred yards a game, a man who had his fucking ticket written to the NFL and fucked it up because he married some girl, focused all his shit and her and cause she looked so fucking pretty in one game in college, the man got hammed by an edge rusher, but all his two-hundred and twenty pounds on your left knee and that was all she wrote.’ Oliver paused as he moved a little forward as Royce moved a little back. ‘Dream ended there and then didn’t it Royce?’

‘Answer the question?’ Royce said a little hurt.

‘You married her as well? Why? She’s showed you little remorse ever since. Her career has gone into the stratosphere and well you are here. Don’t she out earn you?’ Oliver said.

‘And what the fuck is wrong with that?’ Erica said.

‘You wouldn’t understand Agent Chandler. You see you need to have a penis to understand that right. These two understand. Don’t you? The shame. The utter shame of it all. We as men are meant to be providers. Pay for our woman. Look after your woman and not to ever, ever allow that open, because if you did, you would be able to look in the mirror. How many times, have you looked in the mirror old friend and felt like a true man…You ain’t felt like a man for a while Royce, plus the amount of times Alyssa has fucking hurt you brother, why the fuck are you still with her? I don’t get you man. I really fucking don’t.’

Daniel noticed that Royce had been affected by what was said. That he barely held it together as Oliver Harris had broken him down. ‘Why was Taylor Lamber at the warehouse Harris?’ Daniel said. ‘Hey, fucker, focus on me, why the fuck where those twelve men there that night?’

Oliver rubbed his right arm and Daniel sweated some more. ‘They did that as a favour. Taylor as you are aware has a vested interest in Engrave. There had been some miscalculations. That numbers were inconsistent from port to warehouse and some staff couldn’t be trusted.’

‘Why?’ Erica said.

‘We are the most successful company of its size in this part of the world. The number of jobs, the work we do for science and for protection of our nation is second to none. This brings jealousy and are competitors would like to see us fail. So, we thought they were trying to fuck us over from the inside.’ Oliver said.

‘So Taylor took it upon himself to keep an out and see if there was any wrongdoing?’ Daniel asked.

‘As I said he had a vested interest in Engrave.’

‘You hear of the Greycloaks?’ Daniel asked.


‘Well it seems that of the twelve who were killed, they were part of some right wing group called the Greycloaks. Taylor included. If he wasn’t part of that group, why was he hanging with them?’

‘Taylor, much like me, much like you or anyone else Agent, didn’t control who he had relationships with. What those people did was up to them. I’m sure the people that are closet to you have secrets or opinions that you don’t agree with.’ Oliver said to Daniel.

Fucker. They are all gone and none of them would have kept secrets from me. He thought through gritted teeth. He tried to hide the simmered rage that boiled underneath.

‘Or are you one of those loner types? You have no one so you throw yourself into your work?’

Ah you’re fucking pushing it pal Daniel’s fist started to shake.

‘Nothing wrong with that. It’s a way to live.’ Oliver sat forward some more. ‘I didn’t know what they did, but they came to help us just in case.’

‘Why would you think the killer, came there that night and then stuck around?’ Erica asked.

Oliver sighed and sat back. ‘I’ve been wondering that myself.’ He paused. ‘I wish I knew, but I don’t Agent Chandler. What do you know about it?’

‘That for us to know.’

‘Meaning you know not a goddamn thing. I mean you could have just said that.’ Oliver said.

‘Watch your tone.’ Royce said.

‘You are in my office. You watch your tone with me.’ Oliver said.

‘You think you’re slick. You think you have it all together.’ Daniel said.

‘Agent Bridgewater. Is that admiration I hear?’ Oliver said with a mocking tone. ‘I’m educated. I lived a life as have all of you. I mourn the loss of my friends and all the other innocent people who had been killed by this awful freak of a man.’

‘You mourn the Grisco gang? Men who were going to kill to an actual innocent person, just living their life and working?’ Erica spat out with incredulity.

‘Every death is a misery. One life lost is one life missed.’ Oliver said, ‘someone cared about them Grisco’s and now they mourn them.’ He looked at Daniel, ‘not everyone is a shutout or a loner who actually wants to be alone.’ Oliver smiled as Daniel was about to talk. ‘It’s all over your face, hell it’s all over you right now. Even the way you are sitting, closed off and not close to your two colleagues here. Written as clear as a completed page Agent Bridgewater.’

Erica was about to talk.

‘Did you want me to analyse you?’ Oliver said.

‘There’s nothing to analyse.’ Erica said.

‘That’s the point.’ Oliver said. ‘There is nothing to analyse. Yet.’ He smiled. ‘Hope our guy doesn’t catch up to you first and end that story.’

‘That a threat?’ Royce stood up.

‘No you imbecile, that was a warning to all of us, you better find him before he finds you and all of us.’ Oliver laughed to himself. ‘Wait I heard he found you Agent Bridgewater. Last night. You are the lucky one.’ Oliver said. ‘I have another meeting planned. Did this fishing expedition go the way as planned? Are you gonna bring me in? I’m a still a person of interest or can I fucking do my fucking job?’ 

‘You are talking to a police officer watch your,’

‘I am talking to Royce Drysdale. I know him. You got that I know you. I know why you’re doing what you’re doing. A man with a lost future. Unknown. You may have the power of the law, but the power I have has far greater reach. Now this is a threat.’

Daniel got up on a little bit of shaken legs, but they stood firm when he needed to talk. ‘I have power. I love to show you, what I can do.’

‘I bet Agent. Alas, unless you can provide me with compelling evidence for me to not continue with my day, I am going to do just that. So I will get someone to escort you out.’ Oliver said and now they were all stood up and were about to leave. ‘Royce.’

Royce stopped and turned.

‘Don’t ever show up to my workplace again and grandstand like that again without anything concrete. That was fucking conjecture all day. Get a fucking warrant and don’t waste my fucking time.’ Oliver said as he sat back on his chair.

Royce’s fist shook with rage. The whole top of his body shook, but he kept calm and it did not show. ‘Sage advice as always Oliver. I think I’m going to take you up on that.’ He looked at Daniel and Erica. ‘Let’s go.’

Royce and Erica left the room, but Daniel stayed and then walked up to the glass desk.

‘Yes Agent Bridgewater. Aren’t you tired of this verbal jousting?’ Oliver sighed.

Daniel stuck his hand out.

Oliver looked confused. ‘I thought I had to earn your respect to your handshake?’

‘You did.’

‘I don’t need it.’ Oliver said dismissively. ‘Leave.’

‘C’mon. Be a man about it. You’re the man in this room. I’m impressed with how you handled yourself just now. I’m extending my hand to you. You are clearly a smart man with impressive education and poise under pressure. Like your feathers didn’t ruffle once. I want to shake your hand.’ Daniel said with a convincing smile. ‘I won’t leave till you do.’

‘Then I’ll call security.’

‘Why do that when you can shake it and then I’ll be on my merry fucking way. How about that. Why get people hurt Harris when it can all be avoided here? Shake my hand. Please.’

Oliver smiled. ‘You said please. I appreciate it.’

‘Manners go a long way.’ Daniel said as Oliver Harris shook his hand, then Daniel squeezed in hard and everyone could hear some bones crack from the hand being squeezed.

‘ARRGH, ARRRGGHHH.’ Oliver squealed as he dropped to the floor and held his hand. His eyes was flushed with tears as Daniel slowly crushed his hand.

‘You feel powerful now? Do you?’


‘I’ve seen power. You ain’t powerful. You’re just a rich kid whose spent their whole life getting what they want, but not knowing the consequences of crossing the wrong person cause you’ve been protected, but now you’re here in front of me and there is no one who can protect you. Now if you ever, ever speak to Royce or Erica, Sorry detective Drysdale and Agent Chandler like that again. I will hurt you in way you won’t be able to walk away from. Now that’s a threat.’

Daniel let go of Oliver’s hand and flung it away.

Oliver landed on the ground and scowled at Daniel.

‘You’re not powerful Harris. Not to me.’ Daniel said and he turned, walked away. ‘Now we can go.’ Daniel said as he walked past Erica and Royce.

They all left the office.

Oliver felt his hand but smiled. ‘You haven’t seen my power Bridgewater, but you will.’ He got up, sat on his leather chair and picked up the phone. He pressed a number. ‘Yes, they’ve gone. Get me the mayor of Preston. NOW.’


Daniel, Royce and Erica stayed silent as Royce reversed out of his space and left the car park. Daniel looked back at the building as it was left in the distance. ‘We’ll be back. I’m sure of it.’

‘You didn’t buy any of what he said as well?’ Erica said.

‘From the moment those words left his mouth.’ Daniel mused. ‘There’s no tangible connection between Harris, Engrave and the man in Black and we have to find that. There is no doubt something is going on here, something not right, but our focus is the killer.’

‘You did see how he reacted to the Greycloaks?’ Erica said. ‘He’s one of them.’

‘Gut feeling.’

‘I know. I know, but you can just tell. Times you can read a person.’ Erica said. ‘It’s a gut feeling.’

‘Trust your gut. That’s what I say. Most times it never let’s you down for all the big stuff.’ Daniel said.

Both Daniel and Erica noticed that the usually verbose Royce stayed silent.

‘Look Royce, if you expected me to stay silent when that arsehole was chatting shit about you, then well I was not going that shit.’ Daniel said.

Royce said nothing.

‘Really man? You mad at me?’ Daniel said in frustration.

‘I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at me.’ Royce said.

‘Because you sat there and took it?’ Erica said.

‘Yeah. I should have said something.’

‘That cause you have history with the fucker.’ Erica said.

‘We aim to tear that down.’ Daniel said confidently.

‘You know he’s going to go the mayor, right?’ Royce asked.

Both Daniel and Erica nodded.

‘I’m going to get my ass chewed out and not in a good way.’ Royce remarked.

‘There’s a good way of getting your ass chewed out?’ Erica said and then she realised she did not want to a part of that conversation. ‘Wait. Don’t answer,’

‘You ain’t lived till you got your ass chewed out Agent.’ Royce laughed. ‘You’re missing out on the best of life.’

Erica shuddered. ‘That, that right there was my own fault. It was, it really was.’

‘Well when you get your arse chewed out and in the not in a good way arse-chewing, we’ll be standing right next to you.’ Daniel said.

‘Can I not and say I was?’ Erica asked.

‘Nope we’re going to take this arse-chewing together.’

‘Stop saying ass-chewing please!’ Erica could not hold her laughter and they all laughed.

‘He’s definitely called the mayor, who will call Larry.’ Royce said.

‘We’re in this together, plus there’s nothing that they can say to me or Erica. We were called in.’ Daniel said. ‘It’s going to be okay.’

Royce nodded. It was silent.

‘The way that man buckled. I ain’t going to lie, I fucking loved it.’ Erica said with a mischievous smile on her face.

‘Me too.’ Royce smiled.

‘Me three. It just felt good you know?’

They laughed again as they past the sign that said



Russo leaned on the police cruiser and  checked out the posterior of a woman who walked by with her dog. She looked to be in her early twenties and wore, black hooded top and jogging bottoms with white tennis shoes.

She was a brunette. Russo had a particular affinity for brunettes, which is why is only dated blond-haired-females His logic was blondes felt like the ones who you would go home to, but brunettes were the ones you had fun with.

He blamed the Archie comics for this. The whole Betty vs Veronica conundrum. Betty being the girl next door and Veronica being the exciting girl.

Russo’s father Don Senior drummed into him that you always ended up with the girl who made the home. The one who had your back in the end and because of Archie, it was usually the blonde Betty, but Russo was drawn to the Veronica every time.

He even found it hard to not notice a brunette in front of his own girlfriend. A girl, a nice girl who didn’t have the oomph factor that some exes had.

Russo knew he was a piece of shit for this. His woman was a good woman, and he was the one who strayed, as his father told him “How much fucking fun can you have son before you have to realise it isn’t all about that? It’s hard, life my boy, it’s really fucking hard and you need a fucking woman who’s going to be able to roll with you through the hard times with ya son or what’s the fucking point in existing for someone else? Find ya a good woman, love her, take care of her and make sure she makes you happy and you do the fucking same and I promise ya, you’ll live a good life, full of shit, but that’s the thing ya hold onto, like I did with your mother.”

Those were the last words Russo senior said to his son as her laid on his death bed. He soon passed after that and Russo junior tried to live by that creed.

But he always wanted his Veronica.

Russo sighed as a part of him wanted to run over and talk to the lady, asked her where she was going, who she was with and if she were interested in meeting up sometime.

But what would that do? Nothing he thought. Nothing as he had an actual living breathing good woman at home, but why was he compelled to mess up the one good relationship in his life.

His mother and father were an old school marriage. He a cop on the force for forty-three years and she a teacher, but a teacher who came home and cooked for the family. He never knew his father to stray away and his older brothers also remained in good marriages that as far as he knew, lasted and they never cheated.

But why was he the anomaly?

Every family has one, Russo figured. The one who differed from the norm. The one who existed on a separate plain. The one whose thought process was different to the others. He had to be honest with himself. She was a good woman and he was a bad man, but being a bad man gave him the rationale to being a good cop and being a good cop meant being on the edge and being on the edge meant that goodness was always fraught with the reality that life and society was not that good, that if it was boring then it was not that good either.

He feared boring. Nothing chilled his heart more than boring.  His other brothers looked at that kind of relationship and yearned for it and moulded themselves to become his father and live by those words. He never remembered his father giving his brothers that speech. He told them they were good men with good women and to keep on being a good man. But what was said to him as Russo interpreted was.

Don’t be a fuck up and stop fucking around with these women who don’t give a fuck about ya. What ya doin son? You ain’t gonna be a young man for too long as your looks are only going to get ya so far so what the fuck are you doin? What ya getting out of this huh? What are you trying to prove? That you don’t want love? Listen there’s nothing wrong with the love of a good woman, she may be boring, but ya fucking know what son, boring is fucking good son. I spent forty-three years with ya mother. I knew I loved her when I dropped her fucking home and didn’t wanna leave her side. That was fucking that, and it was beautiful. She ain’t the most exciting person and I fucking don’ need her to be. I need her to be a good woman, a good wife and a good mother. She fucking thinks for herself but put us first. Every fucking time son. What in the fuck is wrong with that son? I ain’t tell ya you’re fucked up cause you came from a good home, you saw love up close and I wanna understand why you don’t want that for ya self? You ain’t gonna  find a angel in these clubs or bars you got to. You’ll find a good fuck buddy. You’ll find someone who will make your cock hard son, but life ain’t just about making your cock hard and enjoying it. Here the fuck I am, on my death bed and I’m a happy fucking man cause I got to spend most my life with ya mother. My angel. I was blessed to find myself a fucking a good woman who actually loved me. She loved every fucking thing about me, even the stuff she disliked in me. It was total fucking love for her, and she was total fucking love for me. I loved every bit of her. Not many men find their angel and many men think they ain’t worthy of having one, but you gotta believe Donnie, you have to believe you a worthy of one and not throw it the fuck away cause you think what’s out there gonna be betta for ya. Let me save you the fucking suspense son. It ain’t ya. Don’t fuck it up when ya meet her. Grow your fucking roots with ya and embrace the boring. The boring keeps a man alive. Keeps us grounded. Fun can only last for so long son. Look at me and look at ya. I’m dyin’ but am happy cause I’m gonna see your mother again. What are you gonna feel on ya bed of rest son? Who are you gonna see?

Russo wiped a tear from his cheek and coughed. That fucking guy he thought. He did miss the relatable and powerful profanity of his father. Hell, he just missed them both. He did see love up close. The question that dominated Russo’s mind other than when will the Steelers win another Superbowl and become another dynasty again, was, why was he so scared of it, love?

The town itself was going about it’s day. No one seemed bothered about this killer with telekinetic abilities going around town killing people. Maybe that was the best way to live, because it if it was alternative no one would be here. They would all be living in fear.

Russo figured that it was his job to think of those absolutes, this man had to be stopped. This man was not going to come willing and those two agents that have to come help, may have made things worse for Preston.

Sampson came from a local diner nearby with fried food in wrapped up in bags and grease at the bottom of those bags and cups of coffee and saw Russo who looked off into the distance. ‘You, ok?’ He said as he opened his door. ‘You look like you’re musing about shit. What did I tell you about musing?’

‘Unless it’s about a woman’s ass musing ain’t good for anybody.’ Russo said as he snapped out of his thought and was back in the moment.

‘I taught you well.’ Sampson smiled and they both got into their police cruiser. ‘What are we doing wait we’re heading back. Fuckin’ paperwork duty this week. I dunno about you Russo, but I get bone dry when I’m fucking swimming in that shit. Bone. Dry. Kathy sits next to me and I don’t get hard or anything cause I’m in paperwork and you know Kathy is hot as fuck,’

‘What do you think about those two agents?’ Russo asked.

‘I don’t. That’s the key.’

‘Have they offered any fucking value at all? Like every place them and Royce go there’s like a trail of bodies behind them.’ Russo said. ‘You don’t think that’s weird or fucking shifty in any way and we can’t talk about it, to anyone?’

‘We’re dealing with a freak Don. A freak who kills people. There ain’t any other kind, but they are here and they are with Royce on it, bodies follow them detectives in every cause, hence why it’s an ongoing case. We leave them to it.’

‘Did you use the word Hence, just now?’ Russo asked confused.

‘Yeah, I been readin’ don’t look so fucking shocked. I can read fucker.’ Sampson spat.

‘Never said you couldn’t dickhead, just surprised you’ve been reading. What are ya reading?’

‘Snow Falling on Cedars. It’s a fucking good book. About some racial shit in the fifties up at the pacific northwest. It’s compelling.’

‘You are evolving.’ Russo said and smiled.

‘Fuck you I don’t go that way motherfucker!’ Sampson raged.

‘What the fuck are you doing? I said are growing as a person you fuck. What the fuck did you think I was saying?’

‘Never mind and don’t worry about it. What in the fuck brought all this on anyway?’

Russo shook his head. ‘I don’t think they are doing anything of fucking merit and I hear they been snooping around Engrave? For fucking what? To fuck over the one company who bought money to us and Patterson?’

‘They ain’t invested in those coal mines though. I heard they bought up some underground caverns in Patterson though.’

‘I don’t give a fuck about that. I give a fuck that they are going to fuck us over and try to run out Engrave from our town.’  

‘Okay and what are you saying?’

Russo started the engine. ‘I think it’s time we run these agents out of town and fucking take over this case ourselves.’ 

‘Sounds like a bad idea, like grabbing Kathy’s ass at Mardi-Gras that time, but if you believe in it Russo, I’m gonna back ya. How are you going to do that?’

‘Do what I do best.’

‘Get brunettes to sleep with ya?’

‘No Sampson. Antagonise them. Antagonise the fuck out of them.’

‘You do, do that well.’ Sampson said.

‘I do.’ Russo smiled. ‘Let’s go.’


As Royce, Erica and Daniel walked into Royce’s office, they saw Larry Anderson stood in front of the big window behind Royce’s desk.

‘Ah shit.’ Royce said without any thought behind it.

‘Shit indeed, Detective. Shit in-fucking-deed.’ Larry said with his back still turned. ‘I just had a very illuminating conversation with the mayor of this fair city. I mean he was so gracious in chewing my fucking asshole, that I thought, wait let me spread the love to Royce Drysdale and his fucking agents brought in to help him solve this case!’ Larry turned and looked at the three. He was in full uniform. Medals and all.

‘Larry, if we can just explain,’


‘Mr Anderson, you don’t have to yell.’ Daniel said with a calming tone.

‘Oh, wait your turn, Agent Bridgewater. I’ll be coming to you in a few minutes.’

‘Nah I’m impatient. I got things to do, people to see and a case solve so just bring it to me now cause time is crucial and I, Erica really have no time for it, but if it is something you think you to do right now while we’ve just walked through the door and you really need to do it, then go ahead and get it off your chest.’

‘Oh you think you have it all figured it out Bridgewater. That you and your agency run everything and answer to no one. No dispel that fucking notion out of your fucking brain Bridgewater and get this notion in your head, you answer to me and I answer to the mayor and you fucking mouth ain’t going to stop writing cheques you can’t cash.’ Larry said almost at the extremity of his rage.

‘You lot your train of thought during that whole speech. Yet you didn’t give it up. I respect that.’  Daniel giving a whole new level of nonchalance.

‘Here he is with the jokes.’

‘I try.’

‘Try less.’ Larry said. ‘You do not go to Oliver Harris and play some dumb good cop, stupid cop game with him. You had nothing.’

‘We had a phone call from one of the vics to him the night he was murdered by our guy.’ Erica said.

‘You had nothing.’ Larry said.

‘We had cargo manifest to deliveries that were never meant to go that warehouse, but were there that night and the twelve vics where they and he couldn’t give a logical reason why they were there.’ Royce said.

‘Ah ya fucking had nothing, where is the bloody fucking glove?’

‘What is your lot’s obsession with a bloody glove? I don’t get it?’ Daniel said.

‘Shut the fuck up Bridgewater.’ Larry said.

‘Don’t play that game Chief of Police. Not with me.’ Daniel said with the joking tone abandoned for a more altogether serious one. ‘I can understand the rage, but you will not talk to me like that or Erica or Royce. We are working fucking hard to connect the fucking dots if the trail leads to golden boy Harris, then so be it, but we are finding things out and we hope and we feel that it will lead to us to our guy.’

‘You hope. You feel. All words that’s nice for the nice person’s lexicon’s but what I need is more of the vernacular of we have DNA, we have whereabouts, we have PROOF! HOPING AND FEELING AIN’T WHAT IS REQUIRED RIGHT NOW AGENT BRIDGEWATER!’ Larry yelled at the top of his lungs again. ‘You got that?’

‘We will.’

‘Ah another hopeful phrase. Your agency came in saying it’s the best of the best. The last line of defence against things like this and you Mr. Bridgewater were the absolute best at what you do, but if you are the best then I hate to you see what your agency considers is the worst.’ Larry said as he grabbed his hat and put it on his head. ‘You three are in thin ice. Solve this goddamn thing, bring in this fucker and stay the fuck away from Oliver Harris and Engrave.’

‘What if we don’t?’ Daniel asked.

‘Excuse me?’ Larry said.

Erica and Royce both looked at Daniel who stood resolute.

‘You heard what I said. I don’t intend to repeat.’

Larry laughed. ‘If I was younger,’

‘You’d be on the floor in pain. Don’t play with me Police Chief Anderson. We will get this done. I answer to one man. He ain’t here and he ain’t you. So let us do what we need to do, or this killing spree will continue and will only stop if we stop it or and this is the worst option if our man in black decides to. Then it will be all on you and I don’t think you want to that happen, being close to that fat pension and all.’ 

Larry walked right up to Daniel. ‘I do like you Bridgewater, but that mouth of yours,’

‘Is wonderful I know, I like to finish sentences for people.’

‘You have a warped world view. It don’t belong here. Solve it, get our guy and then please, please go about your business elsewhere.’ Larry said.

‘I intend to.’

Larry smiled at him and then walked out not acknowledging Royce or Erica.

It was all only then the three noticed it was dead silent on the main floor. People had listened into argument as chatter began again as Larry left the room.

Daniel turned and looked at Royce and Erica who both looked stunned, and said, ‘I don’t know about you, but I think that went well.’

Link to Next Chapter –

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapter 12 – The Hunter Meets the Hunted


Daniel closed the door behind Royce and Erica. They entered Royce’s office after interviewing Wilfred Johnson. They both looked exhausted.  

Possibly because of the long hours, but Daniel recognised emotional exhaustion. It was not an easy conversation to ever have with someone.  

Talking about seeing Death up close or surviving death could go for a whole myriad of ways, but more than anything patience and empathy were important.  

This is what Daniel lacked in certain situations. It made him uncomfortable as he had been on both sides of the talk and hated both sides.  

Royce and Erica sat in their usual seats.  

‘Good interview?’ Daniel said as hid his own relief of not having to go through that.  

‘Yeah, it was a lot.’ Erica said as she sighed.  

‘He thinks this man, our guy is a god.’ Royce said.  

He is acting like one. The judge, jury and the executioner.’ Daniel said, ‘Though he did save that man’s life.’  

‘Any ideas on where he went? Check any of the other cameras in the area?’  

‘I did. Guy disappeared like he was never there. It was impressive.’ Daniel said. ‘I got news.’  

‘What news?’ Erica asked.  

‘My guy came through.’ Daniel said as he handed out print outs of Lambert’s account records. ‘That there is offshore account transfers from TL Inc to a one Oliver Harris.’  

‘Over the last twenty years.’ Royce said.  

‘And when was Engrave created?’  

‘Twenty years ago.’ Erica answered.  

‘Meaning?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Taylor Lambert was a co-owner of Engrave.’ Daniel said. ‘They are pioneers in trans dimensional science, but also dabble weapons technology.’  

‘And what the fuck does that mean?’ Royce asked.  

‘Glad you did not try to pawn off that as something you indeed knew Royce, or I’ll would have been jealous. Short answer, they are looking for other dimensions in our universe. While also being like Tony Stark getting their Mitts on any war going.’ Daniel said.  

‘That, that can happen?’ Erica asked.  

‘Trans-dimensional science? Possibly. I mean we exist, and we can do amazing things. Other worlds, realms could be very real.’ Daniel said.  

‘But what does this prove Bridgewater, that Taylor put money into Engrave? This doesn’t mean anything. It is not something I can stick to and is tangible for this investigation.’  Rpyce said with clear frustration. ‘And I think the whole other worlds theory isn’t going to fly with these ever-growing murders happening here in Preston.’  

‘Royce, Taylor and eleven other men were killed in a warehouse that he owned, that took a few orders on a manifest that was logged and then swiftly moved just before the attack, before our guy got there and did what he did, that many payments on them are off books and protected.’ Daniel said. ‘You don’t think that’s worth something?’  

‘That a lot of conspiracy theories right there, but we got no motive for our guy.’ Royce said.  

‘You’re looking for a bloody glove.’ Daniel said with a sigh.  

‘Not just looking Bridgewater. I need a fucking glove. The spotlight is going to be on this. The town’s favourite son was murdered. I need something we can nail our guy with. Not Engrave. I need the guy who threw you and Erica two thousand feet in the air and killed a host of robbers without evening touching them. We need to focus on this guy Bridgwater. For fuck’s sake.’ Royce said and all the tension just released from his body. ‘I need some air.’  

Royce got up and left his office.  

Erica looked at Daniel and crossed his arms and looked more than pissed. ‘I see something, this Engrave, they have real influence and control here. This man in black maybe drawn to them.’  

‘Yeah, but why? We need to know why and once we do; we can know where he will be and what he will plan to do. Right now, this man in black is a fucking phantom and we cannot, I cannot figure his next move.’  Daniel said.  

‘We will figure it out. It is the first days Daniel.’  

‘That is, it We are here, and that fucker is out there, and we cannot do anything. We need to be proactive.’  

‘And how do you suppose we do that?’  

‘That I need to figure out.’  Daniel said. ‘You are going to learn something, and you need to learn it quick.’  

‘And what’s that?’  

‘Time is always at an essence.’ He looked at her. ‘It’s always the enemy.’  

Royce drove Daniel and Erica to the motel. It was late and was already the next day, which was a Thursday.  

There was not much conversation between the three. As soon as Royce came back from his walk out, he just said that unless another body dropped in the next twenty minutes he needed to go home.  

There was not much argument that came from Daniel and Erica.  

Long roads and dark fields. That was most of Daniel’s view of this part of the world. He would put brutal and bloody, crime scenes, but that was not fair. That was not Preston’s fault. But unfortunately, the other part of Daniel’s brain would intrinsically link the two.  

This was recency bias.  

Royce pulled into the front of their apartments. He stopped the engine.  

‘Have a good night Agents.’  

They both said the same thing and left the car. Royce looked at Daniel and shook his head. ‘Goddamnit.’ He got out of the car. ‘Bridgewater.’  

Daniel stopped, Erica looked back, but carried on her walk. She knew what this was. Male apologies. It usually a marvel to watch, would they just be blunt or skip around it? Would they just embrace each other? Normally she would enjoy the dance, but she was tired and wanted her head to hit the soft pillows in her room. She went in and shut the door.  

Royce walked up to Daniel. ‘Earlier, I um.’  

‘Don’t worry about it.’  

‘I don’t snap. I used to be that guy, but I’m not that guy.’Royce said he pointed to himself in a pleading way.  

‘Look it happens. It is a tough case. I try to look at all angles, to see why our guy would do what he is doing.’ Daniel said. ‘There is always a backstory. I do not believe that man just woke and went on a killing spree. The act, his acts have meaning.’   

‘I know what you mean, and I know these things just don’t just fall in our laps, I just know I’m going to be brought into the room, by the police chief, the DA and the mayor and have to explain why the only lead is from a company that has injected twelve million into the local economy and has given our residents around a thousand jobs.’ Royce said as he brushed his hand through his hair. ‘Just need a break.’  

‘We’ll get one.’ Daniel said. ‘Good night, Detective. Get back to your wife.’ he started to walk to his door.  

‘I never actually apologised.’ Royce said.  

‘You don’t need to.’ Daniel said with his back turned to Royce. ‘You remember that when I do something to piss you off.’  

‘You already have.’ Royce said.  

‘Then we are even.’ Daniel said as he opened the door.  

‘Night Bridgewater.’  

‘Night.’ Daniel said and he walked in and shut the door.  

Royce smiled as he went back to his car, entered it, and started the engine. He again hoped his wife was asleep. He did not know how much of good grace would this cover being out late again.  

Daniel was still up. The body was a little tired, but the mind was very much active. He sat in front of the desk and had his laptop open and more of the paperwork spread out in front of him. He watched the footage of the man in black threatening Marty Lange at the gun range.  

He looked at the delivery manifests that Levi found for him. Deliveries sent over the last few weeks but were only marked as confidential.  

Daniel yawned and that even surprised him. Not often he yawned, but he was human. He needed to remind himself that.  

He took out another file and opened it. There were pictures of a black family. The pictures were photographs taken by a polaroid camera. They looked old, the family had nineties clothing, shell suits, Filas, afros and high tops. Daniel smiled for a few seconds, but like every smile that gave it did not last long. The look of gloom and sadness was not far away. His thumb rubbed the picture of the family and especially the thumb graced lovingly at the woman in the photograph. He looked mournful, but something caught his eye from the security footage. Something he never noticed before. The man in black kept his arm up that held up Marty but pinned him to the wall.  

His other arm was pointed at something else. Somewhere else.  

It looked like the man in black pointed outside of the office, not out the door, but at the wall.  

Was he pointing at the clubhouse? One way to find out Daniel thought, and he got up.  

Daniel stepped out of the portal and was in front of the gun range. He walked in. There was no unit there and the police line had started to unravel and was soon to be not a barrier to anything.  

It has not been that long since Marty’s death. They have moved on from this already Daniel thought and that thought disturbed him. That is influence he guessed. He went into the reception and into Marty’s office. He stood where the man in black stood or the best possible guess. He raised his hand and pointed at the wall and his irises turned grey.  

His vision went through several walls and out into the fields, past the shooting booths and shooting mazes and assault courses. Past the seating area and outside bar and right to the clubhouse where he met Oliver Harris for the first time.  

Daniel nodded to himself. There we go.  

He walked out of the office, past the staff room and kitchen, opened the fire exit door and walked into the back of the gun range. Daniel walked past all that he saw before and went down the small slope down a hill towards the clubhouse.  

As he got closer to the clubhouse, he sensed some commotion inside, but as he sensed, he felt no physical presence in there. He ran to the door and touched the door with his hands. The grey irises spotted that it looked like maps were disappearing into thin air from a box.  

Maps? Daniel thought as he tried to open the door but could not. He looked surprised as he pulled the handle again, but it was being held by something powerful. Something he could not see but could feel.  

He is here. The motherfucker is here. 

Daniel looked around, tried as hard as he might to looked around the sparse area at night. As he looked around, something flew past him and hit into the window smashing the glass. Another thing flew past and hit the same spot. More things, that looked like rocks in his view came landed inside. It may have been five rocks.  

Daniel looked at the direction at where the rocks came from, but he could not see anyone. He then looked through the cracked window, he saw a long and wide wooden table and chairs. He also saw what not rocks but were grenades. Grenades with their pins already pulled.  

Daniel’s eyes rose as and the clubhouse erupted in the most violent burst of flaming destruction and the force caused Daniel to be airborne for the second time in as many days. He did not fly as high, but he was thrown several feet in the air and landed hard onto the grass. Bits of fiery timber fell onto him and around him. 

The blast winded Daniel and he felt his chest as he coughed as he tried to get up, but he felt like he was being choked, like an invisible grip had his neck in a tight hold and he was off the ground again, but this time, like in the forest he was being held in the air.  

The man in black walked up to him and stood right in front of him. Then he looked past him. The man in black sighed. ‘No one’s there.’ He said in his deep, dark voice. ‘Those fucking maps are gone too. Before I could get chance to destroy them.’ The man looked this was a conversation that he had by himself, but he looked at Daniel who struggled as he was held in the air. ‘You are a hard man to kill Agent Bridgewater. Are you like me? Were you violated too?’  

‘Violated? What do you mean?’  

‘Were you taken as well? You do not sound like you are from here, but I guess they can be everywhere. Were you taken?’ The man in black asked Daniel.  

‘What the fuck do you mean? Taken by who?’ Daniel said with his strangulated voice that struggled with any vowels.  

‘You really do have no clue.’ The man laughed to himself and moved Daniel a little closer. ‘Stay out my way Agent Bridgewater. This, all this has no concern for you, your partner, and that police officer Drysdale. You can leave here alive or leave here dead. Just leave me to do this.’  

‘You, you know I cannot do that you fuck. You know you won’t be able to get away with this and when I get out of,’  

Daniel is flung into the night sky and then dragged back the ground at even more force. He slammed into the ground face-first and with great velocity. The ground shook a little as and slammed into it.  

‘You are extremely hard to kill Agent Bridgewater, but if you keep pushing, if you keep following and trying to stop me from what I need to do, make no mistake. I will find a way.’ The man said as Daniel tried to get up, but he slumped to the ground and stayed still.  

By the time Erica’s cochlear communicator buzzed in her ear, she rolled over after a nice dream involving herself and Morris Chestnut, her childhood crush. It was a replay to the scene in his first film role in Boyz in the Hood where he played Ricky. A slow-motion devastating run towards the camera. She was there in that scene, and she saved him. She did not care about the high-top haircut and the unusually tight jeans. She loved him regardless. Her eyes opened and she had to blink a couple times. Just to make sure that, yes, she was awake. The contactor continued to buzz, and she sighed. She pressed into her ear to answer.  

‘Chandler.’ She said within a yawn.  

She should have known what was going to be said. It had to be him. It had too only have been him.  

‘I’m on my way.’ She spoke. ‘Royce will get me. Patch me into his cell.’ Erica waited a few moments and looked outside. The curtains were a little open and she could see that the sky had transitioned from night to dawn. Streetlights were still on, and the world would be awake soon. 

‘Hey, you hear? He did it again.’ Royce said.  

‘I know.’ Erica wanted to give a deep theatrical sigh, one that would be noticed and commented upon, but also, she wanted to tell Royce to leave Daniel where he was, but again she tired and moody that her time with Morris was interrupted by Daniel Bridgewater. ‘Let’s get him.’  

‘I’m on my way.’ Royce said and soon left the call.  

Erica got up, went into the bathroom, and had a quick wash of her face and armpits, not a full shower as she knew how much of a fast driver Royce was. She squeezed some soap on her hands and rubbed her face. She looked at the soapy, tired mess of a twenty-five-year-old that she thought herself as. It was a long stare, far longer than she had planned, but she looked at herself and wondered What is my gift.  

She had seen a bulletproof, extremely fast, and incredibly durable Daniel Bridgewater, do some amazing things, but she did question why she was there and what it meant for her to be there.  

Bolton told her that there was a reason she was there and that she will learn what she can do and that people like them discovered new abilities well into the seventies and eighties. That it just took time.  

Thought she really wanted to know what at least the first proper ability was. Invisibility? Invincibility? Super Strength or Speed? Reading minds? She hoped for the last one so she could fly to Hollywood and meet Morris Chestnut.  

She splashed water across her face and that she could feel the warm aqua illuminate her senses and felt good across her skin. The heating was on so she could have stood naked in the room and been dry within minutes but thought against that as Royce drove like a demented NASCAR driver who thought his wife had cheated on him and wanted to catch her in the act. Plus, Royce seeing her naked was not the best way to start the day. She wanted Morris and Morris was across the country charming hearts, especially hers all the way in Hollywood.  

Erica got dressed and wore more comfortable clothes, loose fitting jeans, trainers that looked like boots, a white high neck top, black cardigan, and grey hoodie. She wore that because she wanted to wear that and that was good enough for her.  

She put some conditioner on her hair and combed it through. This kept her hair straight and together and smoothed her front baby hairs down. She was happy that her mother’s youthful genes spread to her, when she was younger, she hated that they looked like sisters instead parent and child, but at present, she loved the fact her mother looked twenty years younger than she was. Erica could look as young as eighteen without makeup and had to wear some to look her age.  

She could be angry at Daniel for again going somewhere without her and she could let him know about, but she thought, what would that do?  

He will continue to do it and it will continue to waste her time, energy, and actual breath to chastise him again. She also did not know, however, how she will act towards him, distant or caring? Aloof or furious?  

This is what Daniel Bridgewater was what to someone who tried to get to know him. A limitless ocean of confounding and perplexing emotions.  

Bolton did warn her about him and that his ability to be silent, deadly, and incredibly frustrating. That he made being a curmudgeon into an Olympic sport and made into pure art should have been enough to put her off, but she heard about the various exciting exploits, the pulse pounding adventures of Daniel Bridgewater. She just wanted to be a part of it. Any warning was just white noise in an ineffectual background.  

A knock on the door.  

Erica strapped her gun and holster to herself, checked her reloads on her belt. She looked at herself in the mirror in front of her.  

You belong here. You are worth it She thought to herself, and this was followed by a look of resolute determination. You belong here.  

The door knocked again. Erica went to the door, opened it, and met Royce who said, ‘Good morning, you ready for another crazy day?’  

Erica just smiled.  

An icepack to the back of the head was all the was required for Daniel as more light emerged the sky. This was a new day, but it was going to meet with the same old mess.  

A female EMT held the icepack. Her name was Chantelle, she was a brunette, about five-six and wore bright red lipstick.  

‘You know I can hold the pack myself.’ Daniel said to her.  

‘I know.’ smiled Chantelle who completely ignored what Daniel said. ‘I do love your accent. It’s different to Idris’s.’  

Was Idris Elba the only black British guy women round here only knowing about? What about John Boyega?  

Where are you from?’ Chantelle asked with genuine interest as more officers cordoned off the area. The sky cleared as the earlier smoke just floated away into the distance.  

‘North-West London.’  

‘That near Idris?’  

‘No, he is from East London.’  

‘What’s North-West London like?’ Chantelle asked again as she licked her lips and looked me dead in the eye.  

‘It is special. Like every other area in London, got its own character. It is beautiful in its own way.’ Daniel said that surprised even himself with how meaningful it sounded and felt to say. 

‘You miss it?’ Chantelle said. ‘The way you spoke there, made me feel like you ain’t been there in a while. It sounded kinda whimsical.’   

It was at this point that Daniel wanted to sleep with Chantelle. Nothing like using words like whimsical in a sentence and make it make sense. That was extremely attractive to him. ’Yeah, it’s been a while.’  He said and he sounded deeper, more masculine. It looked like it did the trick as Chantelle played with her hair and one of her fingers touched his neck.  

That was a sign.  

Daniel had to remember though, that is all it would be sex. No emotion required. If she asked any questions about how he felt after the act, she would be portalled out of his sight, but knowing that it was highly likely he would be seeing her again after more skirmishes and battle with the man in black, it would be better that he would keep any relationship with any female EMT cordial.  

That was good for you mate Daniel thought. Plus, if even tried to get with another woman, she would know. Larissa Bolton always knew when Daniel had entered some sexual encounter for some reason. Like she put some invisible tracker on his penis.  

The woman always knew.  

As Royce and Erica made their way down the hill. Daniel was thankful as it looked like Chantelle was about to use another big, unexpected word in front of him and he would be obliged to ask her out for dinner. 

‘Well,’ Erica said with a smile and handed Daniel a coffee, ‘You see what happens when you do this shit without me?’  

Daniel comically shook his head.  

‘Fuck, Bridgewater another day, another fucking crater.’ Royce said as he looked at grassy ground that was pounded into a man shaped crater, but the ground went into a line, went back to being grass and then another crater.  

‘There is two craters Royce. Get you facts right.’ Daniel said as Chantelle left, but they exchanged a look before she left the three. She knew they were going to be talking about cop stuff and she did not need to privy to it. 

‘Look at that, the man got the stuffing knocked the fuck out him and he’s still making shitty jokes like a champ.’  Royce joked.  

‘Got to look at the positives. I am making my mark all over this town.’ Daniel joked himself. ‘You think they’ll name something or somewhere after me once it done?’  

‘They’ll throw a fucking party for you once you’re out of here I’ll tell you that, but if we stop that bastard, we may get a street named after us or something.’ Royce said.  

‘Those were minutes I’m never going to get back.’ Erica said aloud.  

Royce leaned in. ‘Did you mean to,’  

‘Yes,’ Erica said, ‘what happened?’  

‘It was him.’ Daniel asked.   

‘I can see that.’ Erica said. ‘What happened to you? You see his face? What was in this clubhouse that got both you and him here at that moment?’  

‘Maps.’ Daniel said as he put down the icepack. His head was fine, and the ringing had stopped.  

Both Erica and Royce looked at him confused.  

‘There were maps, that before that motherfucker threw grenades in, maps were appearing and disappearing before the place blew up.’  

‘What else did you see; did you get a chance to get in there?’ Royce asked.  

‘What else was there?’ Daniel pondered. He thought back, in his mind a little fragments became clear. ‘A table and chairs. That is all I remember.’ He thought again. He remembered a certain detail of the chair at the top of the table. ‘The main chair had two snake heads on it.’ Daniel nodded to himself. ‘Then it was grenades without pins and then I was in the air.’  

‘You were able to get in before you got blown up?’ Erica asked.  

‘No, I tried to open the door, but I couldn’t and I’m real strong.’  

‘How strong?’ Royce asked.  

‘I have to always pull my punches or something terrible could happen.’  

‘What’s that?’ Erica asked.  

‘I could obliterate someone.’ Daniel said.  

Royce and Erica both laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of his statement. They admired the commitment to at least sound sincere.  

Daniel looked at them both with seriousness. ‘I am not joking.’  

They stopped their laughter.  

‘I spoke to the man. He held me in the air again. I can’t wait to get that fucker. I just can’t wait.’  

Royce asked. ‘What did he say to you?  

Daniel thought back at that as well. He remembered the man’s questions as clear as the sky above. ‘He asked me if was the same as him. If I was taken and violated.’  

‘Violated?’ Erica said and they all looked confused.  

‘Yeah, that got me too.’ Daniel said. ‘I don’t know, but he told me to stay away from him and let him do what he needs to do.’  

‘And you said?’ Erica asked.  

‘I told him there’s no way I’m just going to allow him to do that and well then I was a few feet off the ground and then I was high in the air again.’  

‘You think it was a good idea to sass the man who holding you above the ground?’ Erica said.  

‘I am not scared of him. He got one thing right Chandler. I am difficult to kill, and he is going to find that one first-hand.’ Daniel said with intent. He stepped off the back of the ambulance he leaned on and grabbed his jacket. ‘We are going?’  

Royce drove back to the police station and for once he did not drive like in some car chase. He was calm, considered and even downright respectful to other drivers.  

Erica liked this calm Royce. Daniel enjoyed the theatrics and was now annoyed that he calmed. He looked at the high coal mines that were to his right. The men and woman who he could see from a distance, were either filtering out or in.  

Preston was coal country, high hilled with what was black gold that industries were built on and town prospered with generations of success. Coal towns provided and once that provision was compromised by other forms of energy and companies from foreign lands that offered a much cheaper and more minimal risk, high reward business plan that did not even involve towns like Preston anymore, the companies left them high and dry. It was a local income that boded well for the local community, but once other options came into play. The smell of cheaper success with profit margins, meant that people’s fates were decided by bar graphs and tactical meetings. Like with everything else once the money goes, the hope is due next.  

There were careers gone, new careers had to be forged and legacies had long been dissolved. Legacy meant nothing if you could not put food on the table and bills came to you with red boxes and black bold letters.  

Prideful was nothing compared to survival. 

Still from what Daniel saw in the people of Preston, Pennsylvania was that people that were strong. They were very much here, angry that money left, resource left, opportunity left, but they were still making do with the best they got.  

He admired the resilience.  

‘I want to do something I don’t think I’ve done with you lot before.’ Daniel said.  

‘What? Tell us when you’re going off to snoop around and not get into trouble?’ Erica said.  

‘Apologise well for that.’ Daniel said with sincerity.  

‘You serious?’ Royce said.  

‘I am. Sorry. I just get these hunches and I just go on them and I do not think.’ Daniel said as Erica huffed. ‘I earned that. I’m not going to make a big fucking song and dance about it. I am just saying sorry for it and the concern. Sorry.’ The last part was hard to come out, but Daniel made it work.  

Erica and Royce both smiled.  

‘Do you need us both to say your forgiven or can we leave it as that?’ Erica said.  

‘Please leave it as that. I am good. I can see that I am forgiven.’ Daniel said and he even laughed a little.  

‘So, what next?’ Royce said.  

‘I was thinking of going to the other warehouses that Engrave own. Poke around and ruffle some fucking feathers.’ Daniel said. ‘How does that sound?’  

‘Sounds fucking good to me.’ Royce said with noticeable exuberance.  

‘Let’s do it.’ Erica smiled.  

‘Alright.’ Royce said as he was about to push the pedal down and reached for his siren when the police radio said his name.  

‘Detective Drysdale.’ it was the voice of Roberts.  

Royce picked it up. ‘Yes, Roberts how can I help?’  

‘You need to come to the station.’  

‘Well, we were about to go on a little field trip.’  

‘A phone was found near the scene of the warehouse murders. I can’t believe we fucking missed it. It was like it was just there.’ Roberts said.  

‘A phone?’  

‘And you won’t believe who’s on the call log?’  


‘Oliver Harris.’  

Royce looked at Erica, who looked at Daniel. ‘We are on our way.’ 

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapter 11 – A God Among Mortals


Royce was on the phone. He paced about his office with furious consistency.  Twelve paces to his left and fifteen paces to his right.  

As Daniel looked at Royce it did occur to him that the room looked to have had an uneven design. It was almost shaped like hexagon. All awkward corners and rigidly straight angles.  

Daniel and Erica looked at a mountain of paperwork. This was from Taylor Lambert’s public records. These were easily accessible and were printed out.  

Annoyingly for the three through all the paperwork, none showed no illegal activity.  

‘Lambert had investments all over the city and next districts.’ Daniel said as he looked through said paperwork.  

‘A lot of philanthropy, various donations to a lot of local and district charities.’ Erica said, ‘He had offshore investments,’  

‘Most the rich do.’ Royce said and he still paced.  

‘We must also assume that he probably had shell companies, moved money around.’ Daniel said.  

‘You’d assume that, but according to all this; He’s clean, paid his taxes on time and at correct value, of course it’s not as much as it should be.’  

‘Due to all the charity work.’ Daniel said and Erica nodded.  

‘Nothing about Engrave?’ Royce asked as he still paced around.  

‘Nothing. Maybe she was lying.’ Erica said as she placed down the papers she had and rubbed her eyes. They had been at this for hours. Taylor Lambert looked clean on paper, but they all felt something was off.  

Plus, why would she say that? 

‘Your DA ever going to pick up the phone?’ Daniel asked.  

‘I think Jennifer is stupid, but I don’t think she has lied. Plus, it is late Bridgewater. He’s probably asleep. They are trying to patch him through. Though I don’t think it’s going to do any good.’ Royce said.  

‘Then why are you calling?’ Erica asked as she cricked her neck.  

‘Best to reach out in an official way.’ 

‘Taylor was in with the DA?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Rich and influential.’ Royce said. ‘Yes, DA Turner. Sorry for the time I just need you to, yes. I know what the time is, I mean it could, but I would like to get the wheels in motion now to get deeper access to Taylor Lambert’s financial records. Yes, I know they are public, but we have a hunch…. Yes, a hunch. Ok. Thank you for your.’ Royce stopped as the phone disconnected. ‘Well, that was a gigantic waste of time.’ He looked at Daniel. ‘How much access does your tech team have?’  

‘We have a great reach, but it would have to be behind the books. It stays in this room. The laws, your privacy laws will be broken. Up to you if you want to do it Royce.’  

Royce sighed and he put the phone down. He nodded.  


‘Yes, fucking yes. Go for it.’ Royce spat in frustration. ‘Shit.’  

Daniel nodded. He tapped his ear. ‘Yeah, need to speak to Levi.’ He paused for a moment. ‘Yes bro. I need your magic hands.’ Daniel mouthed to Erica and Royce “Not actual magic.” ‘I need a deep dive into a particular individual…Yeah? Good. You got a pen? Ok, Taylor Andrew Lambert of Preston, Pennsylvania. Recently deceased… got it? I need you to keep any eye out for any of these companies, Piaco Ltd, Sanz and Co, EGR Ltd and Lansdowne Limited. Also, and the most important; Engrave Corporation.’ Daniel said. ‘How long are we looking for any sort of…. Half hour? Good. Thanks Levi.’  

‘That it?’ Erica asked.  

‘Levi’s a genius. He’ll get it done.’  

‘I’ve never met him.’ Erica said.  

‘You will.’ Daniel smiled.  

‘Ok. We got a half hour. You wanna get something to eat?’ Royce asked.  

‘Yeah.’ Daniel and Erica answered.  

‘Let’s go.’ Royce said as he grabbed his jacket and Daniel and Erica also grabbed theirs when the door knocked. ‘Come in.’  

It was Officer Roberts. ‘Detective, you need to get up to Johnson’s Gas station.’  

‘What happened?’ Royce asked.  

‘Looks like it was him, the warehouse guy. He killed four at the station.’  

Royce looked at Daniel and Erica who looked at him ‘Food will have to wait.’  

Five police cars and two coroners’ vans were on the scene. The area was sealed off with yellow police tape.  

Royce, Erica, and Daniel pulled into a spot and parked. The interstate was also blocked off. They got out the car and were met with an Officer Mosley.  

‘Detective. Agents.’ Mosley said.  

‘What’s happened?’ Royce asked as they walked toward the station.  

‘A bloodbath detective. A fucking bloodbath.’ Mosley said.  

They stepped over the glass and throughout the contents on the floor. They looked at the blood on the wall.  

‘All four shot to death, no prints on any of the guns. Three, these three,’ Mosley pointed at three of the covered bodies. ‘Shot, point blank in chests, but this one,’ he walked up to the fourth body which already looked different as it looked like there is no head. ‘Headless, parts of his head are on the wall. Shot in the chest.’  

‘Any ID on the victims?’  

‘Yes,’ Mosley said, ‘The Grisco Gang. Murderers and robbers going around Pennsylvania. They live off the grid. The one with no head is Jack Grisco, he’s the leader. Jeff Grisco is the one next to Jack. He’s his younger brother, then we got Brian Dobbs is next to Jeff and Pete Langford who was the youngest.’  

‘Just Pennsylvania?’ Daniel asked.  

‘They’ve hit Ohio as well.’ Mosley said.  

‘No prints, any footage?’ Erica asked.  

‘Yes, one hidden camera that is just above one of the sprinklers.’ Moseley pointed at that very spot.  

‘A witness?’ Royce asked.  

‘Yes, a Wilfred Johnson.’ Mosley looked past the three they saw Wilfred sat down. He looked in shock and was covered in a blue towel and being spoken to.  

‘Let’s bring him back to the station and we look at this footage.’ Royce said as he looked at Wilfred.  

Wilfred looked around at the police station interrogation room. It had plain grey walls and a thick green door. Two long lights above him. In front of him was a silver metal table.  

Wilfred looked worried.  

The door opened and Royce and Erica walked in. They shut the door and sat in front of him. Royce placed a hot mug of coffee.  

‘Mr Johnson, I am Detective Drysdale, this is Agent Chandler. You are not in trouble. We just needed to keep you here for your own safety. Once we are done a unit will drop you home and will stay by your home for the next twenty-four hours. Your immediate family have been notified of your safety.’  

‘I don’t need any units. That man didn’t kill me.’ Wilfred said.  

‘You saw his face? You know if there is anything that could lead him to you to hurt you?’ Royce asked.  

‘My back was turned. I, eh, I expected to die. I expected death. My death, but that man didn’t kill me and didn’t want to kill me.’  

‘How can you be sure Mr Johnson?’ Erica asked and she sat forward.  

‘I’m alive. That man is a god amongst men. He could have killed all of us within seconds. It would have been easy for him, but he didn’t spare me. He didn’t need to spare me.’ Wilfred said.  


‘I did nothing to him.’  

‘They didn’t either.’ Royce said. ‘He saved your life.’  

‘That man, the leader, the one who got his head exploded treated my life like it was nothing. The man, Jack, kept on talking about Fate and destiny. That I was meant to die tonight. Not knowing that my guardian angel had just so happened to come across my family’s gas station. Bought me more time on this earth, with my family.’  

‘You consider him a hero?’ Erica asked.  

‘I don’t consider him a villain. He just killed a few of them.’ Wilfred said. ‘The only reason I can’t call him a hero, but just the man who bought me more time was the brutality in how he killed them. My eyes were closed, and my back was turned, but I heard it all.’  

‘What did he sound like?’ Royce asked.  

‘Death, detective. He sounded like death. I felt the chill of death in his voice. It went through my bones. Cold, precise and he meant what he said.’  

‘Did you see where he went or where he came from?’ Erica asked.  

Wilfred shook his head. ‘No, I didn’t see him. He appeared and disappeared into the night. I dropped to my knees so after he left. Thankful to still be here.’  

‘He said nothing about who he is, or what he is planning to do?’ Royce asked.  

‘It wasn’t that kind of conversation. It was very short and real fucking impactful. The man knew what he was doing and how he did it. I can scarcely imagine what them men were thinking. Killed with their own weapons. The man didn’t touch them as far as I am aware.’ Wilfred said. ‘He’s a god. How are you going to stop a god?’  

‘He’s human Mr. Johnson. Just like you and me. He will be stopped.’ Royce said.  

‘I can only hope for your sake, you can. Ain’t no human I’ve seen has that much power.’  

‘No human should have that much power; Erica said. ‘We will stop him. I promise you that.’ Erica said.  

‘Must be funny. Must feel really funny.’ Wilfred laughed to himself.  

‘What’s funny?’ Erica asked Wilfred.  

‘To something like that with so much confidence and not really believe it.’ Wilfred leaned forward. ‘I’d thought I’d seen it all in my life, but I haven’t seen anything, anything like tonight. I know I keep saying it, but that man is a god, he is not the god, but he was given something. You two are mortals. You know you are. You may be special to us, but I don’t know how you can stop him.’ Wilfred paused. ‘I hope you have something or someone who you know deep down, that can stop him. Cause if you don’t…may the lord have mercy on your souls.’  

Daniel Bridgewater was the only one in Royce’s office as he looked at the footage from the hidden camera. This was from the monitor on Royce’s personal desktop.  The angle was low and gave a god’s eye view of the middle and back wall of the station. He forwarded through all the parts that just showed the robbery.  

Daniel was not interested in that. He waited for his prey to show up.  

A knock on the door.  

‘Come in.’ Daniel said and an officer named Shannon came in. She was young, blonde and compact in her height, but broad in her shoulders. She also looked like she had a defined back.  

‘Agent Bridgewater. You asked to look for the vehicle that was used in the attack in seventh and Maple? well we’ve found it.’  

Daniel looked at her, as he snapped out of his focus on the security footage. ‘Yeah where?’  

‘At an intersection well under an intersection bridge a few miles off Patterson.’  

‘Any prints?’  

‘That’s the thing. It was burned to the crisp. Nothing.’ Shannon said.  

‘Shit.’ Daniel said. ‘Anything else?’  

‘No sorry sir. That is, it.’  

‘Shannon, you need to not call me sir. Just call me King Pooba.’  

‘What.’ Shannon said with great surprise. She almost yelped those words.  

‘That was a bad joke. I’m good at those.’  

‘I see.’ Shannon said almost in relief. She laughed in relief as well. ‘Is there anything I can help with you with? Did you need me to tell Detective Drysdale and Agent Chandler what I just told you?’  

‘Sure, I don’t mind. Tell them. Plus, I’m good. Thanks for asking.’ Daniel said.  

Shannon smiled and was about to leave when she stopped herself. ‘Can I say something without it being weird?’  

Daniel kept his eyes on the security footage. ‘I’ll be the judge of what’s weird. What is it?’  

‘I do love your accent. It’s different.’  

‘Thank you.’  

‘Plus, you’re not as weird or as a few say a prick. I don’t think you are like that at all.’ Shannon said with a little more forthrightness.  

‘Shit.’ Daniel said.  

‘What?’ Said Shannon who looked a little startled and she looked at the security footage, 

‘I’d rather that they would think I was a prick. Makes our interactions so much fun.’  

‘Or tense.’  

Daniel smiled ‘For you.’  

Shannon smiled as well. ‘Well, that is what I have to say. I will leave you to it.’  She was about to leave when –  

‘Shannon.’ Daniel said and she stopped. ‘That was kind. Kindness that is unprovoked is in short supply in this world. Thank you.’  

‘You’re welcome.’ Shannon said and she left.    

Daniel caught himself in a smile and then he gave himself a look of disgust which took it away. His face went back to that same intense gaze as the man in Black entered frame.  

‘The power you have.’ He said as the man in black rose the men and their guns off the ground. ‘I can’t wait to stop you, my prey. I can’t wait.’ Daniel tapped his ear. ‘Yeah Levi. What did you find? No shit…’  

Link to Chapter 12 –

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapter 10 – The Fate of Violent Men


As Daniel dreamed, his mind went to the most wonderous places.  

Places that had no buildings, but shacks, cabins. Old homes. There was no sign of technology. The long windy roads and forests dominated the landscape. Woods so thick a person could get lost in and never to be seen again.  

There were no cars, only horses and carts. There was no televisions or radios. The only entertainment came from paper and scrolls and people regaled stories with verve and exuberance and people listened.  

He dreamt of dragons who flew with no abandonment and freedom. They owned the skies. As airplanes passed over people in this time, dragons did the same in this place that felt so real. Despite the presence of the Dragons, this world felt peaceful. Which was a sharp contrast to when his psyche went into the next dream, it was anything but peaceful.  

There were debris everywhere. The building around him was smashed and burning. It was daylight, but the air was filled with black smoke make the day look light night. Bodies, lifeless bodies were everywhere. In his mind Daniel crawled through this and touched bodies of people who meaned something to happen. He held them, grabbed them, and shook them for life. There were little fires everywhere.  

A woman called out for him. ‘Daniel…. Daniel.’ Her voice was weak. His name was repeated until it echoed out of existence. The smoke grew thicker and lower until Daniel was alone in the smoke that took hold of his lungs and filled them with the awful dread of this moment.  

He wasn’t alone here.  

He heard big, clunking footsteps in the distance that got louder and boomed with each step into a more prominent nature as the ground shook beneath him. The boots stood next to him as Daniel stopped his crawl. The boots were thick soled with a small heel to them. Above the boots which had no laces, but iron straps were more iron, in fact it was iron plated armour.  

Before Daniel knew it, he was lifted off his feet. The pain grew across his body, his eyes which burned by all the smoke could barely focus on what was in front of him. To his blurred vision it looked like a jousting mask or some sort of mask, that opened up and he could clearly see who was behind that mask.  

It was him. Older, but certainly was the spitting image of Daniel Bridgewater.   

He moved Daniel closer to him with ease and said to him in a low raspy voice. ‘You couldn’t save them. You couldn’t save her.’  

Suddenly this version of Daniel hung the other over a chasm. ‘If you couldn’t save her of all people. Then why do you continue to live?’ He looked past him and then into the darkness below. ‘If you can’t choose life or death. What do you choose? Did you want me to choose it for you?’  

He dropped Daniel who flew into the dark and then a realm of red and fire loomed in closer and close, before a land of spikes emerged and got closer and closer until –  

He woke up.  

He slowly got up. It was dawn. The streetlights had started to turn off. He looked forward into nothing, but his mind was everywhere.  

This is why he hated sleep. The one realm he couldn’t control.   


Daniel got dressed in his usual attire. It had just gone past seven in the morning. He was hungry and decided to get some breakfast, he also decided to get Erica some breakfast. That would be cool since she did that for him.  

As he walked to the reception, the fresh air agreed with him. Walking after a terrible night’s sleep did help him and it was something he relied on. He enjoyed the peace and lack of excitement. He walked to the reception and entered it and saw that Andy was there and very much still on his phone.  

‘Englishman. Good morning.’ He said without even casting an eye at Daniel.  

‘Good morning.’  

‘How can I help you?’  

‘Where’s that diner you said to us, when we first booked in?’  Daniel asked.  

‘Yeah, come out of here, take a left and go on for two minutes, then a right after another two minutes and it’s there. The diner.’  

‘Thanks. You recommend anything on the menu?’  

‘I recommend a few of their waitresses, but don’t say my name or they will spit in your food.’  

‘Why?’ Daniel asked confused.  

‘Let’s say that they couldn’t take it when I moved on.’ Andy said.  

‘You’re a real ladies’ man?’  

‘I didn’t put that on me. The good lord did. I was blessed.’ Andy said and he finally got his eyes off the phone and looked at Daniel. ‘I don’t know why, but women just love me.’  

‘I see it.’ Daniel couldn’t see it, not the outward aesthetics anyway.  

Andy wore another Hawaiian-shirt of even more gaudy colours, pink and red. To Daniel it was too loud for this early in the morning. Andy’s stubble has started the transition to a fledgling bearded status and his red arm hairs flared up a little on his arms. The room was warm or maybe he got some friction from something electrical. Unfortunately for Daniel he found the answer to his query.  

‘If you’re thinking did, he gets laid last night? You’d be right. If you are also thinking, did I drop her home? You’d be wrong buddy. She got an uber like she said she would. I think she went back to her husband or fiancé or some clueless idiot.’ Andy said as he was straight back to his phone.  

‘You only date committed women?’  

‘They’re the best. They want an adventure. So, call me Indiana Jones. Plus, there’s no one hornier than a taken woman.’  Andy said, ‘They give me what they don’t give those men.’  

‘And what’s that?’  

‘Their truest, most unfiltered self. Most women are freaks, but fucking assholes make them feel like shit. Call them whores when these women wanna express themselves. But they need to express themselves and I allow them to be themselves and they want me so bad because of it.’  

‘Just because you give them attention. When you boil it down to brass tacks Englishman that’s what it’s all about with anyone. Give your attention and make a motherfucker feel valued. Then you got them. No matter what you do, they will at least listen to you.’  

‘You a guru Andrew?’ Daniel said impressed.  

‘Andy and only Andy English.’ Andy said. ‘I don’t claim to be a messiah. I just know women. Well, the women round here. Not a clue what the women in Malaysia are like, but I sure would love to find out.’  

‘Can we be friends, for real Andy? Cause I think I could listen to you all day.’ Daniel asked.  

‘Get in line Buddy.’  


Daniel reached the diner named Ralph’s as per Andy’s instructions.  

The dinner was long with several booths spread out the left of the diner and to the corresponding sides around the counter and kitchen. Bathroom were to the far left. A jukebox was near the middle of the main floor. There were pictures of Steelers’ players new and old and players from Penn State college.  

Daniel also noticed that the picture of a young Royce Drysdale, Taylor Lambert and Oliver Harris was up on the wall as well. They looked in celebratory mood as they lifted up their helmets in what looked like a game they won after a game.  

Harris. Daniel thought. I swear I heard that name before I met…   

Before Daniel could think more about that.  

‘Good morning, Hun,’ A woman clearly a waitress came up to him, ‘you looking to order?’ She was in her forties, but kept in good shape and looked younger, but her voice matched her ages, a little deep. Maybe she was a smoker. Her hair looked like it was hit with some grease and smoke was a little unwieldy even though it was tied back, a few blonde strands escaped the grasp. The light blue uniform with short sleeves, white apron, clip for her pad and skirt fit the whole look of the place.   

‘Yes,’ Daniel said as he snapped out, ‘uh what’s good here?’  

‘For this time of the morning. The breakfast special.’  

‘What’s the breakfast special?’ Daniel asked.  

‘That’s egg whites, Bacon, hash browns, some German sausages, mushrooms and two slices of toast with Penn’s finest churned butter. Keeps you satisfied right till lunch I say.’ The waitress who names tag said Brenda spoke with such enthusiasm there was no way Daniel could say no.  

‘I’ll have that please.’ Daniel said with a smile.  

‘Great take a pew and I’ll get your order ready.’ Brenda said.  

Daniel nodded and sat in a booth three rows down from the door. He slides down the leather seats placed his hands on the table. He looked at the salt and sugar shakers. The menu he didn’t need to read as Brenda sold him what to eat due to her positive attitude He looked outside at the cars and trucks that went past. 

The world kept moving Daniel thought. All the shit that happened last night and all that’s probably going to happen, isn’t going to change anything in the great scheme of things.  

There was some peace to that. Nothing was bigger than the world chugging along. Though in his forty-two years and well in the last twenty and more years, he had faced plenty of people who wanted to make a bloody impact on the world. 

All that takes a toll he thought, and this case will as well. He thought about Wallace and how he was so close to him earlier. That before he left this earth, he was going get answers that Wallace was going to give him willingly or not. That still at this time, finding him and getting those was the only real reason that Daniel Bridgewater was still here. 

Then I can stop having these dreams.   

The door opened, the bell at the top of the door rung and that snapped him out of his thoughts. A group of black men walked in as they laughed and jostled with each other. They each wore, workman’s clothes. Coalman’s clothes, plastic hats, thick boots, thick jackets. None of these men were small. They looked like American Football players going to work in the mines.  

Daniel couldn’t lie to himself. He sat there and stared at them. It was the largest concentration of people who looked like him that he had seen in the town since he portalled here. There were five of them and he couldn’t tell if they had just started their shift, or their shift had ended. They sat the other side of the room on a booth. One of them, who was at the counter and asked for coffees could feel Daniel’s eyes on him. He looked past himself and then behind him.  

‘Do I know you?’ The man said to Daniel. ‘Could I help you with something brother.’  

At once this was awkward and welcoming.  

‘Sorry no. I was just lost.’  

‘With that accent, I thought you would be.’ The man said as he moved closer to Daniel. ‘You one of them agents from somewhere else investigating the shit that happened in the warehouse a few days ago?’  

‘Fuck.’ Daniel laughed to himself.  


‘People do talk around here, don’t they?’  

‘Yeah, gums flap, because nothing special happens round here or that’s what they like you to think.’  

Daniel looked at the man confused. ‘What do you mean?’  

‘May I?’ The man ushered to sit in front of Daniel who nodded yes. The man sat in front of him. ‘I’m Brandon Hopewell. You?’  

‘Agent Bridgewater.’  

‘Agent Bridgewater, ever since you and that sweet sister rolled into town. Some cops have been dying. Most are in mourning, but a few people round here, people who look like you and me are celebrating.’ Brandon said.  


‘A lot of them cops have been causing us some hell. False stops, planting drugs, unlawful killings. That shit has happened round here. A few years ago, I was in a country jail for thirty days.’ 

‘For what?’  

‘Resisting arrest, a fucking arrest that should never have happened, but I was at the wrong place at the wrong time and the wrong fucking cop was there.’  

‘And people are happy they are dying?’  

‘I see none of the good cops sticking up for us and if they are, their voices are small. Hell, they’re non-existent.’ Brandon paused. ‘Most stops? Us. Most Arrests? Us. Most deaths? Us. No one likes the loss of any life, but them fuckers have parties when they kill one of us. Hell, I hear that had a chart, called the Blacklist for all the shit they have done to us, it was a weekly chart. Put marks on arrests, deaths, convictions.’   

‘Why are you telling me this?’  

‘Well one to watch your back, because if you think you’re one of them, you’re losing and to let that shit continue, maybe so fairness and peace can come to us.’  

‘You know I can’t subscribe to that. I’m working with them.’  

‘And some of them will work against you brother. Despite your authority, it don’t matter to them. You can boil it down to, you’re still another brother. Hell, that Lambert could go to hell as well.’  

Daniel’s eyebrows raised. ‘Why?’  

‘He was right wing, jumped on the train of all these politicians trying to make America the way it was, Him and all those fuckers who died, they went on hurts looking for brothers caused a few disappearances within our community. People who ain’t coming back.’ Brandon said, that why when you see us any of us, we come and go in groups. Too many of us have just gone.’  

‘How long has this been going on?’  

‘For around five years. Maybe longer and the police don’t give a shit about our missing people.’  

‘You’re telling me that those men were part of some,’  

‘Yep.’ Brandon said. ‘I know that man who got them is one of us. I can feel it. He made them suffer. Like they have made us suffer for years Agent Bridgewater. He’s a brother and you need to let him do what he needs to do.’  

Brenda came through with a plate of the breakfast classic and placed in front of Daniel. It smelled good, but Daniel did not think about that. ‘What would you like to drink?’  

‘Coffee, milky with two sugars please.’  

‘Got it Idris.’ Brenda jotted that down and then looked at Brandon. ‘You wanna order anything Hun?’  

‘I’m going to order over there Brenda. Just saying a quick hello to my new friend here.’  

‘Okay.’ Brenda said and she went into the kitchen.  

‘She just called you Idris?’  

Cause I am English.’  

‘Yeah, the accent.’ Brandon said. ‘I just wanted you to know that, leave the man to do this thing.’  

‘Unfortunately, I can’t do that. I’m here stop them.’  

‘All for a buck huh?’ Brandon said as he sat back, and the disappointment was clear across his face.  

‘Ain’t about the money.’  

‘Then what is it about Agent Bridgewater? What is it about for you brother?’  

‘He’s a killer. A killer has to be stopped.’  

‘Just not the ones who are sanctioned by the government right?’ Brandon said. Cause a lot of them killers are running free, having their barbeques with their families, and getting their pensions and we’re just…we’re just dying and we gotta smile about it like it’s nothing. Like it is common. Like we deserve it. You think we deserve that shit, Agent Bridgewater?’  

‘No. Of course not.’  

‘Are you going to do something about it or are you going to smile like the rest of us and act like it’s nothing.’  

Daniel sat forward. Intense. ‘You don’t know me so I’m going to let that one go. I know of the plights of people that look like us, we have a lot of that shit where I’m from. If I can do something I will. I can’t let this man kill any more people. Cop or not. That has to be stopped. That can’t happen, but if I do find out something, something that affects you and us, I’ll stand in the way of it. I need to and I’ve been doing that for a long time.’  

‘Words are words Agent.’  

‘Actions will be done.’  

Brandon nodded. ‘Well, you have a good day. Take care Idris.’ He got up and started to walk away.  

‘Brandon.’ Daniel said as Brenda came and placed the coffee in front of him. ‘Thank you.’ He said to Brenda and Brandon turned round. ‘You know the name of them groups?’  

Brandon walked back and stood in front of Daniel. He leaned in close. ‘They go by many names. The Riders, The Hunters of SA – Superior Age and I heard they truly call themselves The Greycloaks.’  

‘The Greycloaks.’ Daniel said.  

‘Yep.’ Brandon said. ‘If you’re gonna go digging remember to find your way out, cause if you go too deep you ain’t coming back like some of those men.’ Brandon said. ‘Have a good day, Agent.’  

‘You too Brandon.’  

Brandon walked back to his group and slipped back into the conversation like it was nothing. Daniel was left alone and started to eat. There was a lot to process, but he was still hungry.  

‘The Greycloaks.’ He said to himself.  

Daniel and Erica met with Royce back at the station. They walked in and met with the usual stares, but to them the number had greatly reduced to around ninety-four percent of the room kept their eyes on them.  

That felt like a drastic improvement for the circumstances.  

Veronica asked if they needed a coffee, and both said yes and knocked on Royce’s door.  

‘Come in.’ said Royce and they did. 

Both were surprised as they entered the room. Royce has cleaned up the room considerably. Files were in boxes stacked up on the wall to the right. They were labelled too. Papers were no longer on the floor. Evidence bags were packed on nearby shelf. The carpet on the floor was revealed to be certainly from the seventies, with wildly eclectic oranges and red blotched all over the place. This carpet needed to be burned or got rid of.  

Royce’s desk even looked clean. It was hardwood with a few harsh black shavings around the sides.  

‘Yeah, I got in here early. Got to cleaning. This case takes precedent.’ Royce said as he pointed to his pinboard. Now it had pictures of the twelve victims. Above the pictures were three cards with the words Motive. Cause. NXT Target.  

‘Good work Royce.’ Erica said, happy that Royce got to cleaning and also felt like a brand-new man.  

Daniel looked a little disappointed. He liked the mess. Genius was forged by mess. It gave Royce a little bit of character. Now he was like every other clean-cut cop. ‘Nice.’ He said with no real enthusiasm.  

‘We need to look at these men. Find out why they were there, why our guy in black was there and why he did what he did.’  

‘You heard of The Greycloaks?’  

Royce sat down. The shock in his face could not be hidden. ‘Where did you hear that?’  

‘From a citizen.’  

‘Was Taylor Lambert one of them?’ Erica asked.  

Royce sighed. ‘Yeah.’  

‘Right-Wing politician. Led a right-wing group, has there been a foul play here. In this town.’ Daniel asked.  

‘What do you mean?’  

‘From what this citizen told me. Police haven’t done anything about this group or the high arrest rates for the black citizens.’ Daniel paused. ‘This true.’  

Royce tapped the Bic pen he held as he listened to the question. Daniel could not figure if this was a sign of nerves or just an annoying trait of his. ‘Taylor was very powerful here. His family, like Oliver’s is part of the history here in Preston. Their influences aren’t just powerful, it’s generational.’ He paused. ‘The demographics changed here as Pittsburgh and Philadelphia became too expensive, so more people, people who look like, Black people moved up here and well, most have taken to it and give no fucks about it. Like them as neighbours, like them as colleagues and employers. Other did not, some of them worked for the police. Some of them went into politics. 

‘This was weird for me because we were in a football team, and we had great black teammates who were our friends, fucking brothers. Blood, sweat and tears and all that shit. Plus, we won district and state titles together, but something happened, and before you ask, I don’t know what, but something happened to him and him just, changed. Started going to those rallies, started going to those podcasts and the dark web. Like he was influenced by someone.’ Royce paused again. ‘We weren’t talking then and well once he went so far, the other side, I didn’t want to know him. Then he was the local district congressional seat, and he was on his way.’  

‘Did he have influence? Here on the police. Local government?’ Erica said.  

‘He would do.’ Royce said, ‘Some of these cops are good people, care about everyone in the community. Protect and serve everyone. There just a few bad,’  

‘Apples.’ Daniel and Erica said together.  

‘I’ve heard that song before. I don’t like it.’ Erica said.  

‘Neither do I.’ Daniel said.  

‘Same here, but what the fuck do you want me to do? I’m just one cop working through the system I got. I’m not a miracle worker and I’m certainly not like you two. Going around anywhere with no authority. Above our laws.’  

‘We aren’t above your laws. We just work to the one great law. The one true law. We protect the people against forces greater than their own. The very last line of defence.’ Erica said with some pride.  

‘I want to clap, I really do. I felt that, but I’m still here and those people are still here, and we have to work together. I have to work with the best that I got and these officers, despite how I feel and how they feel. I just have to get on with it.’  

‘I know you do Royce.’ Daniel said as he looked at the board and moved closer to it. ‘But we have to know why there was a right-wing group near enough slaughtered at a warehouse and why this group has been threatening and kidnapping and causing your black citizens with such dread. Is our killer a victim of them? Revenge?’  

‘Did I hear that right? You called our potential killer a victim?’  

‘No one’s born evil Royce. We were all innocent once in our lives.’ Daniel said as he looked at each of the victims. ‘Evil is forged over fucking time. It’s bred into a person. Attractive to a person. It the cause and effect that can happen to anyone of us.’  

‘Where’s the separation then? What separates the good from the bad?’ Erica asked.  

‘If I knew that I’d be rich.’ Daniel said. ‘I’ve seen evil in many forms. Not much good came from them. Maybe it’s choice. Maybe it’s luck. Maybe it’s a bit of both. I don’t know, but something is going on in this town, a telekinetic and magic are here, and we need to figure the fuck what’s happening, or it is only going to get worse.’  

‘So,’ Erica said as she walked up to the pinboard. ‘We speak to the victims’ families. Find out about these men. Find out who they were. Paint a clearer picture.’  

Royce and Daniel both nodded in agreement. They all looked at each of the victims and focused on their faces.  

The phone rang in Oliver Harris’s office.  

The room had glass walls and glass tables.  There were three glass tables. One for Oliver’s desks which was the largest of the three. The other two were for decorative purposes. Some magazines were on them.  

Every single thing in the room was new or cleaned to look new. The walls were on one way see through, so Oliver could see the world past the glass, but anyone else could not see his world. He moved a glass of water to himself without touching it.  

He kept the phone ringing. He took the glass and drunk it, but his eyes kept on the phone which kept on ringing. He clicked his neck and took a deep breath. He picked up the phone.  

‘Yes.’ Oliver said.  

Yooooou alone.’ Came a voice that sounded haunted and hollow, but also with deep booming base.  


Have yooooou received the equipment?’  

‘Yes, I have.’  

You said science would break through. You said that no spells could open.’ 

‘The spell will be put into the machine. It is the blending I told you about.’  

Magic and science.’  


But hoooooow did that work for you before with your experiments?’  

‘The experiments are ongoing. They are like anything that involves progress sir. We go off-road, go a few different directions, but we end up in the same direction sir.’  

I worry for yooooou Oliveeeeer. Yoooooou better a lot on this. Raylon bet a lot on yooooou. He allowed yooooou to where one of his bracelets. Said it would protect yooooou.’  

‘And I appreciate it sir.’ Oliver said with nerves.  

Yoooooou should. I will call for an update on the ongoing situation. There are no further problems?’  

‘No sir. Everything is handled and is on schedule sir.’  

‘Next time Olivvvver. Find a mirror to talk through. I hate these contraptions. Do not make meeeee ring yooooou again.’  

‘I will sir.’ Oliver said and the phone disconnected. ‘FUCK.’ He screamed. ‘Fuck.’ He said with a lower tone. His right arm glowed purple and with a sweep of that arm, the glass slammed into the glass.  He pressed a button on his phone. ‘Lowrey.’  

‘Yes Mr Harris.’ Came the female voice of Lowrey. She sounded started, but she would as the glass of water hit the wall right near where she sat.  

‘I need you to clean up this fucking mess in my office. I got other messes to clean.’ Oliver said as he looked at the shards of glass on the floor. ‘Don’t you fuck this up.’ He said to himself.  

The trips to the families did not go down well.  

Most of them did not want to talk to anyone, the pain, the raw unfiltered pain of their grief was too much to disclose to anyone. The statements they gave to the local press were enough. Some tried to talk, but could only talk to Royce, “he is being one of us.” Which could be taken so many ways and once Daniel and Erica left, they didn’t tell him that much.  

They were good men, fans of Taylor Lambert. Loved what he represented. Loved that he spoke to the ignored part of the town and for greater purpose, the country.  He brought these men together and made them feel good, made them believe that one thing could change for the better.  

Only the families, only one spoke and agreed to speak to the three and it was the person that they did not think would talk at all. Jennifer Lambert.  

The city of Preston had little built-up areas. No vast number of high-rises, no architecture that dominated the skyline, there were no skyline.  What there were a vast number of was land and large houses in those lands. Royce drove another version of his Camaro. An older less blue and greyer version, that wasn’t patch on his car, but he hoped that his car would be released and fixed soon.  

They drove into a gated community and had to be buzzed in. The high iron gate had long and thick bars and above the bars were the name Englewood, this was in golden iron. This was part of Preston; this was where the rich resided.  

The gate opened and they drove through. If there are where the Lange’s lived was pretty then then there was where areas, like that died and went to heaven. Houses so big that other houses were near a quarter a mile away. The area had its own medical clinic and food stores. Had its own petrol or as they called it gas station here. There were facilities for the rich that meant that they really didn’t have to leave. The only thing that the three did not see was a school, a police force, and a fire station. That would be close enough to its own community.  

It was reductive to call these houses just houses. These were mansions, that were almost shameful in their own opulence. There were large fountains outside these mansions, open fields bigger than most of the city’s other districts, there were other several football fields and basketball courts. Tennis courts.  

As they passed through the large and wide boulevards, large yachts were either parked in front of houses, or as they saw as they came up to it, parked on a marina that was nearby, that for Daniel and Erica had some of the greyest yet clearest water they had ever seen.  

The air seemed fresher here too and as they drove through the area, they also noticed that only one car passed them when they entered the community. That they took this trip through Englewood like they were the only one there.  

‘Strange how this is here and yet, only a few miles away.’ Daniel mused.  

‘Yeah, there’s the poor. You ain’t got that shit in London?’ Royce asked.  

‘Yeah, we got that shit in London.’ Daniel said as he gazed all the wealth in front of him.  

‘That shit is everywhere.’ Erica said. ‘It lets people know who they are and sadly where others think they belong.’  

That settled in with the pair. There was much more to say to that. They drove on past the marina and turned right. They went into a road that had only four mansions on it. At the end of the road was the mansion that belonged to The Lamberts.  

The mansion itself that had a gate in front of it, like all the others and they had to wait to be bussed in. They were and they drove on a long path that led to the mansion. One either said of the path, tall oak royal oak trees lined alongside low bushes at the front. Past the trees they could see the green fields, that spanned for miles.  

They pulled into what looked like a courtyard, replete with the seemingly pre-requisite fountain of an what looked like a warrior angel pointing a bow and arrow into the air, the warrior angel was put on a pedestal and around the pedestal was eight spouts that had water coming out of it.   

This was at the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by slick road and parking. There were several trucks, other cars. A few Cadillacs, Toyotas, and some Chevrolets.  

‘Politics pays.’ Erica said as she looked at the various cars parked.  

‘Taylor was rich before he got into politics. The Lamberts has a long history here in Preston.’ Royce said as they parked in one of the few free spots the courtyards.  

All three got out of the car and started to walk to the front door. The front of the house had four large white columns made of marble and had roman empire look. At the front and had three floors.  

‘He claims to be the man of the people, the common man, but lives here. Away from his fans.’ Said Erica who looked as they walked past the large columns.  

‘That was the magic of Taylor. No matter where you came from, he could sound like he could relate to you.’ Royce said.  

‘You fell for the trick?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Most do.’ Royce answered quickly like that answer was prepared.  

They reached the front door. A thick oak made door with a lion’s head as the door knocker, but the lion’s head was large then most, as it was made of thick iron, silver in colour. Royce knocked twice.  

No response.  

He knocked again, twice.  

No response again.  

Royce was about to knock the third time when the door opened and Jennifer Lambert opened the door dressed in all black short sleeved shirt and long black skirt, but was made up, red lip stick here, an earthy blush that matched her skin there, her long brunette hair tied back.  

She looked at the three but kept her gaze on Daniel.  

‘Mrs Lambert.’ Royce said.  

‘Royce.’ Jennifer said, but she looked at Daniel as she said that. ‘Come in.’ 


They three sat in Taylor Lambert’s study. It was full of books on shelves and most of the book were about American history, athletic trophies from American Football, Basketball, and Ice Hockey.  

There were pictures of Jennifer and Taylor. Wedding photos, holiday photos.  

They were sat in front of the fireplace, with a centre rug and the floor was smooth wood. Clearly buffered often. Three sofas were around the fireplace, soft brown leather sofa, with shawls at the tops and sides.  

That felt like Jennifer choice Daniel thought.  

‘I didn’t offer tea, you brits like tea?’ Jennifer asked.  

‘We do, but I’m fine.’ Daniel said.  

Royce and Erica also said they were fine.  

‘So,’ Jennifer said as she moved on faster than that conversation starter, then the rest, ‘You want to know about Taylor.’  

‘Ok,’ Royce said understanding that Mrs. Lambert looked to cut to the chase, and he was obliged to assist. ‘What was your husband doing at the warehouse the night he was murdered?’  

‘I don’t know, there’s things he tells me and there’s things he doesn’t.’  

‘Aren’t you supposed to not keep secrets in marriage?’ Daniel said.  

‘You clearly haven’t been married. Got hit with the reality. They only work with secrets.’ Jennifer said.  

‘He met with the twelve victims. Did he meet with them often? Was he part of the right-wing group, The Greycloaks?’ Erica asked.  

‘He met with a lot of people. He is the prince,’ Jennifer paused as said her husband’s name in in present tense, ‘he was the prince of Preston. People loved him.’  

‘Was he part of the Greycloaks?’ Royce asked with a hint of frustration.  

‘A lot of people loved him. People from all over.’  

‘Why do you think he was killed?’ Daniel asked.  

‘I want to say wrong place wrong time, but when someone is loved so much by some many, that person who is in the public eye is going to receive hate. Hate from a person who doesn’t love themselves, wants to be a loner, wants to be a loser. They want to the world to be on them and take the spotlight from them.’ Jennifer said and she sat forward. ‘Whoever killed Taylor wanted to take his light, but what they did is made him stronger. They made him everlasting. They made the ones who loved him, adore him and that adoration would make immortal.’ Jennifer paused. ‘The one who killed me made a major mistake one I believe he will pay for.’  

‘What makes you say that?’ Erica said as she sat forward.  

‘Someone who is loved like Taylor, someone will get him justice or vengeance. Wherever it is you guys and gal or someone else. But if he sticks around here, he’ll be got, and it won’t take so long.’  

Royce nodded and everyone noticed that Royce had his phone on record and was placed on the centre table.  

‘What do you know about The Engrave Corporation?’ asked Daniel.  

‘They have several warehouses here and a main office in Patterson, recently built. They have put money into this city and Patterson.’  

‘Taylor had any links to them?’  

‘The only one I know is that Oliver Harris, his best friend, his oldest friend is works for them. That’s the only link I know.’ Jennifer said.  

‘Ok,’ said Royce, ‘Does anyone have any other questions?’  

Daniel and Erica both shook their heads.  

‘Then that is that. Thank you, Jennifer, for having us.’ Royce said and he pressed the stop button on his phone. ‘I am sorry for your loss.’   

‘Are you Royce? Are you really?’ Jennifer said and the air just changed in the room.  

‘Sorry?’ Royce said confused.  

‘If there was one person, one person who would have what’s the word? Ambivalent feeling about Taylor’s murder?’  

‘Why?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Not my business, well it was my business, but you will have to ask Detective Drysdale about it. That would be his business, but if he was honest to himself, if there was one person felt glad that Taylor was killed then it would be Royce Drysdale.’  

They all looked like Royce as he barely held it together.  

‘I know you are going through a lot. I can’t imagine the pain Mrs. Lambert. I can’t and I’m truly sorry for your loss.’ Royce said and he took his phone left the room.  

Jennifer laughed. ‘I don’t blame him in some ways. After what he did to him. I’d feel the same way to.’  

‘I know that you know you won’t tell us, but was it bad?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Yeah, as bad as it gets in this town.’ Jennifer replied. ‘Excuse me.’ She looked uncomfortable and got up and left the room.  

Daniel and Erica watched her leave.  

‘Shit, this town.’ Erica said as she shook her head and felt her forehead. ‘All this drama.’  

‘Drama’s everywhere,’ Daniel said, ‘and we just found out some shit about Engrave. That Harris, who I think Marty was talking to before he shot himself works for Engrave.’  

‘You think they’re involved.’  

‘Yes.’ Daniel said. ‘Big time.’  


As the black Camaro pulled out of the gated community of Englewood. The car had been in dead silence.  

What could be said?  

Plenty, but there had to be a tactfully agreeable way to do this, to not hurt Royce or insinuate anything, but also at the same time, time itself was ticking and if Royce was holding back anything, then he needed to say something.  

‘I know what you are thinking.’ Royce said. ‘What the fuck was that about?’  

‘I did wonder.’ Erica said.  

‘I’ve known that woman for a long time. When her name was Jennifer Henshaw. She was a cheerleader. She was the head cheerleader. Head cheerleader, meaning the most wanted girl in our school and usually they get with the quarterback.’  

‘And the quarterback didn’t get with her.’ Daniel said.  

‘No.’ answered Royce with very obvious exhaustion.  

‘And who did the quarterback get with?’ Erica asked.  

‘He got with the studious girl with brown eyes, a great smile, and the type of girls they wrote teen comedies about. The girl who grew up to be my wife.’  

Erica looked confused once Royce said, “Teen comedies” and he leaned in “Check out a film called She’s All That. Then you’ll understand.’  

‘So, she got with Taylor Lambert, the big fish in this town as a rebound?’ Erica asked Royce.  

‘He wasn’t the quarterback and in any town across this country, the quarterback is the main man.’ Daniel said.  

‘Ain’t that right.’  

‘But why would she say that you’d want him dead? You need to tell us Royce.’ Daniel said.  

There was a pause. Royce had to weigh up the options. Jennifer put him in this awkward situation, which should be something he should have known. He realised that was probably the reason why she wanted to be seen.  

To get at him.  

There was no way of avoiding it.  

‘A few years ago, Taylor and Jennifer were having trouble and Taylor hassled my wife. She told me about it, and I handled it.’ Royce said.  

‘Handled it how?’ Erica asked.  

‘I met up with him and told him to stay away from my wife. He said no. I said you say no and you’re going to put me in an uncomfortable situation and that will eventually put you in a difficult situation.  That I was going to come for him and make sure you won’t be seen in the same way again.’ Royce paused as he took a right turn. ‘You see more than anyone else, Taylor really cared about what people thought about him, he acted like he didn’t, but he did and if I put it out there in this fresh green town where our politicians, our local government are heled to a higher standard, then he backed off, but he didn’t like the fact I stood up to him and used his sway to get me demoted and put on the streets as a beat cop, then worked admin when I was ready for Homicide. I was on the fast track and after Taylor worked his magic, four years of my career in Homicide was taken from me. All because I threatened him. It affected me personally and took its toll on my marriage. For a long time during that shitty period, I hated the man.’ Royce paused again. ‘I went into drink and went around town, fucking telling anybody who was willing to listen I wanted something bad to happen to that man. I would love to see him dead.’  

‘Bad place, bad thoughts.’ Daniel said.  

‘That’s right.’ Royce said. ‘That’s right.’ He repeated a little more rueful. 

‘So why would the man in black want you at the crime scene?’ Erica said.  

‘Maybe it was someone I told during that time. Wanted retribution for me after I said all those things. Maybe Taylor did the same shit to them. I don’t know.’  

‘How many people did you tell, tell that you wanted to end Taylor?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Too many and I wouldn’t remember exactly who. Long time I was the town failure. Failed Quarterback in college. Came back with my tail between my legs. I had no future because I didn’t know that I could love anything more than Football. It was my longest relationship, then I found the police and I found my purpose.’ Royce said with a little pride that poke through.  

‘Well, he wanted you there and we have to figure that out,’ Daniel said, ‘but that will come. Right now, we have a new target. Engrave Corporation.’  

‘We going to Patterson?’  

‘No,’ Daniel said, ‘not yet. We have to do some due diligence on Engrave and your old mate Oliver Harris, once we got what we need, something some clue. We’re going to pay him a little visit.’  


For Wilfred Johnson, the night shift at his gas station was the worst. Wilfred was in mid-sixties and couldn’t be asked to dye his hair anymore. The youthful vigour and pride that he once had for Johnson’s Gas Station had long been gone and he hoped he could start to look past this and have his own life. That his son, Odell would take over, but Odell was not here, he was on a date and Wilfred came in to bail out his son.  

Instead of being sat at his couch and have the loving engrossment of his favourite television gameshow, which was Jeopardy, the only screen he watched this night was the main CCTV screen which showed the various pumps, the car park, the car wash, and the interstate that drivers could enter and exit.  

It was a slow night and Wilfred would not be relieved into the morning where he hoped his son at least got a second date and not just had sex with a woman and swiftly left.  

The boy needs to be married goddamnit Wilfred thought.  

The store section was well stocked with food and drink, snack and magazines, maps, and toys for unruly children.  

The lavatories were clean after Wilfred did his thing, that he always done in the thirty years he managed this station. Wilfred’s father passed to him, and his father received from Wilfred’s grandfather. An annoying successful family business. Annoying in the sense it was the only gas station around in seventy miles each way.  

Others had tried, but failed to move in the area, but the area itself was cursed. Various other gas stations came and went. Pumps exploded, Cars disappeared and sadly shooting sprees happened and the only one that survived or had the best luck was Johnson’s.  

So, the big companies stayed away. Too much misfortune. Too many possible lawsuits.  

A few cars came and went. Relatively uneventful. Then a red ford pick-up truck came in from the interstate and pulled in a relatively fast speed. It broke just outside the store. Four men came out, two from inside the truck, holding their sides tight and two from the pick-up. Those two leapt off the pick-up with exuberance, their hands in their pockets. All were white men, around their twenties and gave nothing away. Wilfred noticed that one had a steel eyed focus.  

Wilfried watched as they entered the store as the door was flung open and they filled in. The four then separated, one man went to the freezer section, near the alcoholic drinks one went to the middle section, one went to where the bathrooms were, and one kept his walk direct to Wilfred who was already at thought.  

He’d been in this job long enough to understand a flanking move. That the man near the bathrooms looked to see if anyone else was there. The other two had to look Wilfred had easy access to a Smith and Wesson pistol which was already loaded. The pistol had a silver barrel and black handgrip. He had five clips available with a thirty-eight calibre with a fifteen round magazine locked and loaded. His right hand was ready to press on a police alert button. Next to that was the pistol.  

They could just be rowdy, but they could also be dangerous. Wilfred had to be sure. It was life and death.  

The man who walked in front of him. Looked to his far right at the man near the bathroom who shook his head.  

Wilfred gave a big gulp as the man, clad in black top and dark brown trousers came up to his desk. The man had heavy bags under his eyes, but those eyes looked straight at Wilfred who had to keep calm. ‘You fellas, ok? You need any help.’  

‘We’re good. Actually, can I ask you a question?’ The man said with an unconvincing smile.  

‘Sure.’ Wilfred replied.  

‘Good. Do you believe in fate?’  

‘I guess. Why?’ Wilfred asked and he kept his peripherals on the other three men.  

‘That fate could be bad for you and good for me. That fate decides things.’ The man looked at Wilfred’s name tag. ‘Wilfred. You see you didn’t know it, but today you were always, always going to be here. Like I knew, we knew that we were going to be here. Fate is something you can’t figure out and you cannot fight. It happens. Now when we woke up today, we knew that we were gonna rob here.’ The man brought out his gun. This was a pump action shotgun. Wilfred had already pressed the alert button twice.  

‘Take out your hands. Both of them slowly.’ The man said as the others all took out their own shotguns.  

Wilfred did what he was told to do and took out both his hands as slow as possible.  

‘Take out all the cash from the till and stuff in this bag.’ The man threw a leather bag at Wilfred, and it landed between him and the till. 

Wilfred opened the till and slowly took out each bill and stuffed them in the bag. The man watched every move.  

The man in the middle section, by the shelves asked, ‘How are we looking?’  

‘We are looking good. Our new friend is doing what we are telling him to do, and we got some cash.’  

‘Why me? Why here?’ Wilfred asked as he stuffed the bills.  

‘Why not?’  

‘No business deserved to be robbed.’ Wilfred said.  

‘Well, no one deserves to be poor, but hey it’s the world we live in, and the world isn’t fucking fair Wilfred it isn’t fair at all.’  

The till is clear, and Wilfred passed the bag back to the man.  

‘Thank you, Wilfred. Now you can pass me your gun and do not attempt to lie. Pass it slowly, any fast move, and they’ll be a hole where your face used to be.’  

Wilfred once had fast hands, but age and time caught up with him. He slowly reached and passed his pistol to the man who took it. He surveyed it.  

‘God, I do love a Smith and Wesson. It’s the smell after a bullet flies out. It’s for me intoxicating.’ The man said with a smile that soon faded. ‘Where’s the safe?’  

‘Back office. Behind me.’  

‘Open the door and go in and open the safe.’ The man said. ‘I’ll be right next to you.’  

The man walked around the counter and Wilfred unlocked the small door that kept the counter from the rest of the store. The man followed Wilfred but gave hand signals and the other men moved positions. They were in a small room with a big local area map on one side and the video recorder for the CCTV. The safe was dead centre. ‘Open it.’  

Wilfred kneeled down slowly and turned the code, shifting left three time and right four times. The safe opened and there were more bills. The man pushed Wilfred to the floor and packed the bills. The man shouted out ‘TIME?’  

‘Five, no six minutes!’ Came a voice from outside the room.  

‘Time’s a ticking Wilfred.’  

Wilfred rubbed his elbow which hurt but didn’t reply straight away. ‘If I was younger.’  

‘But you’re not!’ The man yelled and got right into Wilfred’s face. ‘You’re not.’ The man calmed as he stuffed the last bit of money and picked up Wilfred and pushed him back out to the counter.  As they came out of the small room the man walked out with the bag raised above his head like it was a great victory. He threw the bag at the closest man who caught kit with ease. The man then destroyed the video tapes and also the recorder itself.  

‘Well Wilfred we are done here. There are no hidden cameras we don’t know about?’  

Wilfred stays silent.  

‘You must be wondering, why you can see our faces? You must be wondering that?’  

Wilfred did wonder that, but he did not want them to give them the satisfaction of admittance.  

‘Well, we are at the most critical part. Your death. That’s the thing about fate, you didn’t know that today was your last day on Earth. I ask if you did know it was what would you do differently? But how can you ask it when you are in fact about to die. Like I knew when I woke up today that I was going to kill you, Wilfred. I wasn’t happy about it, I don’t feel good, but sadly for you Wilfred I also don’t feel bad.’ The man paused. ‘Killing is easy if detached from your target. I know you got a family. A life. I don’t care. It’s horrible that I don’t. Maybe it’s a defect.’ The man mused.  

‘We need to go.’ said the man closest to the leader of the group.   

‘We are. I just need this man to know why he’s going to die. He is owed that much.’  

‘He fucking knows man, he knows. Just fucking do it. The cops could show up at any fucking moment.’  

‘Okay????’ The leader said. He looked at Wilfred. ‘I know you alerted the police. You got good instincts Wilfred. Real good.’ He paused. ‘How do you want to die?’  

‘I don’t.’ Wilfred said as the tears fell.  

‘You don’t have the choice not for that. The choice you get is how you get to die. Shot in the face or in the back?’  

‘Why didn’t,’ Wilfred said, and more tears fell, ‘why didn’t you fucking wear masks? I wouldn’t have seen you.’  

Cause as much as we like robbing, we, maybe I, I like killing. I just love to see the light leave the eyes, Wilfred. It’s a beautiful thing.’ The leader paused again. ‘Hole in the head or hole in the back.’ He asked. ‘Now you better answer or I’ll make the choice for you.’  

Wilfred swallowed some more tears. His eyes closed. All he could think about was his late wife. That she left him and now he was going to see her again. The solace in that thought was just found within Wilfred it was embraced by the man. He thought of his son.  

Live on son. Live on Wilfred thought.  

Then his wife again. I always loved you. I can’t wait to see you again. Wilfred closed his eyes.  

Wilfred turned around and his back faced the leader who just nodded. ‘I see.’ He pumped the shotgun and aimed at Wilfred, but then each glass wall shook violently. Each man looked around. ‘What the fuck?’  

The glass shook and reverberated and exploded. The men ducked and all were hit with some glass. Then before they knew each of the men were lifted off the floor and were thrown into the wall across the store. Shelves were smashed into, and the wall had man sized cracks. The men landed hard on the floor.  

‘Fuck.’ The leader said as he felt his back. He groaned and rolled to his side.  

They all groaned. They heard footsteps, but all knew that it was not Wilfred. They looked to the counter, and he was still stood there, but he had a shake that looked violent and fearful. The big clumping footsteps kept getting louder and louder.  

The leader crawled over to reach his shotgun as it was a few feet away. He inched closer and closer as those footsteps got closer and closer. He got a finger and another and inched to the trigger, but the gun flew from his hand and stayed in the air. The leader of the group sighed and said, ‘Fuck.’  

The leader was lifted off the floor. He was four feet off the floor. He was faced with the floating shotgun which was pumped forward. The other three men were also raised off the floor, at the same height as the leader. Their guns were also pointed at them as they were also floated, pumped, and aimed at them.  

The leader as well as the others could barely move their heads. An unknown force held their head straight, but the leader turned a little a great pain like his head was being squeezed by a vice and his eyes teared up in pure pain. Red veins popped out with great and painful purpose in his eyes.  

The leader saw a man clad in black walk over the food and drink and toys. He walked with authority, but also neatly avoided those things. He walked up to the men. Went right up to the leader.  

‘You fuck.’ The man in black said. ‘Many ways to rob a man, but you wanted to torture him. I want to ask you why?’  

Cause…. cause it is fun.’ The leader said amongst all the pain his head and neck felt. ‘I like the power.’  

‘The gun gives you power, but without it. You are weak as fuck. You can’t stop this. Like you can stop your boys dying.’  


The three men had their heads blown off clean by the guns that were pointed at him. Headless bodies dropped to the floor. Blood splattered across all the areas nearby. The blood was thick and blotchy. Pieces of brain matter stuck on nearby walls.  

The leader was the only one alive and he started to cry. The deepest of sobs could be heard. The place was quiet apart from his sobs.  

The man in black looked at the leader as looked curiously, the leader couldn’t see his face, but the bending of the neck left then right, showed that he looked like he was trying to figure out this man. ‘You talk about fate man, not knowing you are in fact not in control of your own.’ The man in black said, ‘you be threatening him, but you ain’t powerful, but you are a killer, but your power is just limited.’ He paused. ‘I heard how you were torturing him. I feel real fucking compelled to go the same to you.’ He paused again. ‘How would you like to die? Crushed head or shot gun to the chest?’  

‘I…. I…. I….’ The leader struggled to talk as the pain in his head grew.  

‘What?’ The man in Black said. ‘What is it?’ 

‘I’d rather not die. Please I didn’t.’  

‘But you did.’ The man in black said. ‘You were not going to spare this man and I won ‘t either. Enjoy your death.’ The man in black said and he rose his right hand and made it into a fist. He clenched it and the leader’s head exploded into pieces and the shot gun blasted his chest and the headless body flew into the nearby wall. The only brick wall.  

All the guns dropped to the floor.  

The man in black surveyed the carnage. He turned around and walked to the counter.  

Wilfred stood back turned, shaken, and his eyes closed.  

‘Be thankful for another day. You never know what comes along to change your fate.’ The man in black said to Wilfred. ‘Open your eyes brother.’  

Wilfred did open his eyes and has he turned around and saw the carnage. He was the only one alive in the store. Sirens came through in the distance and got louder and louder. Two police cruisers came in and the cops came out guns drawn. They looked at Wilfred and he stood there still shaken not just out of fear, but also out of relief. 

Link to Chapter 11 –  

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapter 9 – Do Not Care, Only Focus


As the evening fell and the streetlights switched on, Daniel Bridgwater was upright and conscious other units had arrived. He was being looked after by two female ambulance workers. One was a woman of Hispanic American heritage named Veronica, who was a brunette, in her thirties and kept a close eye on Daniel. He recognised that look. It was an inviting look. All he had to do was ask. 

Or maybe he was concussed and read too much into it. The other was a blonde named Olivia who also looked at Daniel in the same way, but he noticed the wedding ring on her right hand.  

This was one to stay away from. Hell, both were. He once considered dating a paramedic, then she joked about, well she said this was a joke that if Daniel left her, she knew five different ways to castrate him in his sleep and he wouldn’t know about it. That there according to him was the absolute and total definition of a red flag. He ended it the next day.  

Both were attractive and both loved his accent. They both asked him to keep saying words like mother and tomato. TOM-ARTO not TOM-EATO.  

They do love the accent, despite the initial disappoint that Daniel neither sounded like Idris Elba or anyone from The Crown. 

They checked his head and ribs, when they met him, both were bruised, and they both marvelled at how he healed within minutes. All he could think about at the time was the various medical call out and how much this would cost the Agency. He smiled at that thought because Bolton would be mad and few things made Daniel happier at this current point in his life than Bolton being mad, no infuriated at him.  

As they checked over though, he was not happy. He was not happy with himself. Daniel broke the rule that had kept him protected for a long time.  

He cared.  

As he replayed the gunfight and the chase. Daniel did not think. There was no strategy. It was all emotion triggered by when Royce was sent flying in the air, and they tried as they might to gun him down. Daniel knew it, knew all too well and it should not make sense, but seeing Royce close to death, seeing them fire at Erica almost shooting her down and ending her life brought out something primal and protective.  

The two things he really looked to not have or exhibit in his life. This was not a trait he wanted.    

Daniel knew at that moment when he ran after the Land Rover, he did know want to arrest them. He wanted to end them. He played the part of this cold detached man, but as he gained with each step, utilizing every muscle in his body, he wants to rip the skulls off the bodies of those men. This was a horrible, sobering feeling for him and one he didn’t want to feel again. As the EMT’s left for a moment. He made a promise.  

Keep the armour on. Protect yourself and have no fucking connections with anyone. Connections made a person weak. Connections cost me everything he thought.  

Erica walked up to him. ‘You, ok?’  

Daniel just nodded.  

‘I tell you Bridgewater you know how to make an impression.’  

Daniel shrugged with a good attempt at nonchalance.  

Erica laughed. ‘Cat got your tongue?’ She looked at him as he blankly looked at her. ‘That all it takes to keep you quiet, being hit by a Buick?’   

Daniel looked past at Erica and at the female driver, who was white, looked in her mid-thirties and her whole demeanour said soccer mom. She spoke to Royce with animated hands and tears across her eyes in the background. She looked distressed. ‘She, ok?’ Fuck. Is that caring? Daniel thought and gave a clear frown on his face.  

Erica turned and looked at the pair. ‘He speaks.’ She expected a reaction from Daniel. She did not receive one. ‘She’s fine, just a little bit, well shaken up a lot.’  

‘Why aren’t you over there with Royce?’  

Erica looked confused. ‘Royce is a big boy. He can handle to talking to someone.’ Erica now looked concerned. ‘You, ok? I mean you normally make like three bad wisecracks by this point.’ Erica expected some sort of spirited response from Daniel and again he gave her none. ‘Jeez that hit must have knocked it out of you.’  

Daniel sighed and looked around. The dead cops covered under cloths and being wheeled into ambulances. The two who were alive, but fighting for their lives were taken with far more increased urgency and their ambulances moved through and out of 7th and Maple with speed and sirens blaring.  

‘You’re going to have to speak to me, Bridgewater. I’m now actually concerned that you may have,’  

‘I’m fine.’  

‘Yeah, but you,’  

‘I’m fine Erica.’ Daniel said with a louder and far more aggressive tone.  

This was a weird moment for both of them. It was the first time since they first met, he called her by her first name, it’s either been her last name Chandler or rookie. It was also weird because Erica could not hide that it affected her a little.  

What made it worse is that Daniel did not feel too great about it either. It was awkward those few seconds as their eyes danced around each other as they really attempted and succeeded to look anywhere, but at each other. One avoided because of hurt and the other avoided out of shame.  

One of them had to say something and since Daniel was older, a lot older and the one who made this awkward. It was he, who had to say something. Anything.  

He sighed. ‘Erica.’  

She looked at him and he could see that her steel was now coming through. He expected anything he would say to be met with a deserved response of effective and just profanity, but Erica stood there and waited, and the words wouldn’t come out of his mouth thus making it even weirder and worst had dragged out this whole situation passed its natural resolution. This was a horrible and weird situation now and all Daniel wanted to do was walk away. That’s what he would have done nine times out of ten, but at this moment. 

‘What? Daniel?’ She said with a real loud snarky contempt and kept her angry gaze at him. Daniel knew that she had now entered the other game that this situation has now entered in, the let’s make you feel like shit game and there could be many players. But this game only required him.  

Daniel was ready to say what he had to say. ‘Erica, I.’ He paused. ‘I um, didn’t you know?’  

‘No, I don’t. Why don’t you tell me?’ Erica’s response was sharp, precise in a verbal joust and really threw Daniel off-guard.  

Daniel sighed.  

‘Sigh all you want Daniel, I’m fucking waiting.’  

There she is Daniel thought.  

‘You know what? Fuck you. All I was doing was just seeing if you were ok, but you got rude and started on me for God knows what, all because I fucking cared, you want me not to care?’  

That would be good actually Daniel thought.  

‘Well, you’ll get what you want, cause I don’t really fucking care. It’s about this case and then we’ll part fucking ways.’ Erica said angrily, but also remarkably at a low calm tone. Daniel could see that she was angry as she snarled those last few words, but if a person looked at the pair from a distance it looked a peaceful conversation.  

Daniel had to admit it. That was quite impressive.  

Erica shook her head and said, ‘I’m done.’ And she started to walk away.  

There was this horrible feeling that had percolated in the deepest pit in his stomach. A real sobering feeling and he to do something. ‘Sorry.’  

Erica stopped but didn’t turn around.  

Fuck Daniel thought. She wants more. Fuck. That thought felt more like a moan. This is why he liked to work alone. ‘I didn’t mean to…I, to be so rude.’  

She turned a quarter, but at least he could see a part of her face but could not judge if this had been successful or not.  

‘Erica, just fucking taking my apology. I’m wrong, I know I’m wrong and just fucking take it cause I am sorry, but if you wanna walk away then so be it alright. So be it.’  

Erica turned and faced Daniel. She walked up to him and stood right in front of him, only two feet away. He looked at her and Erica gave nothing away.  

Daniel felt like a deep gulp was coming, but he also felt like swearing at her for stretching this out.  

She stuck her right hand out and Daniel looked surprised. She nodded, ushered him to shake it and he shook it. ‘Apology accepted.’ She leaned in close. ‘Make a promise right here and right now. Promise to not fucking talk to me like that again.’  

‘I don’t make promises I can’t keep rookie.’ Daniel paused. ‘Erica. I am going to talk to you like that again, it’s part and parcel of the business, the world we inhabit and deal with. It’s going to happen again…and you know what I’ll apologise to you again.’ He avoided her gaze, and he knew he was about to say something deeper than he planned but needed to be said. ‘That’s the best I can give. You either take it or leave it.’ Daniel looked at her as he said that.  

Erica nodded and said ‘Ok.’  


They stopped the handshake and parity was restored.  

Daniel felt humbled because it was the first time in a long time he felt; relief over a person. Still in the darkest recesses of his mind, he did not feel too good.

He did not want to all her or anyone else in.  

This was true conflict and Daniel did not know what to do. It was not often that he felt good to see Royce as he walked over.  

He just could not believe that he cared.  

‘You do have way with the ladies Bridgewater.’ Royce said.  

‘Sad, but true.’  

‘Is she ok? What did she happened, she sped into him?’  

‘That’s the thing; to answer your first question, she just a little shaken, but here’s the thing and I just realised I said thing twice in the same sentence.’  

‘How can we, when you just brought it up?’ Erica said and Daniel wanted to smile but he kept up his stoic stance.  

‘Ok I got that. The driver said she was stopped; her handbrake was on, and she felt the car just move forward with force. Her foot was not on the gas pedal. She says it was like she was pushed, but no car slammed into her and no could move her that hard and that far.’ Royce said.  

They all looked at each other.  

‘This our guy? The Man in Black?’ Erica asked Daniel.  

‘Could be, could be something else?’ Daniel said.  

‘What?’ Royce asked.  

‘You remember seeing a number plate on the car?’ Daniel asked Royce and Erica.  

They both nodded and then looked deeper into their memories and then shook their heads. They looked confused.  

‘There was a plate, but and I remember this when I ran after them, the plate kept on getting blurrier and blurrier the closer I got.’  

‘What does that mean? You have bad eyesight?’  

‘No idiot. I’m talking about a spell. A blurring spell put on that plate, hell do you remember seeing their faces clearly?’  

Both Erica and Royce said ‘No.’ 

‘Then you are thinking,’ Erica said, ‘that magic, actual magic is in play here?’  

Daniel looked at both of them. All he could do is just nod.  

The sky was pitch black after ten and the sky rumbled with thunder. Even in the dark, the clouds formed ominous and dangerous shapes.  

The Ford Camaro had seen better days and Royce certainly felt some kind of way about it, but that did not dominate his train of thought as in the police cruiser that he borrowed, well he actually took as he drove up the interstate.  

‘So, magic exists? Like Harry Potter shit?’  


‘Fuck, I actually thought you talking total crap.’ Royce said. ‘How?’ Royce asked.  

‘If I could exist being able to do what I can do and what you have seen, why couldn’t magic?’  

‘So, there’s Wizards and witches?’ Royce asked even more excited.  

‘Mages, warlocks, sorcerers all of them.’  

‘Where?’ Royce asked.  

‘I don’t have the who’s who magic phone book Royce, but just assume they are everywhere because they are.’  

‘Jeez.’ Royce said. ‘Imagine if there is an actual like school for Wizards and Witches?’  

‘There are. There are loads of them across the world. Hell, I went to one.’ Daniel said and he closed his mouth. He said way too much. He got too comfortable.  

‘You did?’ Erica and Royce both asked.  

Fuck Daniel thought. I had to open pandora’s box, didn’t I?  ‘It was more like Professor X’s school for the gifted. Special people.’  

‘And magic was there?’ Royce asked.  

‘Yeah.’ Daniel said as he hoped that would be the end of the conversation, but he knew deep down that it would not be the case.  

‘Shit, Fuck man. The things you find out.’ Royce said and that was that. There were no follow-up questions. Royce had got his fill. He also knew that Daniel sounded that he was done with this conversation and got the hint.  

‘So, you’re bulletproof?’ Erica asked as she turned and looked at Daniel with a curious look.   

‘Yep.’ Daniel said.  

‘Near enough invulnerable?’  

Daniel nodded.  

‘And also, real fast, so I assume you are strong too?’  

‘Yeah. I am.’  

‘How strong?’ Royce asked.  

‘The whole don’t fuck with me kind of strength.’ Daniel said.  

‘So, what are you then, a weapon of war?’ Erica laughed with Royce who found it equally funny.  

‘Yes.’ Daniel said with little to no emotion. The tone sounded so matter of fact that it caused both Erica and Royce to stop laughing.  

‘I was joking.’ Erica said with a little bit of fear behind her voice.  

‘I know. I’m not joking.’  

‘Wait,’ Royce said, ‘so you are classed, where you’re from as a weapon of war?’  

‘I’m called a walking nuclear weapon.’ Daniel said as he looked out at the lights that lit the interstate. The sparse dark, shadow filled world in front of him. Empty fields, quiet. Danger that could lurk from anywhere. A large land filled with dangerous possibilities.  

‘Why?’ Erica asked.  

‘Ask Bolton.’  

‘I’m asking you.’  

‘Better to ask him. Trust me.’ Daniel said. ‘I don’t want to talk about this anymore.’  He kept his gaze on the outside.  

‘Ok.’ Erica said. ‘Sorry. I didn’t mean.’  

‘You got nothing to apologise for.’ Daniel said.  

‘I’ll still say it.’ Erica said and she felt bad. It was obvious that the nerve that was hit, was deep.  

There was silence. Then.  

‘Fuck!’ yelped Royce.  

‘What?’ Erica asked startled.  

‘My wife is going to fucking kill me. My car…Fuck man.’ Royce was close to tears. ‘I loved that car man.’  

‘Clearly.’ Erica said with comical annoyance that it made Daniel smile a little. Erica noticed that smile and she was glad.  

‘What should I tell her?’ Royce asked exasperated.  

‘The truth.’ Daniel and Erica said at the same time in the same exhausted tone.  

‘Nah too risky.’ Royce said. ‘I’ll say it was aliens.’ He looked at Daniel. ‘Are there aliens?’ 

‘The question is, did you steal this cruiser? Cause I don’t remember you asking for it.’ Erica asked.  

‘I asked someone, I don’t recall them answering and we had to get back so,’  

‘Stealing.’ Erica said, ‘Stealing Royce.’  

‘I asked.’ Royce said. ‘I stand by that. Not my fault they didn’t hear.’  

‘Flawed logic Royce. Real flawed.’ Daniel said. ‘I kinda like it.’  

‘Ah look who’s back.’ Royce said.  

Daniel smiled and then he realised why he smiled, and he stopped and went back to his armour again.   

Royce’s office looked slightly tidier than it was the first time. A person could actually see the carpet, but the carpet looked like some relic from the seventies, so maybe that’s why Royce hid it.  

A female cop named Cynthia came in with an oval wooden tray with cups of coffees on them. The coffee smelled good, rich in Colombian flavour. Cynthia looked older than most of the male officers here. She worked the front desk and with her large curls and even larger smile. The three each took a cup and thanked Cynthia for her kindness.  

Erica especially gave her kind words.  

‘It’s alright.’ Cynthia said and her voice that was youthful and light, belied the projected age that Daniel had thought for. ‘Just nice to be nice. If you need any help with, did you want me to order from Flattery’s Diner?’  

The three looked at each other and smiled.  

‘Any good?’ Erica asked.  

‘Good fries and fried chicken.’ Royce said as he tried as he waited for the footage from the USB to be loaded up.  

‘You sure you should be having something like that?’ Cynthia asked concerned.  

‘We ain’t planning to be going to bed early.’ Royce said. ‘Right?’ he looked at Daniel and Erica who both nodded in agreement.  

Daniel and Erica had files on their laps. They looked at papers of the warehouse, who owned it, what was stored there.  

‘Looks like the Warehouse is leased various other companies across the state.’ Erica said.  

‘How many?’ Daniel asked.  

‘There are four warehouses in this town. All four are owned by a few companies, Piaco Ltd, Sanz and Co, EGR Ltd and Lansdowne Limited. Are the ones who show up the most.’ Erica said.  

‘Are they linked, does one company own them all?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Looks like one does, they are all subsidiaries of Engrave Corporation. They are all over the world.’  

‘What do they do?’  

Erica grabbed a nearby laptop and started typing. ‘Scientific research.’  

‘Here? So, this warehouse is where they keep the equipment?’  

‘Yep.’ Erica said, ‘the four warehouses are all over North-eastern Pennsylvania.’  

‘Engrave Corporation.’ Daniel said in a deep thoughtful manner. He said that more for himself, just to keep the name fresh in his mind.  

‘The footage is up.’ Royce said excitedly.  

Daniel and Erica both got up and pulled their chairs around Royce’s desk. They looked at the files.  

‘Check a day before the murder?’ Royce asked.  

‘That’s the last one.’ Daniel asked. ‘Go for it.’  

Royce selected it. More films came up on Royce’s screen. They select the first one. The footage came up in black and white, from an angle at the top of the right of the room and it was Marty sat in his office. He looked around shiftily a few times, then reached to a draw, second to the left and opened the draw. There were some magazines in the drawer and Marty took one out, unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his trousers. He then reached down.  

‘Don’t need to see that.’ Royce said and selected the next file.  

The footage started. Same black and white. Same angle. Marty looked busy as he typed on his keyboard. He looked focused. He looked right and someone came in and Marty stood up and shook the person’s hand.  

‘That’s Taylor.’ Royce said.  

Daniel and Erica both looked at Royce as he said that and then turned back to the footage.  

Marty and Taylor sat down and looked like they had a good conversation. Daniel noticed that Marty looked at Taylor with pure admiration and showed a full set of teeth every time he smiled. The problem was that there was no sound.  

‘We’re going to need a professional lip reader or something.’ Royce said and he looked a little agitated, they wanted to know what was said.  

They all noticed the change in Marty’s face. It changed from gleaming smile to a more concerned look. Taylor went from being almost aloof, certainly relaxed to being sat forward and being a lot more animated and physical with his hand. As the seconds clicked on, what started as nice chat of jovial variety had now descended into a full-blown argument. Arms were out, fingers were pointed, and Taylor leaned forward. It looked like he had screamed at his full pelt and Marty went into his drawer and took out his handgun. The same gun he used to kill himself.  

Taylor did not raise his hands, but the aggressive posture had slowly evolved to a more neutral one. Taylor even stepped back. Marty shook his head several times and he even looked a little mournful while his form in holding the gun and aiming at Taylor, remained strong. Taylor pointed at himself and then pointed at Marty and left in haste. Marty still pointed the gun and that is when he began to waver a little and brought his arm down and put the gun back in the drawer.  

The video cut.  

‘Well, thoughts?’ Royce asked the pair.  

‘Clearly he asked Marty for something, and Marty refused to play ball.’ Erica said. ‘But what did he ask and why did Marty say no?’  

‘And that is the question rookie.’  

‘I’m back to being rookie?’ Erica asked Daniel who just nodded back.  

Royce clicked the next video file down.  

The footage started. The previous two files were in the day, but this one, which was later that same day, was at night.  

Marty looked like he was about to lock up when he looked around sharply. Fear hit his face and they could see his eyes had darted about. He took out his gun and loaded it. He didn’t load it in front of Taylor. Daniel picked up that detail.  

Marty went to the door and as his hand touched the door, that same door flew open and off its hinges. Marty flew into the wall hard; his back had slammed with such force, various plaques and certificates came off the wall. Marty still held on to his gun as he slumped to the floor, but rose off the ground, his head looked up like he was held by his neck and just in front of his chin. He was off the floor and pinned to the wall. His right arm, the one he was armed with, jerked left, then right, then up, and then down. His arm settled up, but his forearm and hand were horizontal to his temple and his hand brought the gun right near his temple.  

They all could see that his arm shook violently, he was clearly not doing this willingly.  

Then the man in black walked into frame. He swept his hand from left to right and the table moved as his arm swept. The man in black stood right in front of Marty who shook either in fear or rage. They spoke for what seemed like two minutes.  Marty strained and screwed his face, which looked it was painfully being disjointed and misshaped, by the sheer force that the man in black had put on him.  

It looked like Marty said something of note because he dropped top floor and dropped his handgun. He looked in disarray, his face painted the picture of a man who was a few minutes away from death. There was pain, but there was also relief across the face of Marty. The man in black walked and pointed his finger at Marty and jabbed his index finger hard into Marty’s forehead. Then he turned and left off screen.  

The video cut out.  

They all sat back. That was the last video file.  

‘Well, you know what this means.’ Royce said.  

‘Yeah,’ Daniel said, ‘looks like we’re going back to the Gun Range.’  

Royce shut down his PC and put the USB in an evidence bag and placed in a safe. Royce looked the safe by typing in a code. Daniel looked and hazarded a guess it was his or his wife’s birthday.  

‘What do you think we’re going to find back there?’ Erica asked.  

‘Answers. Hope the integrity of the scene hasn’t been compromised. Find some semblance of truth.’  

A knock on the door.  

‘Come in.’ Royce said as he packed up some paperwork in a file. This was a close to organised that Royce had been, and it was a sight to behold for Erica.  

A male officer opened the door, he was around five-ten and had short clipped red-hair close to the skin, broad shouldered and broad chested with thick biceps in a tight dark navy blue standard issue shirt. ‘Can I talk to you outside Royce?’  

‘Why not in here Roberts?’ 

‘Just need to talk to you in private if that was, ok?’ Roberts asked a little hesitant.  

Royce nodded and said, ‘Excuse me one minute.’ To Daniel and Erica and left the room with Roberts. He shut the door, but they did not stray too far from the office. They could see they faded, unfocused frames from the centre glass pane on his office door.  

‘I wonder what that’s about?’ Erica asked.  

Daniel just shrugged. ‘Fuck knows. Only they know.’  

‘Think it’s about us?’ Erica asked.  

‘I could give two, maybe three fucks if it were. No, I don’t care if they have a problem about us. People will always have a problem with us being here Rookie.’  

‘I do know that. I am American, Daniel. I’ve seen it, felt it, bought the T-Shirt. Hell, the T-Shirt was bought for me, and I didn’t even want it.’  

‘Painful shit.’  

‘It always is. Just have to roll with the punches.’  

Daniel smiled. ‘That a Chicago thing?’  

‘It’s a life thing and it’s the worst kind of life thing.’ Erica said. ‘It should be better.’  

‘But it’s not.’ Daniel said.  

Erica just nodded. Both realised there was no more words could be said and needed to be said about that.   

Royce came back and slammed the door. He looked upset, not just upset, but seething with rage. The look of frustration was obvious, but the look of hurt across his face was the most evident and the most startling.  

‘What?’ Erica asked as Royce walked past and sat on the chair behind his desk.  

‘What?’ Daniel asked.  

Royce stayed silent for a few seconds.  

‘What?’ Erica and Daniel both asked with a real rise in volume and frustration.  

Royce snapped out whatever held him in a gaze and looked up at the pair. ‘Sorry.’ He spoke. ‘Sorry.’ Royce could not hide the mournful tone in his voice. He sighed and touched the top of his nose that connected to his orbital bones. ‘Audrey Lange is dead.’  

‘What?’ Erica said and she sat down. Now she looked mournful. She had an idea why she felt that way, but she felt shocked she felt that so quick.  

‘It was the convoy to Patterson.’   

‘How?’ Daniel asked. ‘An attack?’  

‘Nope, would you believe a tornado hit them? Yeah, a tornado. One that came out of nowhere, none predicted by any station and the tornado didn’t even last like a quarter of a mile. Lasted for like a minute maybe too,’ Royce sighed some more. ‘If the tornado didn’t do the damage and the damage was picking up the three vehicles off the ground, a few hundred feet in the air, and dropping them. Then lighting blasts on that same spot, at the same vehicles finished the job.’  

Daniel looked up and closed his eyes. ‘Magic.’  

‘Yeah, actual fucking magic. Shit we can’t talk about.’ Royce wanted to yell but had to remain calm. That would do no good to him or the others.  

‘I know you made a promise to her.’ Daniel said. ‘Aim to keep that promise.’  

‘What? Arresting or killing them?’  

‘Both for all I care. Long as it’s done.’ Daniel said.  

‘You made the same promise. You plan to keep it?’ Royce asked.  

Erica looked at Daniel and he likewise.   

‘Yeah, I’m going to end it anyway that does.’  Daniel said after a pause. ‘We are going or what?’  

Royce drove the same police cruiser to the gun range. Cynthia told them she would keep the food she ordered warm. They were all thankful as dinner was currently some chocolate and nut protein bars from a vending machine was lunch and dinner combined.  

There was silence between the three. This could have been because it had been a long day for all three, as the time was approaching a quarter to twelve in the morning. It could be that the whole events of the day with so many roller-coaster emotions and experiences that could last a lifetime actually happen in one single day. A suicide, a comforting of a widow and a gunfight. This all happened over a nine-hour period.  

They all could be just hungry.  

Caffeine was Erica’s and Royce’s best friend, they had this in great supply, they took up substantial gulps, every couple of minutes, but not big enough to not be able for the coffee to last enough until they could get another one.  

Daniel on the other hand, just sipped his and held his cup in his hand, The warmth felt good in his hands. His window was slightly open and unlike the others he was very much awake. The air for some reason in the part of the world and this particular time just cleansed his lungs.  

There was more silence until Erica said. ‘Least they weren’t away from each other long.’  

‘You think he’s back with her?’ Royce asked.  

‘I do.’ Erica said. ‘I hope so.’  

Daniel did not agree, not from what he knew, but knowing something and knowing the right timing to bring that up. He was well versed in ruining moments like that and this time even he did not want to be the buzzkill.  

There was no need. He even hoped he was wrong for their sake.  

‘I hope so too.’ Royce said and he yawned a little.  

They drove on.  

Only two units were on scene as Royce parked. The three got out the car. Royce spoke to the one of the officers.  

‘One of the clubhouses is in use.’ The officer named Daniels said.  

‘What do you mean?’ Erica asked.  

‘There’s a like four clubhouses on site. One of them is being used.’ Daniels replied.  

‘They are aware it’s a crime scene and that the range and everything around it is still a crime scene.’  

‘It’s Mr Harris, detective.’ Daniel said with a hushed tone.  

Royce lifted his head and closed his eyes. He looked frustrated.  

‘Who’s that?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Who is that? That’s near enough the most powerful or most influential person in Preston.’ Royce said.  

‘Well let’s meet him.’ Daniel said.  

Royce nodded. ‘Okay.’ His tone was not positive.  

Once the three went past the actual range, which had dummies, targets on haystacks and targets for some reason that was on wooden deer on sticks. They passed a little hill, that at the top, the streetlights stretched out into the distance.  

The clubhouse was right down the middle of the grassy path and the largest one of the four. They could see puffs of smoke waft put in the night sky and lights were on. The clubhouse was made of brick and mortar with one floor and what looked like only two doors to enter and exit from.  

Royce walked down and Daniel looked at him. He could just feel the nerves almost emanate from Royce.  

‘Why are you so nervous?’ Daniel asked.  

‘He owns most of the city and the next one over.’ Royce said.  

‘Did he know Taylor Lambert?’ Erica asked and Daniel smiled. He thought the same thing.  

Nice one Rookie.  

‘Yeah, we all know each other, but him Taylor were very close. Best friends. They went into business together and had a tremendously fruitful partnership.’  

‘Then how come we haven’t seen him?’ Erica asked.  

‘What do you mean?’ Royce asked in reply.  

‘Glad you asked. I thought that someone who has such influence would be involved in some way with the investigation of his close friend’s murder.’ Erica said. ‘We haven’t seen a hide or hair of the man. He hasn’t come in and try to steamroller anything or insert himself into this. Nothing.’  

That seemed to stop Royce in his tracks, and he looked at Erica. ‘You’re right, I mean you’ve seen too many thrillers in your lifetime to make that suggestion, but yeah I think that sounds kinda sound.’ Royce looked thoughtful. ‘We have to play this cool.’  

‘We’re the three coolest people in Pennsylvania.’ Daniel said.  

‘Clearly you’ve never met Ben Roethlisberger.’ Royce said as they walked on and reached the door. Royce knocked. No reply, but the hums that could be heard from the inside stopped. Royce looked at Daniel and Erica and they all thought that was strange. Royce knocked again and after around thirty seconds when Royce indicated that they should get their weapons ready, the door opened.  

A man who was tall, well built, wore a light blue shirt, black trousers, and brown shoes. He had slicked back blonde hair, straight and flat at the front, neat at the sides. He had a two-day stubble and blue eyes. His skin looked clear. He should be on a runway or adorned on a poster. Not some clubhouse in north-eastern Pennsylvania. He smiled at the three.  

‘Royce.’ The man said. ‘What are you doing here?’  

‘What are you doing here? You are aware that this is a crime scene?’ Royce said and he tried his best not to sound exasperated. He did fail at that a little bit.  

‘I paid for my time here and I was going to be here.’ He paused. ‘We were going to be here.’  

‘So, you clearly don’t care about the man who died here?’ Daniel asked, tired of the man’s attitude already.  

‘Agent Daniel Bridgewater. Is that right?’  

Daniel did not reply. He just stared at the man and did not blink.  

‘You are a hard man to find any information on.’  

‘How do you know my name then?’ 

The man smiled, not concerned with the death stare that Daniel gave him for the last two minutes. ‘It’s a small-town Agent Bridgewater. People talk about all sorts of things. Plus, when people like you and Agent Chandler come into town and bodies start dropping, then there’s a multitude of conversations to be had…and to be passed.’  

‘And what’s your name?’ Erica asked.  

‘Oliver,’ he stuck his hand out, ‘Oliver Harris.’ No one shook his hand. Oliver showed no embarrassment. ‘Where I come from that is a sign of disrespect. When a man offers his hand, you shake it.’  

‘Luckily where I am from, no one gives a fuck about that.’ Daniel said. ‘Plus, you ain’t earned my handshake.’  

‘The aggression. Damn. I thought you Brits were a little more cultured and more magnanimous in your behaviour.’  

‘You people round here have really got to stop watching these Richard Curtis films. I love them, but if you think that’s what’s England is like, you need to travel there.’   

‘What are you doing here?’ Royce asked.  

‘It’s our group, we meet a few times a week. Plus, with those men dying. That affected us.’ Oliver said.  

‘You know any of those men who died at the warehouse?’ Royce asked.  

‘You know I do Royce.’  

‘Then why haven’t you I don’t know talk to me or anyone else in the police about his death. No statement from the King of North-Eastern Penn?’  

‘I would advise you Detective Drysdale to really watch your tone. This,’ Oliver laughed to himself, ‘is getting perilously close to police provocation. I mean my lawyers, the ones based in Philadelphia, the ones I pay a high, no ridiculous amount as a retainer would really love to take this on and bankrupt you and your lovely wife. You have such a nice house in a real nice part of town. Copland, they call it. So, watch your tone with me Detective.’  

‘That sounded perilously close to threatening to a police officer.’ Erica said. ‘I mean we are witnesses and we saw that.’ Erica said this to Daniel.  

‘I saw that.’ Daniel replied and kept his eyes on Oliver. 

‘I feel we could arrest him here. What the state’s law on being a rude prick?’   

‘This verbal fucking jousting is wasting my allotted time. It’s wasting yours too. Don’t you have a killer to find?’  

‘Oliver what the fuck are you doing here?’ Royce asked.  

‘With my group, mourning our friends. That’s what we are doing here and from what I know about my state and my country we are allowed to do that and we’re committing no crime so do you have anything to offer when it comes to that?’ Oliver said and he sounded a little more frustrated as a silver of that veneer of arrogance had since slipped.  

Daniel kept his eyes on Oliver’s left hand that had rested to his left the entire time he stood in front of them.  

‘How many of you are in there?’ Erica asked.  

‘Answer my question first Agent!’ Oliver raged and then immediately calmed. ‘Are we committing a crime? Is any crime by our law being committed right here and right now Detective? Agents?’  

‘You want me to bring you a warrant?’ Royce threatened.  

‘Please do, but assumption is not a crime, and your assumption is going to make an ass out of you Royce and also an umption. Now I don’t know what an umption is or if it is even a thing, but I think you are it. So, if we have no further business. Can we get on with our night? Officer?’  

‘We’ll be back.’ Royce stepped forward and looked at Oliver.  

‘No, you won’t Royce.’ Oliver said with real confidence. His face and in particular, his grin made sure that others knew he was truly confident. ‘Get home safe now. I hear a storm is coming.’  and he stepped back and shut the door.  

The three just stood there for a moment. Royce looked at Daniel and Erica. ‘I really want to nail that guy. The thing is for what?’  

‘That is the question. What does have to do with any of this?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Let’s get outta here.’ Royce said and he started to walk back. Daniel and Erica followed.  


Back at the police station. The three looked like there was a dead end. They sat in his office and ate the dinner that Veronica ordered for them. The fries were slim and crunchy, sprinkled with some spices, it tasted like Mexican, but could also be Carolina Reaper sprinkled in, and the southern fried chicken tasted, just right, crispy, yet when bit in the seasoning flared all the senses and the meat itself was succulent and just tasted like a dream. For the briefest of moments, for the first time in this day, there was a little peace.’  

‘No prints. Our guy hasn’t showed up since, looks like fucking magic killed Lange’s wife and four officers, the one person who could have shown us something blew his fucking brains out and…. and.’  

‘We are waiting for something.’  Erica said and Royce nodded.  

‘How many did you think was in the Clubhouse with Harris?’ Daniel asked.  

‘Not sure, possibly many. We could get their records on their clubhouse bookings.’ Royce pondered.  

‘We have to assume that Oliver booked them on his own. Plus, if he’s got cache round here, he’ll have got in with some money and smiles.’ Daniel said.  

‘Like he did tonight. Used his name to walk through blocked off land and got in.’ Erica said. ‘What do you think about the link between Harris and Lambert?’  

‘Yeah,’ Royce sighed, ‘they’re friends. They were friends.’  

‘You said they were in business together?’ Erica said. ‘What business?’  

Royce looked at Daniel and Daniel looked at Royce, both looked impressed.  

‘Are you over yourselves now?’ Erica said and she sounded disgruntled. ‘The rookie made a good suggestion. Well done.’ There was no attempt to hide her sarcasm.  

‘I’m not over it.’ Daniel said. ‘But we should check that out.’  

Royce nodded in agreement and then yawned a deep and loud one. His mouth opened wide and smelled his breath. The look of outright disgust pretty much made the next thing that came out of his mouth the only thing he could do. ‘Get your stuff. The problems will remain problems tomorrow. I’ll drop you off at the motel.’  

‘You know what,’ Daniel said, ‘We’ll portal there. You go get home to your wife. I’m not sure you can miss another dinner.’  

Royce looked at the wall clock directly in front of him above the door. Quarter to Twelve. ‘Dinner’s already been missed, but your motel is definitely out the way.’ He yawned again. ‘Could I get one of those portals home?’  

‘Sure, unless you want to feel like your discombobulated and throw up everywhere.’ Daniel said. ‘That’s what happens the first time anyone portals.’  

‘Really?’ Royce asked and he looked at Erica who nodded and smiled and yawned.  

‘I’ll get a ride from one of the units.’ Royce said and he swiftly got rid of that notion out of his head.  


Daniel and Erica watched the police cruiser with Royce drive off into the night. They had to wait for the next portal to come.  

Erica looked at Daniel and yawned again. ‘How do you do it?’  

‘Do what?’  

‘Act like how you act and not be tired. Like you look more awake now then you did this morning,’ Erica said as she put her hand across her mouth as another yawn came and went. 


‘You see that’s frustrating.’  

‘How so?’  

‘That’s your answer?’ Erica said. ‘Life.’ She tried to sound like Daniel as she said what he said, but she honestly knew she failed miserably. She looked embarrassed and Daniel felt embarrassed for her. ‘You have to say more.’  


‘Because this whole not saying anything about yourself, when people,’  


‘Yes, me want to know and actually think it may be good to talk.’  

‘We talk all the time.’  

‘Just not about you Daniel. Nearly everything else is on the table bar you and I just want to know why.’ Erica said. ‘Like how do you feel about today? All the shit that’s happened, all the death, that we seem no closer to what the fuck is going on. How do you feel about that?’  

‘We carry on tomorrow.’ Daniel said.  

‘That’s it? Four words.’  

‘Best I can give.’  

Erica shook her head as the portal opened up in front of them. ‘Try harder.’ She said as she stepped through the portal. Daniel followed.  


Daniel and Erica said their good nights as they went into their rooms at the Belladonna. Daniel walked in and shut the door. Unexpectedly as soon as Daniel took off his jacket, took off his ear communicator which looked like an ear bud, this was placed at the bedside table and was soon joined his weapon and holster to his right, he felt tired, like those two things had to be removed before his body could relax,  

He walked to the bathroom and splashed some water across his face, almost to wake himself up, but this was a lost cause as his body was now conspiring with his mind to rest and he may as well listen.  

What would being out there do for Daniel at the present time? Snooping about for dead ends didn’t feel right. Not with the day he just had,  

If the man in black was going to come for him or Erica, he would come and that would be that, but Daniel thought that maybe that Daniel or Erica was not a target yet. The man in black had a mission and they had just thrown themselves in it.  

He looked at his reflection. A few greys on his two days stubble had emerged. He studied his face. Times he could barely remember how old he was, but he looked at his face, those few greys and some wrinkle lines near the sides of his eyes. He looked at himself.  


Daniel Bridgewater did not look his age from far, he looked at least ten years younger than his actual age from a distance, but when a person got close to him, the subtleties of aging started to make much more a clearer picture of how old he was. For a long time, Daniel did not care about this, but that was fifteen years ago and forty-two felt like a true lifetime away.  

It did hit him that he saw someone kill themselves in front of him. It was something he was not used, and this was an honest admittance to himself. No one should be used to this, not that type of live.  

Deep down Daniel wished it was true that Marty and Audrey would meet each other again. Something that poetic, that sweet could only exist in fiction.  

There was nothing wrong with thinking that. Daniel thought.  

That’s true came another voice in his head.  

Daniel gritted his teeth. ‘I told you to stay out of my head Bolton.’  

Well, you took off your communicator.  

‘I wanted to take a break. Actually, try to sleep.’  

This will be quick. Go to the big mirror in the main room.  

Daniel switched off the light and walked in, as the mirror rippled like waves, blue waves came across the mirror and then formed into Bolton who stood in front of him.  

‘Working late.’ Daniel asked.  

‘No rest for the wicked.’ Bolton replied.  

‘You certainly are wicked.’  

‘Nice,’ Bolton said unimpressed, ‘I need a quick update on the case.’  

‘Early days Bolton. People are dying, people think we are involved, there’s uber powerful telekinetic as our main suspect and yeah, we think Magic is also in play here.’  

‘Shit,’ Bolton said with a sigh, ‘Magic.’  

‘Yeah, a civilian and some officers were killed by freak weather.  


‘Possibly. Not engaged with them as of yet, if they are even here.’  

‘You engaged with the telekinetic?’  

‘Yes,’ Daniel nodded, ‘he’s powerful on a level I don’t think I ever seen.’ 

‘You can handle it. That’s why you’re my best guy. How’s Erica? Training wheels still needed or is a true agent?’  

‘Yeah, she’s true. She’s annoying, annoys me a lot actually. But she is a natural. She’s asking the right questions.’  

Bolton smiled. ‘I’m glad. I thought this maybe too much for her, but I remembered something. I threw you in the deep end and you figured it out and swam yourself out.’  

‘I didn’t have a choice.’  

‘Not in this game. There is none.’ Bolton said and he paused.  ‘I paired her with you because she can learn from you.’  

‘What to be jaded like me?’  

‘No cause you’re jaded because of all the years you’ve been at it. You both will need that experience because the last telekinetic got real close to killing you.’  

‘But he didn’t kill me that’s the point.’  

‘No, the point is that he almost did kill you. That Longstaff got the closest, the closest in a long time. That’s the point.’  

Daniel sighed and he looked tired.  

‘Listen at the end of it, when you solve this case, I want you to trust her and her likewise.’ Bolton said.  

‘Why?’ Daniel asked with tired tone.  

Cause it is now way to live Daniel and you’ve lived that way for too long. Keep me updated and get some well-deserved rest. Try and not have your own nightmares.’ 

‘Yes sir.’ Daniel saluted. It was a mock salute.  

Bolton just shook his hand and raised his right hand made a graceful right to left sweep and the ripples came across the mirror and then changed back into his own reflection.  

Daniel sighed and went into the bathroom and ran the tap and water came from the shower. Unbeknownst to him, behind his door. Erica listened to the whole thing….   

Link to Chapter 10 –

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapters List

The first in the Daniel Bridgewater Series

Chapter 1 –

Chapter 2-

Chapter 3 –

Chapter 4 –

Chapter 5 –

Chapter 6 –

Chapter 7 –

Chapter 8 –

Chapter 9  –  

Chapter 10 –  

Chapter 11 –  

Chapter 12 –  

Chapter 13 –

Chapter 14 –

Chapter 15 – https://troyj81.w

Nocturnal Hunter – Chapter 8 – 7th & Maple


Units got to Audrey Lange’s home within five minutes. She was escorted out with the utmost urgency. She could only carry a few things with her. Not her phone, only her passport, driver’s licence and her shoes. She was clearly startled, confused, and worried about her husband. She asked them where she was going. The officers told her that it was a safe place. She asked if she could her husband so she could let him know what was going on. The officers did not answer.

The Lange’s lived in a good neighbourhood. The leafy suburbs and picket fences. Large back and front yards and drive-through parking. Wide roads and the country surround the cluster of three-to-four-bedroom homes in the area. So, when four police cruisers pulled up with agency and speed it caused a commotion and slowly as people saw Audrey being led out it stopped being a peek through the curtain to the whole let’s go out and investigate to questioning the police to what the hell is going on?

The neighbours were met with the same intensity and professionalism that Audrey was met with. They escorted her into the middle cruiser like a senator or president. A group of concerned neighbours came out and formed a worried party. They argued their case to find out why this was happening, but no one is going to get the answer they wanted. Three of the cruisers drove off and one stayed for crowd control.

Audrey looked at her home. The same home that Marty and she worked for. The same home they waited for and fell for as soon as they saw it. Thirty years of blissful living and now she was not even sure that she was going to see it again. As the house disappeared from view all she could think of was I hope I could speak to Marty about it. Hold him and him me. Let him tell me whatever this was, would be ok. This would be ok as long as he was here with me.

Audrey sat back as the sirens dominated the background. That thought would be the only thing she could hold true.


Daniel and Erica sat outside the gun range. There were a few more cruisers and an EMT worker was there who worked in tandem with the local CSI. The area around the front of the range was taped off. There was all this commotion going on and all Daniel could focus on was Erica who still looked a little shell-shocked. Daniel knew he had to say something.

‘First time?’ he asked her.

She snapped out of whatever thought had her attention. ‘Sorry?’

‘First time seeing someone you know. End it.’


Daniel sat up and looked at her with renewed interest. ‘What was the first time?’

Erica looked like she did not want to say a word, but Daniel looked at her and she just felt compelled to tell. ‘At college, this girl jumped off the bell tower in the middle of the afternoon.’

‘Shit.’ Daniel said, in a little shock not at what she said, but how she said it. It seemed to him, Erica was a very “In her emotions” type of person, so it did send him into the unknown how cold and how detached she was in what she said. ‘You know why?’

‘I do actually.’ Erica said. ‘The girl loved the wrong guy. He kept on leading her on and dropping her, leading her on and hurting her. He was a star freshman, the quarterback for the school, so he had the pick of all the girls in the university.’ Erica sighed and looked up. She closed her eyes. This was difficult for her. ‘He had all the charm. I disliked the guy, but I could see he had the charm to talk himself out of a parking ticket and you know he did.’ She paused. ‘He kept on fucking her over. He knew what to say and when to say it like he just instinctively knew when she was over him and ready to move on. She was ready to talk to other boys, he’d come in and fuck it up. Tell her sweet nothings cause any outside casual observer would know that’s what they were…Nothing.’ Erica looked around at the red and blue lights that hit her face for a moment. ‘Soon enough she got sick of it, sick of him, sick of being ignored and well sick of everything.’ Erica shook her head. ‘She knew when to do it as well. During general lunch period when students and staff were going to congregate for lunch and she stood up there and waited for him and his team to come out of their morning classes, she yelled out to him, got his attention, told him to go fuck himself and jumped. She landed like ten feet from him.’

Erica got up and walked around.

‘You saw it all.’

Erica nodded.

‘You had a feeling she was going to do it?’

‘Yeah, but I didn’t think she would you know? I didn’t know her as well as I thought.’

Daniel shook his head. ‘Bet that fucked him up.’

Erica nodded. ‘Yeah, he was never the same after that. He left soon after that and I heard that a few months after he got drunk and got in a car and well, he never came back alive.’

‘Damn.’ Daniel said as he shook his head. ‘The things that start a chain of events.’

‘Just never seen it so up close, plus I think it’s brought it back for me. That was something I wanted to bury.’

‘But here you are sharing.’ Daniel said with a smile.

‘Well one of us has to and looks like it is me.’ Erica smiled back.

‘Touché Rookie.’

‘What about you?’

Daniel looked out. ‘Not my first time seeing that.’

‘I could tell. What happened?’

Daniel looked at her and kept his gaze on her. This was a debate about if he should tell her, but he was not sure about it. He was not the sharing type, but how could this well whatever this was continue with her just giving and getting anything back from him? If the shoe was on the other foot, he wouldn’t like it and in fact, he knew what that felt like and for a while despised the person who did it to him. Hell, there was a part of him who still despised that person.  He nodded to himself almost letting her know he was going to tell her at least something.

‘Well, it happened when I was younger, a lot younger and,’

Royce walked to the pair and said, ‘They got Mrs Lange at a safe house, and we need to go now before she’s headed off to another location.’

‘Wait, Royce.’ Erica said upset that the moment got taken away from her.

‘No time Chandler. They don’t keep witlessness for long, so we have to move now.’ Royce moved past them and went into his car.

Daniel smiled to himself. ‘We gotta go.’

‘You know we are parking this conversation, but this is not over.’ Erica said sternly.

Royce stuck his head out as the engine started. ‘Stop fucking about and let’s go.’


It took good twenty-five minutes for Royce to get to the safe house. This was good for Royce who showed the demeanour of a demented madman whilst driving.

The safe house was located in the furthest east of the city. There were a lot of woodlands here. Long maple oak trees dominated the landscape. They went down three long winding country paths before they got to the cabin. If anyone was going to attack here, it would take them a while.

When the three got there, there were two police cruisers already and Larry, the chief of police came out. Royce parked and they got out and walked out to him.

‘Is she ok? Does she.’ Royce began to before Larry interrupted him.

‘She knows. I saved you to hassle. You have to have a clinical detachment to bestow someone with that type of news, something that you being a good investigator, get too emotional about Royce.’ Larry said with the same described cold detachment but also laced with a bit of self-pride that Daniel couldn’t help admiring. He was learning about the good people of this city.

Royce looked a little embarrassed and Erica, not being the good poke player, also felt the embarrassment and did her best to not disclose that she felt what he felt. Daniel noticed that and figured that someone did the same thing to her once, maybe more.

‘She’s ready to talk to you, but you only got ten minutes or so. The DA is getting her moved to Patterson just in case our guy decides to show up.’ Larry said.

‘The person that threatened her was not our guy.’ Daniel said. ‘That was someone else.’

‘Ah yes, Agent Bridgewater. The man, the Brit.’

Ah yes, me being a Brit again Daniel thought, and he smirked to himself.

‘The man who took the call and didn’t recognise or try to get a trace.’ Larry continued to bemoan.

‘They called Marty chief. The number was blocked and it’s not like we had any equipment to do the trace.’ Daniel bemoaned back.

Erica looked like she was sick of this conversation already and wanted it done. ‘Can we speak to her since we only got ten minutes?’

‘Chomping at the bit eh, rookie? You are definitely a city girl; more Midwestern women display a little bit more patience and have a bit more respectful tone to their voice when asking something.’

‘Time is at the essence, and I tried to,’ Erica sounded a little apologetic but was stopped by the hand of her partner clasped on her shoulder.

‘You don’t have to do that.’ Daniel said to Erica. He then looked at Larry. ‘Don’t do that. Don’t disrespect her. Not in front of me. She has a right to ask since we got what? Like eight minutes now?’

Larry bristled for a moment and then puffed his chest. ‘Who do you think you’re talking to?’

‘The chief of police who asked for our agency’s help and you have no jurisdiction over me or her. I’m not going to allow you to provoke or disrespect my partner like that. You don’t have to apologise, just use this as a life lesson.’ Daniel stepped forward and got as close to two feet as Larry. ‘Don’t do that again.’ Then he looked at Erica. ‘And don’t allow him to do that to you again.’ He said to her. Then Daniel looked at all three of them. ‘Excuse me.’ He walked past Larry and two officers stood in front of him their dominant hands near the holsters.

‘Let the limey through.’ Larry said and he didn’t have to look. He knew his men would step in the way.

‘Fuck’s sake I’m not a limey.’ Daniel said as the officers stepped out of the way.  He went into the cabin.

Erica looked at Larry and said, ‘I’m going to take that advice chief cause I got a good memory.’ She followed Daniel inside the cabin.

‘He’s making friends everywhere chief.’ Royce said.

‘I know…I like him.’ Larry said. ‘Keep close to him.’

‘Eagle eye chief. Eagle Eye.’ Royce said

Larry nodded and walked back to the first cruiser. He sat at the back as there was an officer already sitting on the driver’s side. The cruiser started and drove off. Royce walked into the cabin.


The cabin, being a cabin was one floor. A spacious living room area and kitchen. Three side rooms for the bathroom and two bedrooms. A log fire was on, and the room was immediately warm as a person entered it. There were three settees in the centre of the room, a centre rectangular wooden table with wooden side tables to each settee.

Audrey Lange was being spoken to by a police psychologist, a woman who looked young with red hair, and freckles that made her look even younger, but once listening to her as sagaciousness of someone older than she looked. Audrey looked understandably distant. As anyone would if they were told that the love of their life, the person to who they literally dedicated a good, if a not great portion of their adult, prime years to was gone.

Daniel knew that look. He’s lived by that look and only could fathom what it meant to have someone in life for that long. Most that he loved were gone and gone a long time ago. Daniel wore his distance-like armour. He understood her detachment. He wanted to tell her that, but he was on the job and the job, and the case had to be done.

The psychologist named Kaitlyn Palmer got her and spoke to Royce. ‘She still raw. So, keep it brief detectives. She has only just begun to process her husband’s gone and that her life is in danger. So, you know, I know you got the case, but be human please?’

‘It’s all we can be.’ Royce said and no one, not even him could decipher if he was being genuine or if he was tried for humour. Either way, Kaitlyn didn’t look impressed as she walked past the three.

‘Has she seen you naked Royce?’ Daniel asked.

‘What?’ Royce spat out.

‘Oh, I was just seeing if we were having a bad humour competition. I normally win those and I’m quite competitive.’

‘You are something else.’ Royce sighed.

‘Don’t I know it.’

‘Fuck.’ Erica said. ‘Have some fucking decorum please.’ She said with some venom behind that please and walked up to sit near Audrey.

Royce and Daniel joined and sat down but stayed silent.

Audrey clutched the mug that she held, with the care anyone would hold after loss. Like holding a baby, it was with both hands. Dried tears on my cheek, but those tear ducts still formed.

‘Mrs Lange. I’m Agent Chandler, that is Agent Bridgewater and Detective Royce Drysdale.’

‘I know Drysdale.’ Audrey said.

 ‘We are sorry for your loss, we just,’ Erica said.

‘Just ask your questions, detective.’ Audrey said, cold.

‘Did your husband talk about dealing with Taylor Lambert?’ Erica asked.

‘Yes.’ Audrey said and she sighed. ‘He loved that man. Loved what he represented. Loved his ideals. I think he saw a little bit of himself, especially when he was younger.’

‘Was there any dealings that you would consider, kind of shady, was there any late nights or meets.’ Royce asked.

‘I know they had a disagreement recently. Marty was not happy about it. Came in a real huff. Looked like it hurt him. Then something else happened.’

‘What was that?’ Royce asked.

‘He wouldn’t tell me, but he, he started talking about leaving for a long holiday. It started sounding less like a holiday the more he spoke about it. It sounded like a real relocation. Something spooked him, not just spooked him. Put the fear of god in him.’

‘When did this happen? His change?’ Daniel asked.

‘A day after the Lambert disagreement.’

‘Do you know what they disagreed about?’ Erica asked her.

‘No, he kept certain things away from me. He knew I’d get involved and get him into more trouble cause of my mouth. It starts flapping uncontrollably when he or I am threatened.’ Audrey said with a little smile like she went back to a memory that was near and dear to her heart.

‘You’d give no fucks.’ Daniel said and Audrey looked at him. They briefly smiled at each other.

‘He was the calm one.’

‘You’re going to be sent to Patterson for the time being until we get to the bottom of this.’ Royce said.

‘I know.’ Audrey said. ‘If I were you, I would check out our’ she checked herself, ‘my home. He took security footage there. The stuff he didn’t want to be accounted for.’

‘And how do you know that?’ Royce asked and leaned forward.

‘I know my husband since I was seventeen. I always knew he was hiding something, good or ill. I always knew. He wanted to be perfect, even if he everything the opposite. The only perfect was the love he had for me, so I knew, and it acted like I didn’t know when he kept things from me.’

‘Why?’ Erica asked.

‘He had to have some power or believe he did. He’s a man, the illusion of power keeps them sane, and the ones that go mad are the ones who truly know they don’t have any power in their lives. Plus, I knew he only did that to protect me from me.

‘Where’s the footage?’ Royce asked.

‘Behind the large portrait in his study, the portrait of some frontiersman with a rifle, behind that is safe. The code for the safe is stupid and ridiculous, but it was Marty Zero-Four-Zero-Seven-Seven-Six.’

Erica and Royce looked at Daniel who looked at them back. ‘I know your independence day. What? You’re looking at me like I was there.’

‘You going to catch them? The man who made Marty kill himself?’ Audrey asked.

‘Yes.’ Royce said without hesitation.

‘I don’t want you to catch them, Royce. I want them dead. You understand?’

‘Frontier Justice doesn’t fly here.’

‘It needs to be. Now it needs to be.’

Royce nodded. ‘Okay.’ He got up and said, ‘We’ll get them.’

Daniel and Erica got up. Both said, ‘Sorry for your loss.’

Daniel looked at her and said, ‘We’re going to get them.’

Audrey nodded and a single tear fell.

‘Marty, he told me to tell you, Keep my wife safe and tell her I loved when I met her. He knew that but didn’t tell her because she thought that was nonsense, but I believed it and I’m glad I did.’

Audrey smiled with sadness. ‘The fool.’ She laughed. ‘The fool I loved more than anyone.’

There were no more words to be said to her. What else could they say?

They left Audrey alone and once the door shut, she sobbed uncontrollably and held the mug tighter than before.


The three walked out of the car. Daniel walked ahead with purpose, well to him it was a purpose. Erica and Royce just looked at him, hell at this point they were gazing at him. Daniel got to the back passenger door and pulled the handle it wasn’t open.

He turned around and saw the surprised gazing from the pair. ‘What?’ Daniel said with little attempt to hide his annoyance.

‘You were halfway kind there Bridgewater. Colour me surprised. Colour me real fucking surprised.’ Royce said.

‘I’m full of them.’ Daniel said. ‘You gonna open?’

‘I just want to bask in this,’ Royce said, and he looked at Erica, ‘don’t you?’ he asked her.

‘Yeah, I do.’ Erica smiled. ‘Not often he expresses well anything other than bad jokes.’

‘I’m expressing extreme frustration right now.’ Daniel said behind gritted teeth.

‘No witty comeback?’ Royce said as he grinned with his full teeth on display.

‘Nah I’m just going to go with wanton violence by ripping off your door its hinges, hot wiring your car and taking it right in front of you.’ Daniel said and he now smiled.

Royce and Erica both sighed.

‘You just, you know you take the fun out of everything.’ Royce said as he pressed the unlock button from his car keys.

‘I aim to displease.’ Daniel said as he got in the car and shut the door.

Royce and Erica both entered.

‘Well in that regard you are succeeding magnificently.’ Royce said as he started the car.

‘Thanks.’ Daniel said. ‘The feeling of success is just overwhelming.’ Daniel couldn’t have sounded any more unenthusiastic.

The car moved off.

‘You know the way to Lange’s?’ Daniel asked.

‘Of course, I do.’ Royce said as he took a right turn.

‘Good.’ Daniel replied.

‘Yeah, good.’ Royce said as to get the last word. Daniel allowed it because even for him, it was juvenile.

They drove in silence for a minute. Daniel noticed that Erica hadn’t said a word since they got in the car. Not that there was any provocation from himself or Royce to talk to her, but for some reason, this concerned him, and Daniel was concerned that this concerned him. That anything other than finding Wallace he should not be concerned with anything.

The frustration of this, these thoughts would be clear for anyone to see if they turned around. Daniel told himself to get on with it. The case needs to be solved. Dangerous Telekinetic to stop and bring in.

He looked out at the various trees, clustered together, having been on this earth for longer than anything and all he could think of was why was she silent?

He needed to know.

‘Rookie?’ Daniel asked.

Erica turned and looked at him.

‘Why are you so silent?’

‘I’m not allowed to be silent?’ Erica asked as she looked forward.

‘Well, eh, yeah well no, I’m just wondering.’

‘I’m thinking.’ Erica said.

‘About?’ Royce asked.

‘She knew where all this footage is. She knew Mr Lange was hiding something and she never bothered to look at it, not once.’ Erica mused.

‘His business is his.’ Royce said.

‘Nah something, feels off, like I know I’m not her, but if my husband was acting all funny and playing the whole “let’s leave Hun” and I know shit is in this room I’m looking.’

‘You aren’t trusting?’ Royce asked.

Erica looked out. ‘What’s trust these days? Something that can be weaponised. That’s what that is.’

‘Jeez Bridgewater, you’re just rubbing off on the rookie.’

‘That’s not me.’ Daniel said. ‘Though I’m impressed with the statement.’

‘So, you.’ Royce said as they came off the country roads and into a small stretch of road that lead to an intersection.

‘Fuck you.’ Daniel said tiredly.

‘Fuck you.’ Royce said with a smile.

Daniel shook his head and smiled. ‘Fuck you.’

‘Nah. Fuck you.

‘Will you both shut the fuck up?’ Erica said, fed up. ‘Men, I swear if you didn’t just open up with each other the whole world would be better. Men!’

They all laughed and said in resounding fashion to each other ‘Fuck you!’

This was a real connection. For all parties, it felt good.  


They pulled up to the area where the Lange’s resided and parked right outside their house. It certainly did not look right. There was violence across the area. The police cruisers were across the road. Police officers were on the road. The police lines were on the ground. Other houses nearby had busted windows and bullet holes.

Royce parked. ‘What the fuck?’ He came out and pulled his weapon and kept it low. He aimed all around, anywhere where his eye could see his gun followed.

Erica did likewise and kept low. Royce signalled to her to cover him as he moved forward. Erica understood and looked around aiming as well. Shifting around the vehicles as Royce moved to the first officer and checked his pulse using his two fingers on the officer’s neck. No pulse.

‘Fuck.’ Royce said, but there was no time. He moved to the next officer and did the same. He again bowed his head.

Erica joined him and felt the pulse of the next officer slumped in the driver’s seat. ‘He’s got a pulse.’ Royce sprung up and ran to his car, pulled his radio, and spoke frantically ‘This is Drysdale, I need all units for backup at 7th and Maple, by the Lange house, police support attacked two dead, one critical,’ Erica pointed two fingers at Royce, ‘Two critical. I need ambulances immediately.’

A buzz.

‘Assailants still in the area?’ came the response from the female dispatcher.

‘Unsure. They hit a few houses,’ Royce looked at fresh tyre tracks on the road, ‘looks like they have left, but unsure come as we are assuming they are still here.’


‘Support will be there in three minutes.’

‘Thanks over.’ Royce said.



Royce then realised that Daniel was not around. ‘Where the fuck are you Bridgewater?’ he then saw Daniel step into the home of Lange. The door was left ajar. Royce gritted his teeth and seethed the word ‘Fucker.’


Daniel stepped into the house and the hallway was in disarray. Shelves, papers, and pictures are all over the ground. He made sure not to step on any picture frames. He looked into the main living room. It was the same scene. Everything was either tipped over, this being furniture, papers, photo albums magazines and books on the floor. The television and speaker systems were destroyed, and so were several glass tables.

They enjoyed the destruction Daniel thought as he left the living room. It was a big abode. There were six rooms on the ground floor, and each room was the same. Whoever did this was not thorough. They moved here with the ferocity of a tornado. He went upstairs and looked for the study. It didn’t take Daniel long to find it.

The room was one of the larger rooms, to the east of the house. There was a nice rug to be seen. It looked like a Kashmir, but it was covered by various books as the shelves were ripped off their hinges and thrown down onto the floor. The main table which overlooked a large window that overlooked their backyard had some papers, but there was no computer or printer. There were no other wires, so they are to it all. Then he saw the large portrait that was broken a little at the right-hand side, some dents to the frame, but there it was the painting of a frontiersman looking out to the great plains. It looked quite beautiful if the real-world context wasn’t so troubling.  Was this man an explorer or a marauder? That had to be a question that had to be asked another time. As Daniel looked at the wall, he couldn’t tell where the safe was. The wall was just the wall. Wallpaper plastered with deep grey colours that were quite a contrast to the lacquered oak columns from ceiling to floor at each corner of the room. It gave the room some weird authentic authenticity to what Daniel thought was a longing for times gone past.

Daniel put his right dominant hand across the wall and brushed it at around the same level. His irises went grey and the greyish and white waves of radar cane across the entire room. Daniel did love this ability as it made searches like this tolerable and would resort to him doing more damage. His hand brushed part of the wall that felt harder than what he felt before. He pressed into it and that part of the wall clicked and pushed back, Daniel could hear small levers work and the wall then lifted up and a safe door rose up and moved forward so it was level with the wall.

‘Bingo.’ Daniel said.


Daniel spun around and his gun was already pointed at Erica who was just as fast and out of habit pointed at him. They pointed their guns at each other approximately for two seconds.

‘What the fuck Bridgewater?’ Erica said dropping her arm as he did.

‘You thought about knocking on the door before you enter a room you never entered?’ Daniel said a little flustered.

‘No, did you?’ Erica replied.

‘That not the point.’ Daniel said, but Erica already was next to him, and she looked at the safe.

‘You found it.’ Erica said.

‘I did.’

‘You going to open it?’

‘I was about to, but then you didn’t knock.’

Erica shook her head and said, ‘Drop it.’

‘Yes, mam.’

Erica shook her head again as Daniel did the zero-four-zero-seven-seven-seven on the lock twisting the knob with real care. The door clicked open and there were three USB dongles, files and several wads of cash and bonds in there. Daniel passed the USB dongles and the files to Erica who looked surprised.

‘You trusting me?’

Daniel smiled and left the room. That was his answer. Yes.

They walked down the hallway. Then they heard a loud bang and the terrifying sound of gunfire.

‘Royce.’ Daniel said with real concern.

They ran down the stairs and got to the doorway, Daniel went left, and Erica stayed right. They looked outside and saw a black land rover swerve driving towards the police cruisers, the driver and passengers who were all in black and wearing ski masks were all armed with AR-fifteens and were firing at Royce who ran away from one of the cruisers as it was smashed into by the oncoming land rover.

This pushed Royce into the air as the spinning cruiser smashed into him. They fired at Royce while he was airborne and missed each shot as he landed hard onto the room of his Camaro and rolled off it as bullets hit every point he just rolled off. He landed hard on the road’s surface and his gun left his grasp. It skidded across the ground around six feet away, Royce went to go after it, but gunfire and bullets rattled and skipped off the ground which caused Royce to move his arm and duck behind his car as the land rover turned and swerved firing at Royce.

‘MY FUCKING CAR!!! YOU BASTARDS!!!!’ Royce screamed as bullets penetrated one of the things he loved. He ducked and covered his ears and gunfire rained over him and glass hit him, and he had to cover up.

Erica looked at Daniel and said, ‘Cover me.’

Daniel nodded and aimed and fired at the land rover as Erica sprinted to Royce and full pelt and fired as well. Daniel hit the back passenger in the arm as well as hit the wing mirror. Erica fired three shots into the windscreen and hit the shoulder of the driver, she grabbed Royce and picked him up and they went to the other police cruiser for protection.

Daniel came out of the house and walked in a straight line, as he shot. They fired at him, and bullets hit him, but he kept on shooting at them. Being shot did not move him.

‘FUCK IT!!!’ Screamed the driver and he put the car in reverse. Erica span around the cruiser and ran to the other cruiser that got hit, ran up the bonnet and to the roof in one graceful move and fired at the land rover which was in full reverse and its tyres screeched with such power smoke came out of them.

Daniel sprinted after them as did Erica.

The driver pulled up the handbrake and turn the wheel fully to his right, the land rover span a three-sixty and was now facing the road in the correct direction. He pushed down the handbrake and grimaced as blood poured down from his shoulder.

Daniel soon left Erica with greater speed than Erica realised. He was actually gaining on the car as the back seat driver came out of his window and fired one-handed at Daniel, who ran in as he was getting hit by the bullets. The car passed a stop sign. Daniel got closer and closer to the car, as he got closer the licence plate was out of focus and this took out his concentration and he was about to close enough to touch the back of the car when –


A car coming in from the right hit Daniel at full speed and was on the windscreen as the land rover kept on going. The maroon Buick that hit Daniel span a few times and the woman who was driving screamed in pure shock and then broke and broke hard. The Buick slammed to a stop and Daniel rolled off the windscreen, then the bonnet and then hit the concrete road. He tried to get up, but he couldn’t and slumped back down.

Link to Chapter 9 –